5/2/2014 LIVE Listening Thread FRIDAY EDITION

4  2014-05-02 by hansel4150


Callers, take note. They don't like hearing "B-B-B-Boys"...




They LOVE it!

Everytime I listen I secretly hope for this and the utter disgust that always follows.

I still don't know why anyone would ever call the show. Opie is a cranky cunt to ANY caller, regardless of if they have anything interesting to contribute or not.

I got douche chills when Jimmy started talking about video games as basically murder simulators. Nothing says out of touch than that whole rant.

What a flip-flopping little faggot he is. After the Aurora theater shooting, wasn't Jimmy bashing anyone who said that video games were part of the problem, that they inspired more and more shooters?

If you found that audio and called the show or tweeted jimmy calling him out , I would be your best friend.

I think it was when Piers Morgan was in. I'll have to check later.

Well I suppose that makes o&a my rape/racism/pedophile simulator.

I agree. The show is the direct reason why I'm a bad person.

The way I understood the statement was that Jim was trying to point out how absurd it is for a company to be okay with murder in games, but not okay with a guy standing up for free speech (the guy didn't endorse Sterlings views, rather he stood up for him allowing to hold them). Given Jim's history regarding video game violence, I think he's perfectly okay with it.

I understand that is probably what he meant to say however when he threw out the words "murder simulator" (or something very close to it) it made me cringe.

Phrases like that are what fuels the media's hate for video games.

From Jim's Twitter; ". @TurtleRock I'm glad a guy blasting invasion of privacy is 'in contrast to your values'. But 1st person shooter games aren't. #Scumbags"


Yeah, but simultaneously, there's the factor that's present every single time-- These guys are trying to fill up four hours of talking. These aren't prepared statements, this isn't an article he wrote that he reviewed and tinkered and revised. There's an onus to not Fez, to express the thought in your head the instant you have it.

And what fuels the media's hate for video games is when their target audience is easily scared 40-50 year old moms. ("Kids these days are getting high off of Burt's Bees on their eyelids!! Have you replaced the locks on your medicine cabinet recently? You're a horrible mother if you don't care about this!")

Oh god please no. I may have to skip today

Yep, this sounds like a stinker.

Well you have to understand, he doesn't play video games because he's afraid they might influence his already stellar act. (Yeuck)

Why do you even listen if you cant even follow wtf they are saying..

Lazlo? Comment?

I think his hair style already gives off that message to the general population

Gregg Hughes, niggaaaaaaaaaa

I hope they see that video today

"Died In House Dot Com"


How the fuck could not knowing if someone died in your house cost you thousands?

Seriously I was wondering that too. When has it ever cost anyone money?

I bet what it is, is that the service costs 2001 dollars.

But they tell you if someone died in your house and they give you an assortment of green felt hats.

I pointed that out a few days ago, thought it was a bit. This is a real thing people pay for? SXM really knows how to get good advertisers. Seems like most of these advertisements are scams and they do knew ones every few months.

Oh boy, only 30 minutes until the Clip Show is over.

Once Florentine showed up, it was fucking awesome.

Denny joining the crew was the perfect finale.

Not listening live, any guests today?

Tammy is the Joe Derosa of standup

I wish Jimmy would do some research before saying Clarkson would call someone else out for doing the same thing. That apology was total sarcasm.

Did you listen to the rest of the show? They figured that out.

That's good, I must have missed it.


Did no on call Anthony out on the Seinfeld reference? Even I knew that one!

EDIT: I should listen longer before I post. They're surprised Seinfeld did something "Edgy?" The first network show to do an entire episode about masturbation?

Are we really susprised the Opster doesnt understand basic Seinfeld references?

The boys sounded like holes talking about how the Post said it was great that Sterling has cancer. They were appalled that it was happening. All the ladies agreed that it was fucked up that they were saying it.

It is pretty crazy that a news media would be happy about his cancer, enough to point it out by the boys, but they could do it in a less faggot way.

Crazy, yes, but all three of them have said the same on numerous occasions, and they give the news shit for not being real. That shit was real, and funny. I liked it. Sure it is awful, but so is Sterling. I love that people are at least starting to speak up to people about being racist, but a bigot will look at me funny, wondering why I'm calling them a bigot, and looking at them funny. Enough with the making other people feel like shit because you get your kicks out of hating them because of color. Hate all you want, but know that you assholes will from now on be on camera or recorded. I like it. If you are racist, you should only be able to hold leadership with your own business within the laws. Also,people are saying, its the slavery that black people are still pissed off about, but it is the fact that within the past 50 years a lot of bad shit has happened. I grew up in the south, and see the racism daily. Today. 2014! If I was looked at the same way I see black people looked at, I would be one angry motherfucker too, and might give you something to look at me that way for. I do love the show though. I've listened to every show since the day it was free on xm. I just wish ant would let go of this fascination with being a better person than anyone. He is just as much a piece of shit as myself, and he was everything(except the beatings because he was a sensitive fag) that he says he hates about black people. Drugs, crime, not paying rent.