Jimmy, the _____ kid

6  2014-04-28 by Sentinel_Event

Jimmy used this line a lot, and it got progressively goofier sounding. I can't find any clips other than this one.


I'd like to make a compilation if you guys can post others.

EDIT: Just in case it's unclear, I mean to find clips where Jimmy drops something like the "the shit-holding keed" and not "Jimmy is such a fucking blank".


I remember one clip where Jimmy says he loves riddles. In HS they called him the riddle kid. He had a hat with RK on the front.

See, I know these clips are out there nestled in some show, but they're not big enough to name a whole clip after. Alas, we'll have to hope we stumble upon them in listening to old shows.

I'll keep an ear out for you because it's one of my favorite bits. I need a literal jim/colin compilation too

No, he was great at trivia, and he had a TK hat. He was the trivia kid.

Or maybe he did the same joke two times.

Haha youre right! Thank you, I knew it didn't sound right

It's my favorite joke of his. I use his fake nickname line all the time.

I think one time he called himself the "Comeback Kid" and Patrice was like, "Did you just refer to yourself in third person?!"

I think I remember he also used "laundry-folding kid" one time. He does it now sometimes without the goofy voice so it's not as good.

Jimmy, the "I like to touch" kids

the dick sucking kid

sleep apnea

I just listened to this clip in case he dropped that one. No dice (ah-ge-ge), but it was a good listen:


the "Doesn't know how good he has it" the "Fails to recognize his strengths" the "Most likely to fail on TV" the "Radio professional, moonlighting comedian" the "Son of 100 fathers"

oh that wasn't your posts intention? fuck to you cunt bag, fuck to your father of 100 fathers. IRAN.

Uh, did you mean to post in this thread?

He did, but he also probably meant to repeat 'son of 100 fathers' instead of goofing 'father of 100 fathers'.

Since the former is a 'ugh, Jim's so derivative and copies off of everyone' and the latter is 'Monster Rain is the single most influential work of spoken word performance in the history of mankind'.

So is that a reference to Monster Rain? You'll have to explain b/c I'm way outside on this one.

Nah, I was just being a tool and adding needless complexity.

the "Doesn't know how good he has it" the "Fails to recognize his strengths" the "Most likely to fail on TV" the "Radio professional, moonlighting comedian" the "Son of 100 fathers" oh that wasn't your posts intention? fuck to you cunt bag, fuck to your father of 100 fathers. IRAN.

Is just him being anti-Norton.

I thought this thread would be better directed towards labeling Jim as opposed to what he's labeled himself. Why don't you go enjoy a shrimp cocktail.

Now I get it. I just meant to find the clips of him doing that "keeed" voice instead of any names we can call Jimmy.

His Vice show could be fucking amazing if they don't put a bunch of whogivesaturkey celebrities on with Yimmy.

Really, do you have a movie coming out soon? Nobody gives a shit about Rampart.

Haha youre right! Thank you, I knew it didn't sound right