OandA unable to take criticism

0  2014-05-05 by BigPolak

Okay so I was booted from Paltalk today, because I said that Opie and Anthony sometimes do bad shows where they play too much audio and it goes on for too long. Somebody got angry for criticizing them and called me a fag. I replied, 'sorry I don't kiss up them all the time# and got booted.

Before this Anthony blocked me on twitter for tweeting him 'you don't argue very well. When you disagree with a caller you just talk over them and yell. Blocked

A little touchy for guys who's premise is to criticize and trash stuff. It's not like I went on their twitter or paltalk and just swore at them constantly with no point. I had a critique, and it was obviously not permitted. It just seems like sometimes these guys are a bit 'too good for us' and don't let us have an opinion. I still like to listen to the show sometimes, but on many occasions it just annoys me, hence i pick and choose shows to download now and very rarely listen live.


Don't care

said like a true left wing hippy

How do misspell hippie right after reading my name?

it can be spelled both ways.

Perhaps it has more to do with your criticism being not very original or insightful than their ability to take criticism.

You posted a thread about getting onto Paltalk and then you're second thread is bitching about getting banned from Paltalk. You're an embarrassment. I don't even want to hear the other side of the story. There's something wrong with YOU.

Here goes, explaining the same thing again. Yeah I wanted to know if I could listen to the show and I was listening to the show on Paltalk. During the show they played a long bit of audio, so I said, shows like this, when they play very long bits of audio, get boring. I was booted. I was making a critique of a bit, and just got kicked out for it. I was happy to carry on listening, despite my critique, but as I said, I was booted! I went to the other room [Ted's room or whatever] as listened for a bit. It got boring, then I left. Is it so hard to understand why I feel a little hard done by, or do you want to defend the celebrities and criticize me because I'm not known?

You're on the spectrum, aren't you?

Everyone acts like they're one of the few to do this when it happens to O&A many times, every day, and for different things. They get criticized for things I enjoy and get praise for things I don't and in mass quantities.

I would block you too. Not because I can't take criticism, but because I would get sick of the noise. Do you have any idea how many people don't like Jocktober? Just look at Twitter when October rolls around.

But it doesn't matter what I think; O&A don't do the show for me, they do it for a large audience. If I don't like the direction of a particular show (that dumb college pornstar episode comes to mind) I turn it off and come back the next day.

Well its different to give constructive critisim and to just say that you dont like something. To just say that they do bad shows sometimes doesnt really contribute anything.

I have bad days at work aswell no need for some stranger to point it out.


Ah so close it was almost a civilized person's reply, then you remembered you were an OandA fan and had to add FAG at the end.

Well hopefully Anthony will read this and realize what a mistake he has made.

Does he do the bouncing in the paltalk room? Or are you referring to the twitter? He made a mistake, I doubt he will realize it.

He does bounce people from Paltalk. I feel he made 2 mistakes. One with twitter the other with paltalk. Keep ur head up. We can get through this together.

Maybe they're just sick of non-contributing, whiny fans picking apart their livelihood.

It sounds like in both cases you were being annoying. I think that's why you got booted and blocked.

Yeah being annoying by making a critique. Okay. Being annoying would be going OandA and cunts, OandA are fags over and over. I make an honest critique and explained why I felt that way, but got booted anyway.

Being bounced and blocked is one thing. If these millionaire DJ's can't take criticism, fine. It's when they block negative criticism but re-tweet positive stuff about themselves, then it gets a little Mancow ['love you, love your show'] and reeks of ego.


Yes sir?

Yeah, they are babies when it comes to criticism, but that's what makes the show so funny. What the hell would be entertaining about Anthony listening to someone who disagrees with him and considering the alternative??? Nothing, I tell you! NOTHING!

You were probably booted by a mod there - not Ant - and it will probably only last 24 hours. Don't worry about it.

There's another paltalk room you can go to. Don't bother with Paltalk anyway.

In theory Paltalk is supposed to provide a good interface between fans and the show. However, the live room is absolute chaos filled with nothing but yes-men. The chat moves by too fast, you barely see the girls show tit (you actually have to pay for that with PalTalk upgrade), and you get booted for virtually anything by Ant or the "Mods". If you absolutely have to listen on Paltalk, listen on another room. But to me it's just not worth it.