4/30/2014 LIVE Listening Thread

4  2014-04-30 by hansel4150



I wouldn't get this annoyed listening to audio of my family being massacred as Ant & Jim do these press conferences.

No guests today.

Havent heard todays show yet, but i usually prefer no guest shows unless its a comedian who is just hanging.

Like yesterday, when Lewis Black came in for the whole show like he always does...oh, wait...

So disappointed how short Lewis' visit was.

Why did these threads die out? Only 3 comments at 910. I usually have a good idea of what happened by now.

Show is boring today. Not much to talk about. Same shit conversation about Donald Sterling. Roland coming in and getting treated with kids gloves, another Adam Sandler sucks break, etc.

Don't forget ending the show with more cronut shit.

Wait a minute, they're doing Cronuts talk today??? YES!!!! Can't wait for the upload!!!


No one, ever


I was a little surprised that jim gave roland a few jabs yesterday, but they sorta went un-noticed.

"All a scorned woman has to do is record her husband saying horrible things"

Then don't say horrible things, idiot.

You obviously haven't been in that situation.

No, I've never been recorded saying overtly racist shit, because I don't say overtly racist shit.

You missed the point

His point is shitty. If you work in a company that doesn't allow you to be a racist, don't get surprised that they kick you out when they find out you're a racist.

It's not really about the racism. Everyone has said shit they regret in an argument. Now imagine if what you said was recorded and released to the public.

That's a separate issue for which the woman will deal with the consequences. Has nothing to do with the choice to fire him.

I see that you're in argument mode where nothing I could ever say would make a difference or change your opinion in the slightest. So I guess we're done here.


Stop yelling

I'm not even disagreeing with your point about recording, just your conflation of the two issues. Just because it was wrong to record him in the first place doesn't make it wrong to ban him.

The recording is maybe immoral and maybe against the law, but people don't really give a shit about some unknown person breaking the law.

People do give a shit about a powerful owner of an NBA franchise being a racist.

When it comes down to it, he doesn't get to go basketball games anymore and walks away with 2 billion dollars; she gets to blow all her money on lawsuits and possibly faces criminal charges. Who really gets hurt more by this?


Except it is immoral and by California state law it is illegal. It's a slippery slope, banning people for what they say in their private life. That recording would never hold up in court. It's an illegal recording.

It's not a slippery slope, it's the rule of the NBA. You CAN and WILL be banned as an owner if you are a racist. Don't be a shitty person if you are in a contractual agreement not to be a shitty person.

The firing is justifiable given the information that was leaked (although there was definitely evidence that Sterling was racist before this, like not renting apartments to black people, etc), but the way in which the information was obtained still has to be considered. Context is ignored far too often.

It has been considered. Everyone understands it was surreptitiously recorded. It doesn't matter to the NBA, nor should it.


Right, the old "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" argument? I don't subscribe to that. Privacy is important, whether you have something to hide or not. Surveillance into people's private lives is the definition of a police state, and it's even worse if it's carried out by private citizens as opposed to government organizations.

You're breaking NBA rules as an owner whether you're racist in public or in private. The NBA is free to be a police state if it wants. She will be charged accordingly by the actual state if she broke the law.

You're right, the NBA can do what it wants. You seemed to be saying that it's ok that it was leaked in the first place because the things he was saying were horrible. Sorry if I misinterpreted.

See like I said they have been phoning it in for years. Might as well try prep burger at this point. uuggghhhh

Fawkin double Boos cocksucka!!

Wait a minute, they're doing Cronuts talk today??? YES!!!! Can't wait for the upload!!!


No one, ever


His point is shitty. If you work in a company that doesn't allow you to be a racist, don't get surprised that they kick you out when they find out you're a racist.