In lieu of Jimmy's Vice show, can we cool it with the Jimmy hate for a bit?

0  2014-05-03 by dianakurlan2

Ok, maybe hate is too strong of a word. But we all have things about the boys that annoy us, Jimmy included.

But if we don't try to support Jimmy and his show, which I'm sure will be good, then we can't complain the next time GQ comes out with a "funniest comedians named Jim" list and Norton isn't on it.

Jimmy tries to sound smart

Oh, look, future Jimmy is repeating himself

Does Jimmy think he knows sports?

Etc, etc... we've all heard it before. But I think Jimmy at least deserves for us to give his show a chance, and to try to unify as a fan base just this once. The guy is in a career crossroads at the moment.

Jimmy will never be Louis CK or Bill Burr, but he can at least be more popular than he is now, and if we try to be more positive about the l'il fellah for a few weeks while his show is being tested, I think it could help him out.

We can always redirect our hate toward Todd Pettengill and Roland.

What do you say, gang?

Edit: Well, this thread went well.


What a dummy you are! Just because we rag on him on reddit doesn't mean we don't support the little guy.

Hate is how we show love here

Expect for Roland

Ask not for whom the cronut rolls, it rolls for heee hee heee hee heee.

No one could love that tub o' lard. It's why he needs to shove down starch, to fill that unfillable hole.

That's illiterate gold.

You don't know what words mean.


Its not our fault he's turning into a lesbian right before our eyes.

Now, that's fresh!

"In lieu of"?

He's not getting the VICE show?

I hope it bombs

Yeah, it's actually kind of annoying to see. Since when is Jimmy the worst part of the show? You'd think he was, with all the fits being pitched by our rebellious against the grain posters.

Surely at this point we've agreed the Opie & Anthony show should kick all current staff and talent out of the studio and instead have Louis CK guest host on a permanent basis? Unless somebody's got a problem with him too.

Especially considering that Opie is the one that has been holding the show back for a decade.

"then we can't complain the next time GQ comes out with a "funniest comedians named Jim" list and Norton isn't on it."

Who here complains about Jim not being on any funniest comedian lists?

Idiots or bleacher report readers are the only people who complain about lists.

They can have a list with the ''funniest comedians named Jim Norton'' and he wouldn't be on. Fuck those GQ yuppies.

You don't know how to use the phrase "in lieu of" properly. It isn't interchangeable with the term "in light of." I hope for your sake that you haven't been saying this phrase improperly your whole life.

So you're saying that you can't say in lieu of in lieu of in light of?


Just as long as you don't try anymore CQisms, gang


A lot of people like to wear Mommy's shoes, apparently!?

Shut up, stupid.

Two comments on your post... 1) Roland is a fat fuck, piece of shit. 2) In the words of Jimmy, "Yuck!".

I support his tv show - hopefully it'll get big and we won't have to listen to his no sleep having, CUNT FART TITS LOL BABY BOYEEEEEEE LIBERAL BULLSHIT morning zoo fucking characters on the o&a show - he's been holding the show back for years now....

good luck jimmy, all the best.... fucking leech.

Only if it's good. If not, fuck this thread

What's this we shit? You got a turd in your pocket?

Are you trying to be a white knight?

Eat a bullet

Can we all sing kumbaya now? If Jimmy read this he would call you a zilch and tell you to get a life.

Awww little baby boy doesn't get support on his whittle Vice show? awwwwww. Eeeeck.


Do you find in your life that most people you meet don't like you?

lol not at all

I hope the show fails hard, just like everything else in Jimmy's life. Fuck that elitist ass.

How can an online show fail hard?