Looks like the apology clock is going to have to be reset again.

4  2014-05-05 by BigGreenYamo


I don't get it, what did he say wrong? He said there haven't been any qualified black people that have applied but if they had one apply then they'd put em on the radio. Then that asshole caller tried to twist his words into him saying that there aren't any qualified black people to be on the radio.

I don't get it, what did he say wrong?

Technically, nothing..

However, given the current kneejerk-reactionary attitude of society, it will be pointed out that from his tone and attitude, the soon-to-apologize(or fired, fired, so fired) man on the radio was "obviously" saying that there's no such thing as a qualified black radio sportscaster that is worthy enough to host a show on SiriusXM Mad Dog Radio...

It makes no difference that that's not actually what he said... It will be perceived that way, especially by people who read the headlines of reactionary articles about this particular show who won't actually listen to the clip...

That's the society we now live in...

Haven't you figured the game out yet? Context doesn't matter. The actual message doesn't matter. There are just certain words that can't be used anywhere near each other, lest a wild shitstorm appears.

As a "white" or "black" person from the USA try and become media host in this Place who will view you as "white".

It is amazing that Anthony has flown under the radar for the better part of the last 6? years. I feel like he's shocked as well and just keeps yammering on, waiting for someone who would cause a ruckus to buy a new car and tune in for free one day.

Especially after the Patrice/Francine bit. Or the Patrice/Anthony "Nigga vs. Nazi" bit.

lmao post those if u can

Or him waxing lyrical about eugenics.

He's said some shit in the past couple months that would make certain people drool. That's why I love yet don't understand why Jimmy keeps poking Nancy Grace. If she did two weeks on them or could ruin them. I really think it's better to stay under the radar at this point.

I think it is possible that they just aren't big enough for anyone to care.

He probably just never thought to hire a black person to quell some future backlash. Just pull the old resumes and prove the people who applied weren't qualified. It's probably Earl.

When did "qualified" start mattering again?

When you have to talk sports 4 hours a pop. It's not like Mad Dog Radio is attracting the brightest stars. It would not shock me if there really weren't that many qualified candidates, white or black, applying for a job. Mad Dog would love if there was anyone ready to inject his channel with some life. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELLLLLLLLLOOOOOO EVVVVVRRRRRYBODY.

If any of you listened to mad dog radio you would realize how much of a bullshit comment he made. The talent on that station is hackish and full of castaways from other sports stations. I find it hard to believe he can't find anyone of different color or hell just different. Mad dog can't run a channel and took easy mode when he did hire.

Tldr, mad dog runs a shit channel and is a shit manager

Would we? Who gives a fuck

They boys also missed DL Hughley's apology a the other day

Why is this important

  1. Because of the apology clock

  2. Because it's a SiriusXM show

  3. Because fuck you, that's why.

It's fucked up how quickly race-related discussions get downvoted on here.

  1. Because of the apology clock

  2. Because it's a SiriusXM show

  3. Because fuck you, that's why.