LIVE Listening Thread - 4/29/2014

8  2014-04-29 by hansel4150

If you missed yesterday's show we learned that Anthony used to wear mommy's shoes and Lady Nyyuuh was/is a crackhead


Lewis Black on the show today. Sweet.

Is this the first time he's been back since the "The show is so much better without Opie" thing?

No he's been on since that.

I can't remember this...can you provide a simple bit of context please my good fellow. Is it as simple as "Lewis Black said this once..."

Yeah. It was a show where Opie was out, and Lewis came in for the last hour. It was a really fun, fast moving show and when they were saying goodbye, Lewis says, in total seriousness, "The show is so much better without Opie" to which Ant replied "Holy shit...he's gonna fucking kill you for that."

Keep in mind that Opie held a grudge against Lewis for years because in 2004 he went on Howard to promote his book, but only called into O&A (at the time Howard was on FM and O&A were in the 1st month of the gig on the $2 premium channel on XM). So every time Lewis was in since then there was always a weird tension in the room with Opie.

Is there any audio of this

It happened November 17, 2010. You can find pieces of the appearance on youtube but whoever uploaded it cut the quote out. You can find references to it on wackbag, though.

BLACK ON WHITE CRIME. Is it reasonable to bring it up at every turn, ant?

Uncomfortable vibe in studio right now.

When Ant gets mad he just sounds like Joan Rivers.

Yeah, I mean Al Sharpton and Spike Lee are fucking annoying, but at least they aren't as repetitive as Ant. His rant today could have come from any Zimmerman discussion from last year.

People who always pipe in about the lack of racism are the ones who live the most sheltered lives. I'm pretty sure Ant's been treated like shit by a lot of black people in his life. Doesn't make him right, but he has every right to voice his opinion about it, and to try and shut him up would make him unload even more.

I really don't know what you are trying to say. I just find it annoying how he turned the discussion to this whites vs. blacks stuff.

You're uncomfortable, doesn't mean everyone else is.

It's vindicating for people to let off steam about racial tension.

Just because you can't relate doesn't make him an asshole for bringing it up.

What the fuck are you talking about, dude?

Opie didn't say a word for 15 minutes, until he just stopped the discussion and took the show to break. Jimmy was clearly annoyed that he had to argue with ant too, he felt that he had to challenge him and ant just kept unloading, while Jim didn't want to go there, all that genetics shit ant was hinting at. I think Jimmys voice even cracked few times.

That was fucking uncomfortable.

Oh no, an uncomfortable moment or two?? How will the show go on?

Yeah I think if you're gonna be a fan of this show, you'll have to deal with it.

So much butt hurt.

On your end? Definitely.

Good one.

My stomach hurts


So you upvoted yourself like 16 times and downvoted all my comments.

Look out, this guy's got multiple accounts. What a bad ass.

Wut. How do you know he has multiple accounts?

For the record, I do have a few accounts. For stuff like this ( and I also have a secret account for shitty chip jokes.

However I do not use multiple accounts to upvote myself or downvote others. Fuck that. And if this fucking cunt accuses me of that one more time or keeps sending me his shitty dm's I'll report him to the mods and they can check the stats etc.

Haven't sent you one DM buddy, and someone sounds defensive.

Sorry, I "confused" you with the user RustyVibrator. Fuck you.


Within ten minutes of his original posts, I watched his comments go from -5 all the way back to 0. His comments and my comments were the only ones changing votes. Dude really cares about his internet points.

Aww shiet. Did baby boy just run out of his butt hurt cream, baby boy? There, there.

You're the one responding like a desperate, attention-seeking bore.

You mean yourself? See, this is what you do. Get it?

Fuck off.

Stop upvoting yourself, faggot.

Take your downvotes like a man.

Please just die.

Refreshing the page, and your comments are the only ones going up.

Seriously, what's the point of voting your own comments up?

Are you that insecure?

You too.

edit: or are you the same guy? your account has just 4 post and you last posted a year ago.

I don't like to post, I browse here a lot though.

You're always starting needless drama on this subreddit.


Not really. The thing is that I just rule, or something. Get over it.

Hey Kids, lets not forget the real enemy here...cro-land Mc manchild.

Oh God, Mike Baker turned up to go on the show today ‘cos the fake Roland account tricked him. Whoops.

Fake Roland shall be seated at the right hand of our lord Dennis Falcone.

I find the Roland hate amusingly pathetic. But fake Roland is pretty funny. Anything to make that CIA hacks' life a little less easy is good by me.

I find YOU amusingly pathetic a-sumpthin, COCKSUCKA!

Was Joel McHale booked by the troll Roland account?

Just give me some fucking jokes. I'm tired of this idiotic conversation.

Japan and Germany were able to deal with it because they were rebuilt through an infusion of billions. When that doesn't happen people tend to adopt ridiculous ideology and ideas (Germany post ww1).

Have absolutely no idea what the discussion is on this, but knowing Mr. Cumia's arguments, let's not forget that Japan & Germany are ethnically unified/uniform in terms of population diversity so the level of social cohesion is a lot higher. After the tsunami a few years back a town that looked like a post-apocalyptic nightmare was cleaned up and back to its original self in a few months b/c literally everyone in that town pitched in.

What were they talking about that Japan & Germany came up? How they both turned into sexual deviant countries?

Fake Roland yes!!!!

Superfan Eric makes me want to reach through the internet and strangle someone.

Hopefully yourself.

LOL YAY! Fake roland lives with the angels!

Was that ad from yesterday about finding out if someone died in your house/potential house real? Sounded like a gag until it lead right into the next normally shitty ad.

I'm certain that it was real.

Sounds like yet another scam ad they've had on the channel.

Wait what? I didn't stick around for that ad. Next to Reuben The Rubber, bidding on women, and the prospect of owning your own oil rig, literally ANYTHING could pop up.

Yea and it had this serious but light hearted tone. It was kind of creepy actually.

we go from an old racist white guy to whites are the persecuted class and blacks are the problem with society... awesome, ugh

Glad that one caller pointed out what they did to Anthony Weiner.

These fucking overt racists calling in to agree with Anthony are hilarious.

Jumping the gun as usual I see.

edit: also, Sam is a quay.

O and a logic - free market should decide, but corporate sponsors are not allowed to pull their support.

Their "thoughts" on free speech are so convoluted and illogical, it's ridiculous.



Did anybody else notice that that disabled kid's voice sounded like a raspier Roland?

I'm happy my tweet got to Jimmy so much this morning he mentioned it during the Lewis Black interview.

Ant's fighting a losing battle, but he's fighting for the right side. There's way more brainwashed idiots than there are reasonable thinkers. Even Jimmy makes me upset. He's fucking brainwashed. He uses the word "white guilt" but he's displaying it right now.

Take it to /r/WhiteRights, pal.

Excellent strawman. I think Sterling is a racist fuck as much as anyone else. I'm just saying Ant is really barking up the wrong tree by talking so much about it on the show. Jimmy's opinions make me cringe sometimes, but he's still a funny fuck, as is Ant. Kindly sit and spin.

Sorry for misrepresenting you, I've just never actually heard the phrase "white guilt" used by someone who wasn't a hideously disgusting human being.

It's something that exists, unfortunately. People who stoop down and act like they've committed some kind of unspeakable crime for being white. I can't talk to fucking idiot white supremacists because it always delves into retarded woo-woo. Whites aren't some magical race of godchildren, but damn if we don't get shit on a lot for things we had no control over.


Oh no, an uncomfortable moment or two?? How will the show go on?

Yeah I think if you're gonna be a fan of this show, you'll have to deal with it.

No he's been on since that.

I can't remember this...can you provide a simple bit of context please my good fellow. Is it as simple as "Lewis Black said this once..."
