Congratulations Jimmy for your VICE show!

129  2014-04-28 by stevenknight


Seems like a marriage made in heavan. Vice, willing to go anywhere in the world for a story. Jim Norton, needs to be flown first class and won't go to Europe and do shows.

Vice, the fake journalism hyping up non stories & now owned by rupert murdoch.

Right. Non-stories like life in North Korea, military waste in middle-eastern countries and how it will be repurposed, glaciers melting and sea-level rising's realtime effect on major cities, why the american scrap metal industry is mysteriously booming and the Chinese upper-middleclass businessmen who are literally shipping our scrapped ghost-cities back to china, huge fundamentalist Islam training-camp rogue societies, and mega-church american christian lobbies who majorly fund pro-Israel foreign policy explicitly in hopes of fulfilling a biblical apocalypse.


all of those are and have been covered by what I would call legitimate journalists, it's how they cover these topics that bugs me.

You're the one that said 'non stories' you fucking moron, now you're backpedaling.

yes general butt naked is a non story when you look at Liberia, they look for sensational tidbits. Visiting NK and doing the state required tour that is well known about is a non story, whoa, their guide sang karaoke etc...

now owned by rupert murdoch.

Pretty sure that's off.

yup 5% isn't exactly an ownership stake

not by much, they own a chunk now, not a majority though.

It's 5%, so yes, it is off by a much, if not a much and a half.

it's literaly selling your soul to the devil when you play the hipster media wannabe, could be 1% and make no difference. Diamond blood money is less tainted than this.

Eh. I get that you've had fun spooking those of that type with 'Omg did you know bout this??', but it probably has zero effect on the editorial slant in-house. Could be wrong, and I'll eat my words if you can show me a vice dude pulling a Liz Wahl, but it seems like a dude who charmed a crotchety old man into pouring money into his beardo media effort.

A majority of the hipster cunts working for Vice, which is really entertaining and are the spoiled children of other lands. Give those those a pass for hard work and creating valuable entertainment. I don't work or them, BTW. At least they're not this...

Conversely, those other hipsters are working in something "entertaining." Most have "art work shops" in subways and others sell $20 organic, fair trade, locally sourced homeless cum for it's NYC flavor. Those and Roland demand the guillotine's justice.

Jay Z owned a piece of the Nets but had zero sway in the way things were done. Same with Murdoch. Its a financial thing. Vice is blowing up right now and he can turn a nice profit by owning a part.

I disagree, this is selling a piece of yourself to antichrist your organization is whether willingly or by association of their viewers against.

Murdoch is a media mastermind. Like him/his businesses or not, he knows what to do to create a highly profitable media empire. He doesn't have a controlling stake in Vice. I wouldn't be worried/upset about it.

I didn't mind that Chipotle was part-owned by McDonalds as long as nothing changed. So, as long as Vice doesn't change with Murdoch owning a minority stake, then no need to panic.

I would be highly worried about it, and many are, if I was a hipster fighting the maaaaaaaaan. It's selling your independent soul to the devil any way you cut it. They can do it for all I care, but I can only see this one way.

They have always claimed they just go and shoot whatever happens. They have never claimed to be telling "the real story."

and I should care why? I see through their bullshit, or think I do, either way I just don't care.

Ok great. Why are you complaining about it on the internet?

To be fair, it was just one sentence, which seems a small amount of effort. And maybe he was introduced to Vice as "This sick new news shit, yo", and that's colored his bitterness. Plus this is r/OnA, where restraint in any form isn't a pinnacle to be looked up to, and everything is, by default, something-to-be-trashed-but-let's-be-funny-about-it.

I complain a lot because I've got a rifle and nothing to lose.

I am discussing it, considering they are mainly known over their web streaming videos it is the perfect medium to discuss their shit. Nice try though.

I used to not understand the Vice hate. Watched season 1 on HBO and was impressed.

Season 2 is on now and it just seems so amateur, I don't know how else to describe it.

This season has been phenomenal, I don't know what show you're watching.

I like the part in the beginning where Shane Smith waves his hands as he explains what they're about to report on. Maybe that's why they hired Jimmy ... to help him with the hand gestures.

I also find that funny, but I really like Shane Smith. He has a bit of the broadcaster cadence but he does it in a very natural way that you can even hear in even his longer regular interviews. Seems like a cool guy.

He said he was watching season 2 you silly goose.


I have never watched their HBO thing, just the internet videos that made them famous, mostly north korea and liberia and while it's entertaining as fuck at first it's a weird type of journalism that I can't quite describe, it's clearly hyped up information where they focus on the ridiculous to create something new and "interesting"

Oh, so that's what the lesbian haircut is for, to bond with the female audience. He's the new "Ellen" of Vice.

That fucking haircut, ugh. He's trying to cure his Adorable Huggable Boy Disorder. :(

I think it's the lack of a haircut that's the problem

But now he has attained scruffable boy disease.

I'm really happy for him that he lost weight. He looks great, in that sense, but is he truly so delusional that he honestly thinks his thinning, weird hair looks good on him?

In that Tyson/Holyfield picture he honestly looks like a aged transvestite. Why are his lips so red?

"Serious Jimmy" with a sizable role in ANY type of a news/fact orientated news program will not be good.

I feel bad for him and it hasn't even aired yet.

This. I love Jimmy, he's funny. But quite frankly, he's an absolute moron whenever he talks about anything without trying to be funny.

He thinks he's a great interviewer, he's not, he's horrible. Half of his interviews are him talking about himself, that's not a great interview.

Meh, I like his interviews and appearances on shows. I'll check it out.

Of course I am going to check it out. But I just predict it will be awful.

I think he thinks he's an awesome interviewer, but he's not. Out of all the boys, Sam is probably the best. He's always prepared, always seems to connect, and seems to pick guests in which he already has a solid knowledge base, and if he doesn't (for example a race car driver), he takes a different approach, and doesn't try to pretend that he is knowledgeable on the topic.

Jim can make a joke like Vos or Bob Kelly, but they have zero knowledge of anything. If CQ and Jim combined they'd be hosting on a major network.

It's obviously not suppose to be a straight news show. Jimmy is a good interviewer, he fakes being genuinely engaged better than most interviewers, and Vice is most likely trying to mix the comedy and fact angle.

And yet Bobo and David are still without their own show. Is there no justice in this world?

maybe jimmy can wear green screen sunglasses so they can cgi his blinkity blink fucking eyes open like a normal human beeing, jimmy, comment?

They could only film him with the sun shining in his eyes. That way the glasses would only seem natural. Or he could report on welding or beekeeping.

Why would this work?

Because he has cornered the market in terms of openly discussing sex addiction and sex workers in a funny and entertaining way.

I, for one, am excited for the pilot episodes of "Comedians In Cars Getting Hookers"

Comedians in Cars Pissing Off Hookers and Getting Their Glasses Stomped.

Will he be the Craig Ferguson to Scorch's Letterman?

Jim will have a few original segments on his show. "Strange News" and "Female Hygiene Product or Dressing" will be just some of them.

Good for him!

Honest question ... why does Jimmy think he's good at interviewing people?

Because he is good at it. He researches the interviewee, reads the material when they get it on time, etc. He spends more time asking the questions than anyone else on the show.

"Who are you, and how do you relate to my sobriety and sexual addiction, and how can I passively aggressively tear you down because you don't worship Black Sabbath and Kiss like I do. I'll probably derail any serious answers you give by bringing it back to ME, by making fun of how pathetic I am with my fat tits and flabby ass comments. Go!"

I love Jimmy, but he's a shitty interviewer.

Just because he's better at interviewing than O&A doesn't mean he's a good interviewer. He start good but then thinks to himself how can he relate to this guy? Then it takes a nose dive into the ocean.

Just because he's better at interviewing than O&A doesn't mean he's a good interviewer

This. He comes across as better than O&A simply because he's the only one of the 3 that will do any interview prep whatsoever. But put him up against a good interviewer like Ronnie B and he pales in comparison.

No, he's just not as bad as Op or Ant.


Unless, of course, the interviewee in question happens to have fat pussy lips. Then he becomes a blabbering idiot. But yeah, other than that, he's pretty good.

that only means the other two are lazy disinterested cunts, nothing you listed means he's actually good at it.

I thought his interview with baba booey was good, especially considering the history between the shows

Am I missing something here? Why is everyone assuming they picked Jim Norton to do a serious show? Because it's Vice? Maybe the show will be hilarious, and maybe you downers should hold on to your shitty opinions until there is something of substance to speak on..

Congrats to Jim. I'll definitely be on the lookout for this.

I find it interesting that VICE picked him up though. You'd think one of his many close comedian friends with shows would have hooked him up...maybe he should try taking the effort to watch his friends perform live and get over his fear of being influenced by them rather than distancing himself.

VICE works with several comedians, who do shows, blogs, et al.

It's why they have the VICE-Comedy channel since 2009...

I feel like there are already enough interview shows saturating television and radio... I'm curious to see what original angle he's trying to take to make this not just another interview show.

Highly doubt it'll be different.

Announced: His first interview will be with the bassist from the Sick Fucking Puppies

Oh snap I'm gonna get tickets to go!

IF it gets picked up (it won't), what's the over/under on number of episodes until it's canceled? 4?

Sounds like we have a negative Nancy on our hands here

It's just an online show right? How hard can it be to get picked up?

I didn't realize it'd be online, but if it's possible not to then this show won't.

Some of those words aren't in the order they're supposed to be in.

I didn't realize (the show) would be online, but if it's possible not to (get picked up online) then this show won't (get picked up online). get it now dunce?

Love Vice, Love Jimmy. Can't go wrong. Also explains Jimmy's concern over Simon Ostrovsky a little more in hindsight.

I haven't watched Vice since HBO picked it up. I thought it was a news journalism show? How does a talk show in front of a live audience fit into their format?

They have a host of different type of shows, other than news-magazine type shows (and have had prior to the HBO show...)

I imagine will be really good, especially if it's like the stuff on Vice NSFW channel ("A Vice guide to buying prostitutes" etc...)

It's the greatest show in the history of TV. You should check it out.

I wasn't impressed with the youtube show. Watched a couple of episodes. Wasted my time when they went hunting a mind control flower in Columbia and didn't find it. Then they went hunting in Chernobyl for a mutant and didn't find it. The weed dealer in NYC was lying his ass off for the camera and they weren't asking any tough questions. Just put a camera on him. Then I watched a guy talk about fucking a donkey for fifteen min and I decided I have better things to do with my life.

lol this is exactly the schtick Vice does, even like liberia, half of it is bullshit and they make huge deal out of couple lunatics like general butt naked

Don't forget racists. They love pointing out evil racist white people everywhere.

They can't even do a show on terrorists without at least shoehorning in blame for some white person somewhere at the end. TRUTH TO POWER! EDGY STUFF!

What could possibly better than listening to a guy talk about fucking a donkey?

Listening to a girl talk about getting fucked by a donkey, for one.

Ok you got me there


The HBO version is only the best segments. It's great. Check it out.

Because they probably want to expand their brand and try other things that can fit within the brand's general mission.

The HBO show stinks, wish they would have stuck with the You Tube format.

Each episode consists of two 15 minute segments, pretty much the standard YouTube format. I don't see your point.

Of course you don't.

Because you don't have one. The HBO show is basically just two youtube segments put together for a 30 minute shows. It's literally the same exact format they always use except on TV.

The HBO stories are not as interesting. I'm tired of drones and do we really need another story on global warming?

The reason I started really watching VICE was for videos like the Hamilton's Pharmacopeia drug videos and stuff like the interview with the cannibal or the suicide forest in Japan. Stuff no other even semi-legitimate news source was covering.

Plus, I loved Thumbs Up, but David Choe has no business doing anything journalism or interview related every. He is fucking garbage. I used to listen to his podcast when it first came out but stopped when Yoshi left. I can't stand him interrupting everyone else LITERALLY ever few seconds. He's the worst and VICE has had him cover two stories.




Lil' Jimmy would be a great person to interview all the sexual degenerates out there.


Jimmy and Kurt Metzger are writing all of it together.

He has Kurt Metzger writing with him who actually is knowledgeable with a lot of social issues and current events going on in the news. He has a podcast with sherrod small which i recommend. The thing hasn't even aired yet and there's already so much hate.

So now that they are both Vice guys they need to have Action Bronson on the show. That dude is a friend of the show in waiting.


Good for Jimmy, I hope this works out for him. Didn't Amy Schumer say she had seen his show? I wonder if there was an audition episode or if this isn't his only iron in the fire.

People who shit on Vice are douche bags. I can't wait to see how this comes out. Jimmy is extremely critical of his own work, but he sounds extremely excited and confident about this show. I am excited for it and I suspect it will be awesome. Fuck the haters



2014-04-28 12:33:52 UTC

I will be shooting 3 pilot episodes of a talk show May 20, 21 for @VICE here in NYC. Ticket details soon.

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

Has anyone asked if Bobo or Lady Di have RSVP'd?

Is it a TV show? Vice doesn't have a network, just a 1/2hour show on HBO.

It will be on their site. I imagine they're looking at maybe expanding to a huffington post type thing online. They have a massive following, so he will have a decent audience.

So a web show?

I'd say at the moment that's the most likely, this is all just meaningless speculation though based on nothing other than my logic.

Vice is mostly online based, they do have a series on HBO though.

I hope Metzgur doesn't fuck it up with his terrible jokes. I saw him for the first time last weekend on Dave Attell's Comedy Underground and he fucking sucked. All 3 comedians sucked which is rare for that show but Metzgur was the absolute worst.

Haven't seen the show but that guy is fuckin great. Maybe just a bad set

Because he has cornered the market in terms of openly discussing sex addiction and sex workers in a funny and entertaining way.

I, for one, am excited for the pilot episodes of "Comedians In Cars Getting Hookers"

Has anyone asked if Bobo or Lady Di have RSVP'd?

You're the one that said 'non stories' you fucking moron, now you're backpedaling.