Dave Attell's health

8  2014-05-01 by [deleted]

On Rogan's podcast he talks about his addictions and how how smokes at least two packs a day. Rogan tried to turn into a psychologist to try and figure out about his addictions. I know smoking a pack a day is brutal but do any of you guys smoke or drink that much?


NO! My health doesn't allow it!

Poor poor GleepGlorpFloopdedoo. You're a victim of the modern aaaage!

Pouhr pouhr guuhrl

Oh ya? Is it reasonable?

i was smoking 47 packs a day tsss

That's hilarious Chip

CigarETTE what is it a little cigar or sumthin'??? tssss

dhh dhh dhh

ffffffawk yeah, dhh dhh

Guy should really pick up an ecig. Got me to quit

Dave would never touch a robot dick

Same here. Didn't even use nicotine liquid. Just puffing on some vapor was enough to help me get over the habit part of the addiction.

I smoke a pack every like 2-3 days, and have been thinking about an e-cig. Should I get a legit over 50 dollar one, or does it matter.

It's been a few years since I vaped, but the "Ego" was cheap and well reviewed on forums. This is the one I had http://www.liberty-flights.com/product.asp?id=170

Thank you, I'll definitely look into it. Want to get one ASAP. Fuck hacking up shit like a coal miner.

I got an evod starter kit. I am quite the novice as I quit with blus and after using them for a couple months I jumped to an evod. But after only a month or so of that I stopped eciggin too. So I never got deep into it like many do.

/r/electronic_cigarette will help you out a ton. It will be filled with lots of jargon. But look for any basic starter kit recommendation threads. Super helpful. For a lot of people the hobby of it seems to help keep them off the real stuff more than anything.

And you can get varying dosages bof nicotine in your juice. 12mg seems to be the medium standard. I dropped to 6 pretty quick though. But you smoke a lot. Might want a bit higher nicotine level. Mtbakervapor.com is probably the most popular cheap quality juice vendor. Oh and certain flavors, mostly citrusy stuff, will crack plastic tanks. So if that stuff sounds good you want a glass tank.


I smoke just under 2 packs a day but I'm quite a bit younger than Attell. It's had no serious effects on me yet, however I was denied life insurance at the age of 19.

Why did you even tell them?

Why would you buy life insurance at age 19??

Maybe through work or something.

Obama, unsafe working conditions, got married young and is planning on having a kid, wants to be a responsible adult, he's not black, or he is black and lives in Chicago. Any number of reasons

Please explain how "Obama" is to blame for a 19 year old person being denied life insurance.

The question my reply is to is "why would you BUY life insurance at age 19" not why would you get denied... You see I'm listing reasons he might BUY life insurance at age 19. Obama requires everyone to have life insurance, so that would be a reason for him to BUY life insurance at age 19. Not for him to get denied life insurance. You see my comment was a response to someone else's question as to why he may BUY life insurance at age 19. If your still not following tweet Mike Baker, certainly the two of you can figure out how reddit works together.

You don't know the difference between life insurance and health insurance.

Ahh, I read that wrong. I retract my statements and go fuck myself.

Obama's bad enough we don't need to make up fake complaints


The affordable care act does not require anyone to purchase life insurance.

Please learn how to read. Then die in a fire, because you're (note spelling) a drain on humanity.

Way to jump on a 3 day old conversation and Not read the whole thread where someone else corrected me and I admitted fault. Fucking dolt. But hey keep reading week old threads because your being so productive in society

Learn how to spell "you're" before you attempt to lecture me, you useless cunt.

That's all you got? Grammer comebacks? Wow you burned me

"Grammer"? Really?

Ooh spell check comebacks too! Have mercy on me bully!

I'm not a bully.

You're just an idiot. Any spell checker would correct "grammer" to "grammar".

Oh literal JPY.... Go ahead, have the last word. You need it...

Sorry. Forgot I was dealing with the O&A High School Dropout/College Graduate Moron Club.

Please continue parading your ignorance around the interwebs.

Your ignorance amuses those of us who have more than a 4th grade education.

It'll catch up to you, trust me. When you are out of breath walking up a flight of stairs, you'll see.

I was up to 2 packs a day before I finally quit by vaping, it gets to the point where you just don't even notice it - I would sit down to play Warcraft and 3 hours later most of a pack is gone, and I didn't remember smoking any of them. That's scary shit.

Now I vape, haven't smoked since November, don't miss cigs at all. At Attel's age, he really needs to consider it.


I smoke a pack every week or 2 weeks, if i smoked a pack in a day I would be choking and coughing like I swallowed dragon cum.

No, you'd be a man.

So how much cum did you swallow before you became a man?

My dad use to smoke three packs a day and drink often. Two packs a day in the south for some of the older cats isn't rare.

I live in NY so I'm always around people who smoke but I never really notice it. It was just strange when Dave was saying he couldn't go 2 hours without having one.

Seen plenty of people light one, set it down for a second, light another one and have two burning. A lot of the addiction is habit. A two or three pack habit could be considered smoking only really smoking half of the cigarettes in their entirety. You will see a lot of half smoked butts laying around.

That was my dad. He worked a suit & tie job. He used to pack his suitcoat w/ 4 packs of Winston 100s.

He died shortly before his 59th b-day.

(laugh track)

My dad smoked Winston Lite 100's for many years before hitting his 60's and switching to Marlboro "gold". Same with the suit and tie. It's just old school. Sad to hear about your dad, mine is 69 and ok for now. I don't know how some of these old grizzled fuckers do it. Lifetime of partying, smoking, drinking and eating like shit. More worried about a fucking car wreck at this point.

Thanks for your kindness.

Odd thing is, my Dad's older brother smoked Lucky Strikes for 65 years & died in his mid 80s.

His younger brother is somehow still alive at 81 and drinks (by his own admission) at least 8 GLASSES (approx 16 oz. or 236.588 mL) of Scotch/day. That's on top of the 2 or 3 screwdrivers/bloody mary's he pounds each morning and the beer he guzzles all day.

edit: younger brother also smokes like a chimney & has since he was 16 or 17.

I smoke so you have more elbow room when your 80 and shitting your pants

thanks man


Maybe Dave just really likes to smoke. That doesn't mean he was butt fucked by his father.

No I'm asking how bad health wise is it to smoke that often and is it normal for some heavy smokers?

Is smoking 2 packs a day bad for the health? What in the fuck do you think man?

You must have never went to school

Well I know it's terrible I'm just politely asking if Dave's gonna have serious health issues soon like maybe lung disease or cancer. Didn't wanna come right out and be like, "That nigga Dave is the next comic to die early."

that shits so random who know. some people smoke and never get cancer while some people dont even smoke and get lung cancer

Dr Steve talked about smoking and drinking on one of his Weird Medicine minutes. It's bad for you but we don't know to what degree it is going to damage you.

This information is really easily available. Cancer and lung disease is largely genetic in combination with smoking, so lots of people get cancer from smoking but also there are people who are 80 and have smoked large amounts every day but weren't genetically predisposed to lung-cancer or emphysema. You can actually have your genetics analyzed to see if you have the genes for cancer and disease predispositions(especially lung cancer, they're pretty good at predicting that if only because of the giant sample size of smokers who've gotten it) and they're very accurate predictors. 2 packs a day isn't a ridiculous amount for a regular smoker but it's obviously not healthy. There are other risks besides the big ones of cancer and lung disease, like blood pressure and heart problems.

Thank you for posting accurate info.

My dad was a heavy smoker. He died at age 58. His brothers live/lived into their 80s. His younger brother, who will be 81 in September, has been a raging alky since highschool and was a heavy smoker all his life.

His older brother stopped drinking (on a reg. basis-he'd have a beer here & there, but I never saw him drunk or even tipsy) in his 40s. He smoked Luckys til the day he died at age 83.

Looking for health advice?

Hmmm, I know I'll go to a radio show's subreddit.

with all these comics dying early it would be sad if Attell's next

Yeah, but how do you know?

I quit smoking a year ago, but I only really smoked a few packs a month for a couple of years.

I'm still a raging alcoholic but I'm trying to scale that back a bit.

Same. I smoke a couple of packs a month. Usually only smoking on the weekends when I drink.

How much do you drink like my dad's a functional alcoholic in the sense that he has to drink 4-5 beers on weekdays and get hammered on heavy liquor on the weekends

I was smoking about a pack a day and when I had something stressful happen, I was smoking a little more than that and felt disgusting. I don't even know how you can smoke 2 packs a day with all the restrictions in places, so you'd have to smoke a ton inside your house, which is equally bad. Basically just chain smoking. It's a terrible feeling, I felt like I had poison in my veins, and also I felt like I couldn't think as well from the fumes I was inhaling. I picked up an e-cig to use when travelling, and quit regular smokes immediately. It gave the big cloud of smoke and nicotine, but without the chemical and terrible smell. Much more enjoyable, and I feel great. I still get that nicotine when I'm focusing on something.

I think he slowed down his drinking, can't get rid of all those vices

I think he's been sober for years now.

How much does he drink? I used to smoke a pack a day. Quit nine years ago. I always felt like an "if I can quit, anyone can!" case but I guess not.

I agree with Norton's opinion that many smokers and overeaters and drinkers have an oral fixation or a tic where they need to put their hands to their face or have something in their mouth.

Same with your mom.

double slopes bitch

I only smoke when I drink and I only drink when I don't have work but when I am able to drink I am definitely a binge drinker where I'll drink a shit ton to make up for the days when I can't. I need to get that shit in check.

Do you think he has ciggy breath?

Stopped drinking in September by reading this book after hearing Soder talk about it on Sam's podcast. Highly recommend it if you're on the fence/don't agree with the principles of AA.

I quit smoking right after I turned 21. I went out and partied one night, lots of whiskey, smoked a full pack, and saw a bunch of old friends (aka yelled a lot). Woke up the next morning and my throat was so shot I couldn't have the first one on my way to work. Once I broke the cycle that was it. I think knowing I would use the money I saved on booze helped, along with the girls in my life at the times' reactions.

I occasionally chew now, but find it too disgusting to pick up or get hooked on. Usually it's a baseball game being on that makes me want one.

Weed is safer than alcohol. I smoke that everyday.

I used to drink that much. Stopped after I had a few random fainting spells, my memory turned to shit and I started falling sick really often. Always had a cold or some bug. Had about a bottle of hard liquor a day and a six pack of beer.

I'll have the odd beer and get hammered on occasion (every few months, celebrating something).

Smoked a Churchill cigar everyday for a while. Never liked cigs that much.

I smoke when I drink, and I only drink a couple days a week. I probably go through about a pack a week. I tried the Njoy e-cig, but you have to pull too hard and it wasn't satisfying.

I'm sure it has to do with him quitting drinking



He should probably try...ugh..vaping. I just switched about a month ago from a half pack of ciggys to using the e-cigarettes and I only once tried a half of a cigarette I had laying in my car somewhere for kicks to see what it was like, awful, I can't see going back to it. It's kinda gay tbh, big metal knob in your mouth, sucking hard. But the flavours and vapor are really great. Just looking at getting one of the rebuildables that basically allows you to blow clouds, that should be fun.

I use smokeless tobacco (chew). I think nicotine wise, I'm at about the equivalent of 2 packs a day of cigarettes. Have never had any interest in smoking.

Regarding alcohol, I drank like 6-10x alcohol and 12x coffee throughout 12-hour workdays in my old sales/project manager job, sometimes starting with my drive to work. I never drank on weekends, and very rarely after work. But then I changed jobs and literally, overnight, had no desire to use alcohol as a tool/crutch. Now I just drink whenever I feel like it, which isn't a lot and can range from once a month to twice a week.

I guess I understand why comics drink and use drugs a lot - it can be something of a performance tool.

Goddamn, how many cans a day is that? I'm such a lightweight I throw my cans out after a few weeks because it dries out before I chew it all.

About 3/4 of a can. I used to know the numbers better, but it's kind of hard to pinpoint exactly, because different brands of chew and cigarettes have different amounts of nicotine.

My uncle used to smoke two packs a day until he died recently, at the ripe old age of 59, from Small Cell.

Tweet at Dave Attell to give ecigs a real try and save his life!

After I found the right ecig, I quit a pack a day habit that day. My nicotine buzzes are stronger, and I won't get cancer from the vapor.

I'm sure he's aware of ecigs. I wouldn't bother being a fucking nanny. He's a grown man and can do as he pleases.

You don't know the difference between life insurance and health insurance.

Obama's bad enough we don't need to make up fake complaints


The affordable care act does not require anyone to purchase life insurance.

Please learn how to read. Then die in a fire, because you're (note spelling) a drain on humanity.