Why all the Adam Sandler trashing?

0  2014-04-30 by Drunken_Wizard23

It's been clear for years that the guy makes movies geared to appeal to 13 year olds, why are they always so offended by how unfunny his stuff is? It's like how Opie always compares Observe and Report to Paul Blart, as if those movies were attempting to accomplish anything similar at all just because they were both about mall cops.


Opie's jealous he won't come on the show, probably.

This is pretty much it. Jimmy and Ant playfully trash Sandler but Opie's vendetta comes from Sandler always turning down the show

can't blame him, Opie does suck after all.

same with Jack Black and Paul Rudd.

the guy makes movies geared to appeal to 13 year olds

I like him when he's appealing to 13 year olds. That's My Boy and Zohan are the only two flicks in the last decade that I feel like have that stupid Billy Madison/Happy Gilmore vibe. 13 year old me doesn't want to see Just Go With it or Blended.

Funny People was a genius movie and briefly revived Adam Sandler in my heart. Then he made Jack and Jill.

I liked parts of Funny People but when people say "Adam Sandler movie" I ususally take it to mean a Happy Madison production that he stars in - he's always good in other people's movies (Except Spanglish which was just boring as fuck).

I know, but it was so ironic I thought Sandler might have turned over a new leaf. The movie was based on a hack comedy actor who made millions making shitty movies about mermaid-men and various other direct references to his shitty movies. Sandler understood the joke, he knew he'd been cashing in on his fame and making terrible films - that was shown by his participation in Funny People - and then he made Jack and Jill.

completely agree.

he went downhill when he stopped writing with Tim Herlihy.

Just saying, the guy's movies still make money, and I know a bunch of kids around that age (shuuure) and they can't get enough of the newer ones.

He was named as 2013's worst grossing director.

Odd, considering he's never directed a film

Sorry. His movies regardless.

Really? Even the rom-coms?

That's My Boy is one of the funniest films I've seen in the last 10 years.

Meanwhile hating Dane Cook is just jumping on a trend. :P


To paraphrase opie when a caller called in saying dane cook sucked,

"Stop jumping on a trend. Maybe you can think for yourself. For once."

He used to be funny but he's painful now

I don't disagree, but he's not making movies for the kind of people who find O&A funny.

So? All the more reason to trash him if he's painfully unfunny now and doesn't make the type of movies they enjoy...

The people who listen to O&A don't watch The Big Bang Theory, Two and a Half Men, or Adam Sandler movies, because listeners are mostly from major cities and have different sensibilities. But there's still a huge portion of this country that thinks garbage like that is funny, and proof is in the ratings/box office.

I'm not from a major city and hate all of that shit. There are plenty of people in major cities with bad taste, you just may not associate with them. Do you really think that all of the truckers that call in are from major cities?

Basically all of our girlfriends/wives. My girl loves that Big Bang theory shit

Some of us actually date people who share our interests.

You share all of the same interest as your girlfriend? Even sucking dudes dicks?

Sure, I've had MMF threesomes as well as FFM. My sex life is awesome.

May our Lord and saviour Dennis Falcone be the only one who judges you.


my gf likes hockey, comedy, and will listen to a OnA clip every so often if i know she will think its funny, i could never date a girl who thought that shit was funny, fuck yes but date no way.

If that's the lowest you'd stoop we are on very different levels my friend..

It's decent. There's a huge bandwagon following of hate because they use a laugh track, but I could take it or leave it.

"I'm comin outta tha booooooth!"

"I'll Carlton Fisk yer fuckin head with a Louisville fucking slugger, whadaya think of that ASS FUCK!"

All his recent movies have been cash grab garbage.

If he would do the show they'd pretend he's hilarious, and anyone who says he isn't would be called a "hater" a la Dane Cook.

His first comedy CD is some of the funniest shit I've heard til this day.

His movies BLOW but he's a pretty nice guy in real life. He also helps a lot of his friends out by putting them in his movies.


I hated adam sandler movies long before i started listening to OnA. Happy gilmore and billy madison were ok and i did like the talking goat bit(and even that wasnt really "funny"), but im sure i only liked that shit because i was 12-13 when they came out.

Because he stinks! Even for 13-year-olds.

Sandler blows. Fuck him and his baby talk bullshit voice.

Grown ups 2, when one inflatable raft gag wasn't bad enough they added 2! The visual equivalent to "ya get it?"

Also who the fuck has even seen a kmart like that?

Adam Sandler sucks and I don't like him. On a serious its the culture we live in people are amused by awfulness. Adam Sandler's movies are great if you're 10 and your balls haven't dropped


Because he sold out. In comedy you either choose money or respect from fellow comics. Money sometimes means watering down your act to appeal to more people. Opposite would be guys like Otto and Patrice.

Just saying, the guy's movies still make money, and I know a bunch of kids around that age (shuuure) and they can't get enough of the newer ones.

Funny People was a genius movie and briefly revived Adam Sandler in my heart. Then he made Jack and Jill.

he went downhill when he stopped writing with Tim Herlihy.

That's My Boy is one of the funniest films I've seen in the last 10 years.

So? All the more reason to trash him if he's painfully unfunny now and doesn't make the type of movies they enjoy...