5/1/2014 LIVE Listening Thread

7  2014-05-01 by hansel4150

Talk Amongst Yourselves. Fuck the Rangers.


Can you believe it's already May, folks? Jeesh, Christmas was two days ago. Am I right?


Just appreciate each day and more importantly appreciate each other, right gang?

I know! And the weather!

Right or wrong, yelling and screaming like a lunatic makes you sound like a fucking moron.

Bob Kelly is still fat. His "eat whatever I want" diet has clearly failed him.


Loved Ant's dye-it (diet) joke on Bobby. I don't understand what happened though. He seemed to be doing so well on No Sugars-No Grains. Like Roland, he's a fucking food addict and can't beat it no matter what reasons he has for living a longer life. Too bad...

Bobby can beat it. Remember those modeling pics of him from 2009 that the guys tore apart. He was in like the best shape of his life. According to Bob he's gone through 6 "fats" in his life and bounced back from them. It says a lot about the self control on his part with the fact that he's gone through 6, but if he can work it off like he has then here's to it.

I really hope he does because the last thing we need is another dead comedian. But I think the pics you're referring to are very early in his career when he was a drug addict. That can make the bouncing back much easier. He's been far overweight for the last 6-8 years straight (as long as he's been married, I think).

Why does Bobby always have to talk about his kid?

Because he's a fat idiot.

Also a last minute gift at Beijing Airport.

because it's a major life change for him? he can't just keep on breaking his knees for our entertainment. Can he?

wackbag levels spiking.

Where are all of the Blake Griffin photos then?

Fuck, that was nearly unbearable.

Our gay friend was caught in the clutches of half jungle fever.

Thoughts and prayers.

Sandy Kane in studio today. Bob Kelly too.

Oh boy!


Sandy Kane never shows up and the show is better for not having her in.

anthony seemed unhappy jim let his real 58 year old age slip, eternally early 50's, but going on 60. we listen to senior citizens. god bless.

Late 50's weh?

He's fifty-flrfth.


I listen a few days behind on demand. Nothing makes me happier than listening to the boys opinions and predictions on how things will play out. They are never right.


Just put the show on from the beginning. Is it just me or does Opie's mic sound like shit?

What the hell is up with the mics?

Have they always been juggling them between every sentence or are they literally just moving one around the table? I've only noticed it since last week that every other word is followed by 'cluuuuuuu, clunka clunk clunk".

Suddenly it's all I can hear and it's irritating.

I've always been annoyed by the noise of the microphone arm/stand adjusting as they moved it. It sounds like they're scraping the front of the mic with a quarter. Ronnie B did it a lot in that studio.

Thats why as a true broadcast proffessional, like Dennis Falcone, you never move a "hot mic"

....wait for it....

With all the live streams I can find online of various major league sports/ all the HD streams of movies I can find currently in theaters, you'd think somebody would put out a free stream of OandA for broke motherfuckers like me by now. It's just audio for christ sakes.. I'll pay one day, when I'm not living off peanut butter sandwiches. I blame Ant and his anti-moocher ideology.

All of the shows are posted on YouTube daily.


Did anyone catch Jimmy's Subway bomb? Fucking killed me

I wish Opie would talk about the fucking annotated transcript of the Rob Ford tape that's in the newspaper instead of playing a bad audio recording at a bar and then complaining they don't understand it.

He's only playing the recording because he was tweeting about it yesterday, so that he feels like he broke some news.

I could not care less about this wrestling bit. Who gives a shit?

How long did the Sterling/racism/black people talk go on for today?