I hate Jim being fake humble when talking about his new show.

0  2014-05-05 by buttriot

We know you're excited. We know you think this is your big break. You're not fooling anyone.


Shut up you fucking dweeb. Nobody gives a shit about your insights.

Yeah people only give a shit about his outsights uh sumptin tssss

Maybe he really is humble because it's only a pilot for an Internet show so he prob doesn't wanna get his hopes up til he sees how it unfolds.

He should be humble about it. I think the o and a crowd will watch it, but besides it, unfortunately, I don't think it will get any traction.

What makes you think that? Why the fuck does every O&A fan have to be ridiculously cynical 24/7?

What could he do as a host of an internet talk show on Vice? Be self deprecating constantly and tell tranny jokes? The comments on here are enough to say its run its course.

but they're cynical, so we have to be too

Can you post under a new name or something? I can't take you seriously


Listened because Louis was on. He got me into the show in the first place. What an asshole.

Louie can be controversial but calling him an asshole is out of line, sir.

he's responsible for me listening to hours of racial inferiority rants and high school drop-out elitism. So yeah, fuck him.

I see you bitching on here all the time. And I know this because every time I see your name I want to say "BUUUUTTTTT RIOOOOOOOOTTTTTT!" in the same way kids yell "food fight" in movies. Don't ask me why.

Its not even a TV show, its a web series... regardless he has an opportunity to do something different here, I hope he takes it.

He will humble you with his ten inch cock if you don't watch.

The fact that he seems genuinely happy about the way it came out actually excites me. Why are you guys such fucking haters? Jimmy is a hilarious man that makes me loff several times every single day. He's the quickest funny man I've ever heard. I don't understand the hate?

Jim's a pessimist. How do you not know that by now?

So what is your point? Upset that he got a break? Comes off as you wanted to be this and you didn't do too well. Your past posts seem to paint that picture. Just stop.

give em a break, i get on jim alot but i think it will be good.

Such a sweet boy. Doesn't want anyone thinking his ego is inflating.