Dump Opie's misinterpretation of Louis' Common Core criticism

0  2014-05-05 by 55gallondrum

A week ago, Opie brought up that Louis tweeted a pic of his third graders' test:


Opie genuinely thought the reason he tweeted it was because there was a misprint? Something about the "3. 6" at the beginning? Is this not 100% clear that he takes issue with the substance of the question, and the level of difficulty for a third grader?

Why do I listen to these dumb men? Their stupidity really does just aggravate me. Today Jimmy said 60 is "one-third" bigger than 40. I don't think it's that he's wrong that bothers me, but how confident they try to sound when they are misinformed about almost everything.

EDIT: The misprint in the title was part of the bit. Jesus, why do I bother?


Hey Einstein, you misspelled 'dumb' in your title.


Haha, I did. Whoops.

Sooooo it was part of the bit?


No you dummy, they weren't talking about that tweet. In another tweet (that it seems Louis has deleted for whatever reason) there was a picture of a series of math questions and the misprint came in the last one where the question wasn't on it's own line, but instead the second to last one went directly into the last question and it was just a clusterfuck of numbers on one line.

Louis even specifically said in that tweet that it wasn't the difficulty of the problem he was pissed about. The question's were from a standardized test, but that they had such a blatant typo showed how little care they put into the question. The entire thing was about how the questions seemed like they were unnecessarily convoluted and weren't engaging the kids in the appropriate way.

A few news sites covered it (sites like gawker rather than CNN or actual news organizations), so you can probably find one out there that has screenshots of the tweets he deleted.

a) You're a title mistyping dope.

b) It was Cumia that talked about the tweets. Are you one of those guys that can't tell the voices apart.

c) It was multiple tweets, not one, each highlighting various aspects of CK's concerns. Tone and language, methodology, and then sloppy misprinted ill-prepared obviously not proof-read testwork.

d) It is now somewhat trickier to pin down exactly what the nature of Louis's original complaint was ... he very much enjoys telling people about sending his kids to NY public school, but the people he likes to impress with that are the people who don't generally like anything which vaguely looks like an attack on the teaching industry. So he's not being as forthright as he was when he took to twitter to air his initial grievances.

e) Your chosen username is 55gallondrum. You don't get to talk about smart guy radio.

Wasn't it Ant that thought the issue was with a misprint with the picture where answers 4 and 5 were on the same line? That also stuck out to me as missing the point.

I feel the same way a lot of the time... I guess I keep listening for the 25-30% of the show that is still something close to funny and entertaining.

dOpie really is as dumb as a bag of dildos though, no argument there.

Yeah I know what you mean. They do say stupid stuff constantly and they are wrong a lot. I usually try to listen just to have a laugh. Jimmy is good for a laugh and annoying when he tries to sound smart about serious point. I most enjoy when they have a good comedian or two on and Anthony is having a good day, then we get a good show.

Opie is a dumb blonde. News at 11.

At least is wife only graduated high school a couple of years ago so she'll be able to teach Hudson and East.

I'm with you. I also find it very frustrating hearing them speculate, and say all kinds of dumb shit about things that could easily be resolved in a second, if one of the guys in the back used Wikipedia.

But if you bring it up today, that was the "bit" and you're an idiot for not getting it.

Opie's tombstone will have the inscription: "THAT'S THE FUCKING BIT"

and it still won't be funny.

When they aren't making dick jokes they are incredibly uninformed on pretty much everything.

I don't want to chime in about this discussion, I just want to say that the 40 plus 1/3 is 60 thing bothered me, too.

You know you don't have to listen to the show right?

3 kids chose A. 2 kids chose B. 1 kid chose story C.

What is the difficulty here?

1/2 of 6 is 3. 1/3 of 6 is 2. 1/6 of 6 is 1. Definitely 3rd grade material, unless you're black

and all kids were mistaken, because all answers are in fact correct

  • the american schoolsystem 2014

i wonder if any of you could talk about interesting things and make it entertaining for 4 hours 5 days a week non stop without saying something stupid, im sure you say 100 stupid wrong things around your friends but it goes by the wayside because millions of people are not listening.


stop being a dummy louie