Opie & Anthony: Fake Roland Successfully Booked Mike Baker (04/29/14)

82  2014-04-29 by stevenknight


I love how happy this makes Sam

/u/notsamwastaken One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us!

I love it. Fake roland rules

Opie: "We'll take all Fake Roland bookings at this point."

Ouch. If you're Fat Roland you've gotta take that as a kick in the ass.

edit actually if you're Fat Roland just kill yourself.

This is awesome.

Holy fuck, I'm absolutely crying. What a fucking payoff.

Through your tears....

Fake Roland's gonna get a whole lot more Twitter followers real soon ;)

Let's buy him more followers on Fiverr. If a 2 people throw down $5, we can match the 26K real Roland has.

http://www.fiverr.com/neilcaffery/write-original-jokes-about-anything-for-you https://twitter.com/roIandos99

This is WAY better than feeding the egos of Di and Bobo and will allow him to fool even more celebs

This might be my favorite bit of the year so far. Whoever is running the fake Roland account you are a legend.

This is the most epic Attack On The Media ever....oh, wait...

it was amazing but hearing mike talk for 15 minutes kinda balanced it out.

A spy was fooled by a fake twitter user...

Fake Roland > Roland

You're doing God's work, Steve

Opie's such a liar