TIL Ron and Fez were once Jocktobered by O&A

0  2014-05-02 by [deleted]


Here's the context:

Back in March 2005, while making fun of morning radio from around the US, someone calls in to play them "The Dan & Dan Show". What they play is obviously Ron & Fez. After they play it, O&A talk about actually liking this "Dan & Dan" and thinking they could be a contender for a golden ticket since they "liked what they heard". O&A were friends with Ron & Fez since WNEW and are making an inside joke about R&F already unofficially having a golden ticket.

This happened last Jocktober nigga


They've known Ron and Fez since moving to WNEW (2000) ya dingus.

Oh, I didn't open it because I was listening to Slave Girl. 2005? They definitely knew R&F back then

Wow. You're an incredibly stupid person.