Jim Norton 2054

88  2014-05-03 by [deleted]


That's not Jim Norton that's Don Rickles.

Shit. I thought someone with a time machine was giving me spoilers.

Oh literal TheRaulRangel...

By then, the Edgar voice will be his regular voice.

And Uncle Paul will be picking up underaged trannies.

Jim will be well into his eighties and still be doing gigs at comedy clubs in Tampa.

You really think they'll cure AIDS by then?

I can't believe how much Jim really does look like Don Rickles. Never thought about that before.

It'll be a sad sad day when Don Rickles leaves us

I couldn't believe how sharp he was for an 88 year old on Letterman the other night.

Rickles is the fucking king

He wishes

"Why don't you get a horse and live in the mountains somewhere and stop bothering everybody. You've got a personality like a dead moth."

"You think that's funny? Because I called your friend a fat pig?"

"Oh, no I was just laughing earlier, when you were talking to his belly."

Jimmy even said on tough crowd once: "I look like Don Rickles because we're both mushy, ugly men."

I figured I wasn't the first to point it out, just watching the Letterman interview last night and couldn't resist.

Will Jamie Norton go bald naturally or will she finally get a haircut?

Are you being serious right now? Because I find that offensive.

Fuck you, you nigger Jew cunt

In appearance or in universal reverence?

Were's his ozzy shirt?I call bull-shit!

Jimmy won't live that long being an "aids bag" and all

I once hit Jimmy with a solid joke on Twitter: ' Jim Norton is the modern Don Rickles, not in comedic talent, but in physical resemblance'

Of course when I said it, it was funny. But I forgot the exact words and now it's unfunny. Well, see ya around fuckers

Did he favorite or retweet? I have to know!