I thought Sam was going to kill himself for the show?

3  2014-04-28 by producerdan

What's taking so long?



You on the #rolandgate train yet?


Not so tough now pussies. Primetime is sick of our shit and he's gonna wax all our asses. Love ya Sam (wink wink)

That's right, Denny's gonna unchain him so he can knock your blocks off

You guys better watch out. Denny and Sam exist as two sides of the same professional-broadcasting coin. On one end, the benevolent and jovial St. Denny, bringing light to the world with his blessed Harddrive Of Hits, and on the polar opposite alignment of radio, "The Devil's Bitchboy" Sam Roberts. A maniacal, conniving, cutthroat radio man with a voice as shrill as his moral compass. None can know the eternal struggle of light and dark waged between Roberts and Falcone. For if Denny were ever to give in to the Dark Side, he would become more powerful than even Sam could imagine, bringing ruin to the world of radio and ushering in a millennium of morning zoo shows and fugitive contests. "Sam" is even rumored to stand for "Satanic Assplay Mulatto". Praise be to Falcone. May his blow-up saxophones always be with ye.

a voice as shrill as his moral compass.

This needs to be his new slogan.

Sam will forever live in Dennis Falcone's shadow

He is the shadow to Dennis Falcone's divine light

Maybe you could do it in his stead.

Special Delivery was the best show in Virus history.

Scissors up! Suck and fuck!

Sooner the better. I turned off the show today because he kept chiming in like his name is on the show banner.

Sam Roberts eats pussy niggas like you for breakfast. He's from the streets

Sam is the man. Fuck the haters.

You guys better watch out. Denny and Sam exist as two sides of the same professional-broadcasting coin. On one end, the benevolent and jovial St. Denny, bringing light to the world with his blessed Harddrive Of Hits, and on the polar opposite alignment of radio, "The Devil's Bitchboy" Sam Roberts. A maniacal, conniving, cutthroat radio man with a voice as shrill as his moral compass. None can know the eternal struggle of light and dark waged between Roberts and Falcone. For if Denny were ever to give in to the Dark Side, he would become more powerful than even Sam could imagine, bringing ruin to the world of radio and ushering in a millennium of morning zoo shows and fugitive contests. "Sam" is even rumored to stand for "Satanic Assplay Mulatto". Praise be to Falcone. May his blow-up saxophones always be with ye.

Sam Roberts eats pussy niggas like you for breakfast. He's from the streets

Sam is the man. Fuck the haters.