A question

0  2014-05-04 by BigPolak

I started listening to the show recently, by accident. Originally it was to hear some of my favorite comedians on the show, but now I listen every so often. I was wondering, I know they used to look on whackbag, but heard they don't now. Do they ever look at any of messageboards? Where do they get the instant feedback that they sometimes mention on the show?


i think this is a pretty interesting subsection of O&A fans. i think most listeners to the show are truckers or XXXL degenerates, but i get the vibe people here are more in the reddit demo - ie: 20-something year old, college educated, stand-up comedy fans, who download the show and listen on the go

A lot of bobo's here too.

That pretty much sums me up + I do stand up comedy too [don't live off it yet though].

There's also a lot of current/former wackbag people here.

I think instant feedback was a thing but isn't used anymore. Twitter is now the instant feedback.

PalTalk is where Ant gets his instant feedback and its even more instant because there is no delay.

They do look here, almost all of em especially young Samuel.

I believe that they no longer go on wackbag cause it was all just asshole haters there but I'm not sure.

Instant feedback is an app you can download.

They're also on paltalk. They have been bringing up this subreddit quite often ever since opstergate happened and this sub did a fantastic job defending the boys.


Thanks for info guys. Do they still read out what listeners right then? I haven't listened to a live show in a while [mostly catching up on topics from a while back by downloading them on youtube and listening]. I would assume that they look on twitter then and read anything funny, or is instant feedback still in use?

One more question. To call in, is there a way to do it that isn't over the phone? I ask because I live in another country [Britain], so it would probably cost me a lot to call in from there. Is it possible to somehow call over this Paltalk [will be downloading it now]?



Are you talking about this one?


Wow. Is there a link? I'd like to seethat.


THP BIV If you two were to argue on who's mother is a bigger cunt for not ramming a knife in her pussy while you guys were festering in there, who would win the argument? Man I am really tired, worked on a feature film all day, then oh yea sold my movie 2 hours later, right before I made $2,000.00 for a half an hour on stage. Tiring day, I am sure you two have a lot to brag about. I was wondering if it's not any trouble can you guys look up on my website where I'm working come down and try to talk to me to my face the way you do on this board. I want to see how it turns out. Lets now twist this into a negative, one last question, before the net how did cowards like you two get your message out? Must have had a lot of self hate built up over the years. Going to bed, have to get up early to be on the set tomorrow. Maybe ill take a few days off to play golf, you see I do what the fuck I want. Because I'm Rich Vos bitch's


My favorite is that he is apparently very well respected amongst his piers. Lol

Vos seems like a good dude. I dunno why he would put himself through reading all that garbage.

My favorite is that he is apparently very well respected amongst his piers. Lol

Vos seems like a good dude. I dunno why he would put himself through reading all that garbage.