Funniest Ginger on the show: Burr or Louis CK?

8  2014-05-05 by Ebhagz

I'm also gonna throw Opie's name into the mix just to make it a wildcard.

  • They're both brilliantly funny but I feel like Bill has a more genuine sense of humor. I listen to Burr's hourlong podcast of him blabbing about random nonsense and it entertains the shit out of me, I'm not sure if I could listen to an hour of Louis CK every week and still get as many laughs. Also, I've never seen those two niggas together in-studio.

Before - Louis CK Now - Burr Never - Opie

Burr is the funnier comedian. CK is the more accomplished comedic writer, director etc. two very different things.

Bill Burr. He seems more genuinely funny and never tries to "sound smart" even when he is being smart. He also seems like he'd be cool to have a beer with. I like how he uses his podcast as a 2-way street and genuinely asks his listeners to email him info when he's curious about shit and he talks about doing things that his fans have suggested/invited him to do (playing hockey in Canada, going to Normamdy Beach early in the morning to smoke a cigar, etc.). He just seems more like a normal, down to earth dude.

Bill Burr knows he's an idiot

I wanna go to Canada and play hockey outside so bad now thanks to him. But I have a DUI, so looks like I'll settle for Minnesota this winter!

I like Louis in a more abstract, storytelling way. I don't find him as funny as when I initially heard his old material, but that just shows growth as an artist in general - he's more of a creator now, than just a comic. Bill Burr, is funnier that almost any comic that has come on the show though. He has great energy, and his rhythm on stage is perfect. I've watched and shown his specials to people over and over and he's never failed to make me bust out even after repeated viewings. The last Louis special though, I felt like I did a lot of waiting to laugh, then feeling like the payoffs to the jokes weren't that killer. It was funny overall, but again, in a more abstract way - which to me isn't always satisfying as a comedy fan.

I feel like Louie's comedy is "smarter", but Burr is genuinely a funnier guy.

Like Louie in American Hustle wasn't that great because without saying jokes he didn't write, you could tell he didn't have much to offer. But Burr killed it in the few scenes he had in Breaking Bad.

Are you calling Bill Burr a coffee cup?

Burr, CK has never made me laugh.

CK is really funny and I enjoy him but besides his review of "GAP" on the show I've never burst out laughing listening to him or his stand-up. I still respect the hell out of him he's great. On the other hand I can't get through 10 minutes of Burr's podcast without hurting my stomach with laughter

Your mother's cunt

Eastside Dave of course

Suck and fuck, scissors up!

And hello to you too

Both are great. Both I've met in real life and were incredibly kind to me so I'm a little biased. I would say Bill though just because he's extremely funny conversationally, whereas Louie's strong suit in my opinion is storytelling.

Agreed. They're both amazing but Burr has a slighter edge by being way funnier off the cuff

Burr easily. I love Louie but c'mon... Burr is Burr.

I'm going with the wildcard! Check out the empties maaan!

neither of them are in opies league

Louis was possibly the funniest stand up on the planet for a while, but I think it's Billy Fuckface's turn to shine. His last specials have been fantastic and his podcast is more consistently funny than this show.

I like both comedians but if we're only going on what has been said on the show then Burr would be my pick.

I hate them all. They should have more scientists and athletes on the show.

Just die.

Ob dot loyig, awright?

CK makes jokes and internally I enjoy them and acknowledge that they are funny.

Burr makes me laugh out loud. One of his appearances on the Joe Rogan podcast was one of the funniest things I've ever heard. There were three instances where I had to pause because I was crying with laughter.

They're not any better than each other - they're top dogs in whatever they do, it just so happens that they're both hilarious comedians that makes the show even more enjoyable. It's all in the difference in material and vibe of the show.

Burr has made me laugh in everything I've seen him do

I wish more people chose Opie :(

I would say Louie, I never really got into Burr except sometimes on the show. Louie has always made me laugh in every appearance. How can you not crack up when the boys were fucking with Krock callers and Louie is just shitting on the callers?

Louie is funny but Burr is just at a whole different level.

I think billy is funnier off the cuff on any topic, though he can be quiet on the show at times. I think Louis can write a better joke and storytell, though occasionally he is too serious for too long without bringing any funny.


every special is amazing, guy is so fucking consistent and has my favorite style of comedy, i could listen to that guy talk about anything.

its really this simple louie is a better writer/director than stand up, he has some funny views on things but overall he kinda seems like an introverted dick, burr on the other hand is the loud boston type guy and has a great way of going into any subject no matter what and make a joke without making an opinion on it, he plays the "im just a regular joe, what do i know?" and it works perfectly.

plus burr doesnt have a gimmick like louie does with his jumble a bunch of words like cunt together real fast like jim was doing today, idk but that kinda gets old quick

Before Louis Ck became super popular, he was my favorite comic they would get on the show. Here's an episode of the show with Ck and Burr:

What other kinda Ginger's we got?!

Carrot top,Ronald McDonald...


They've been in studio together. They spent the first hour trashing Menino. I believe it was the "I saw the soign" show. Look it up.



louieee is funnieeeerrr you pigggg cunt

And hello to you too