Jimmy at Caroline's this past week.

33  2014-05-01 by Egress99


That not jimmy thats jamie. Jamie foxx

...am I missing something?

This could just as easily say "Caroline at Jimmy's this past week" and I'd believe it.

It's obvious now that he's aiming for the Denny look.

Who can blame him? That Falcone is one cool motherfucker.

Book of Denny (actually from Genesis 1:26, which is really bizarre).

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

Jimmy and Denny certainly creep alright.

When I saw him on Inside Amy Schumer last week, I didn't realize it was him until he spoke. Granted he was sitting next to Bob Kelly who has found all of the weight that Jim has lost.

Jimmy's a scrawny bastard now. Did he catch the AIDS?

I wanna know if that is his real hair. Either way it looks horrendousss

It's Denny's

For a guy that works out as much as he claims he sure iant putting on muscle or at least toning up. Im starting to believe the aids theory

Hes not bulking, dude only eats 1200 calories a day.

Remember him bragging about being able to do 100 pull-ups? He should at least look like a baby Jason statham. Unless it was all a bit of course!

Not for nothing, but I was just thinking the same thing

Caught it? He suckles it from the teet.


he looks like an emu

Still doesn't know what to do with his hands.

The bald look works for Jimmy he looked a lot better last year

If only one of his queeny partners would teach him how to dress like an adult

He mentioned on the show hes doing it for a gig.

Yeah I know I'm just commenting that he looks more presentable with the bald look

I think he looks a million times better now. But it's true that he needs some muscle now. When you do a lot of cardio you get this "skinny fat" look, where your body shrinks but you have stubborn fat that looks odd. That's probably what's happening here. It's the reason that middle aged runners often look odder than middle aged bodybuilders.

He needs to start eating and lifting some weights.

He looks like Bob Levy....

He looked better when he was fat... now he looks sick and old as fuck..

Its cool he lost weight/is healthier, but he just looks odd now.



At 5'2" 110 lbs. It's hard to rape girls when they're bigger than you. I think he's pretending to be a dyke to trick women into sleeping with him




I'm wondering if he wants that hair to become his 'thing.' It's been going on for far too long to not be intentional.

Yeah I know I'm just commenting that he looks more presentable with the bald look

...am I missing something?