To all those who bitch about this sub being filled with negativity and show haters.

16  2014-04-27 by [deleted]

No one here hates the show. We're here because we listen. We listen because we like the show. Most of us spend a lot of time with the boys, and eventually we all pick up on some obnoxious trait of their personalities. This as good a place to vent as any, as any regular listener knows calling in to call them out is a risky maneuver at best.

Just because someone bitches about one aspect of one of the boy's personalities doesn't mean we hate the show, or even the person being called out or complained about.

Racist Ant should be raped by a pick of niggers. Soapbox Jimmy can drown in a pool of shit. Hack mode Opie can take his kids with him when he drives off a cliff.

That said, I love the show, and Gregorio, Antonio and lil' Yimmy too.

The real drag on this sub is the people who come here looking for a nice place filled with fun loving folks having respectful conversations about their beloved radio show. seriously, just shut the fuck up and..... GET OVER IT!


If Opie can critisize us and call us Twitter-Voice-Guys, I don't see why we can't critisize him too. Some people are easily butthurt I guess

The show does an excellent job of making show detractors and people from the other perspective sound like idiots.

Example: Obamacare. Nearly everyone called up and bashed it when those who tried to defend it were shouted down or gave arguments so stupid that it didn't really help their point at all.

I liked sheepish opie admit he pays less

those who tried to defend it were shouted down

By Ant, yes.

Because some people are on here 24/7 and make it their job to cry about every minute of audio. GET OVER IT!!

Opie, for example.

I agree 100% with OP. I don't know about you guys, but I don't know anybody in my personal life that listens to the show so this reddit is really my only way to talk about the show.

I think it's a given that we love the show and the hosts, but you listen to something long enough, you become familiar with it, and little things can irk you. This is a good place to get those things off of your chest.

Truth be told, once you hear the the 100th rant on cronuts and race equality/guns it gets on your fucking nerves.

The happy ones here are often the new listeners and the naive ones.

Want to know why people don't constantly post happy things here? Because when people are happy, they have no need to visit a place to talk about it, they just enjoy it.

You will find with most "haters" here that they have a mix of opinions on the show. While some of their posts are bitching about the show, a good portion of their posts are usually ones laughing about bits on the show and enjoying it. The only one I can think of that is a legitimate hater here is opiesucks, but even then I think he is just doing a bit.

P.S. - Welcome to subscriber # 7,000

It's amazing how these ass waxers think that a show that's on 3 hours a day, 5 days a week- people aren't allowed to express a single negative thing. And if you look at the personalities on the show, it's a lot more than a single negative thing. They are all trainwrecks in their own ways but oh no, we're not allowed to mention. Quick guys, downvote this, that will show me!

And to take it further: I hate posts like this. Bitching about people bitching. What is OP doing besides opening up this subreddit to more bitching? I bet 90% of this sub doesn't venture into petty arguments on random threads, don't bring it to the top of the frontpage.

Says the guy bitching about guys bitching guys bitching about the show.


right we should be like you, going to niggermania and agreeing with everything on there. What is with this dicklicking nature that people like you have? It's like you think someone from the show is gonna see you post and thank you. wtf.

I was agreeing with you. I hate OPs post not your comment.

Too much whining and crying and pitching of fits


Okay, Terrific!

OK, faggot! What's next?

Kinda would be nice if we had more content than just rants though...

It's refreshing seeing a video or funny picture on here every now and then rather than 50000 text posts complaining about something to do with the show. I see quality posts get downvoted to hell by some grumpy assholes here and the negative vibe killing garbage going to the top.

This sub used to be so awesome, now it's just negative bullshit all the time like Wackbag.

This....this is why I could never 100% agree with OP's post. Nothing is more frustrating on here than seeing quality posts that are completely relevant to the show get downvoted. I can totally live with the negative threads if there was more of a balance with actual content. I don't know if it's Stern/Cakegate trolls or legitimately asshole O&A fans, but the mods seriously need to do something about it.

I know, not the most pressing issue in the world, but dammit it's annoying.

I don't know if I made a really good post here, maybe my Roland drawing? but seeing shit some people really worked on getting pushed to the depths of hell is embarrassing.

It's like this sub consists of the loud cunts Bill Burr trashed for 10 minutes and no decent fans just here because they like the show and want to see show related material.

Oh, yeah... The massive Roland bashing thread from yesterday was really a huge waste of time and internet space. There was nothing fun or funny about that. What a waste.

Oh, wait... No. I laughed harder at that thread than I have since Tequila and Donut day. The show tends to draw people with a pretty decent sense of humor. If people could get passed the personal disagreements and just look for and be fucking funny, there is as much potential for good laughs in a complaining self post as any link.

The Roland bashing can be tiresome, but yesterday's thread was pretty good. Depends on the source.

lol that is a man that has run out of insults

CM Punk is an angry nigga




This post stinks, and I don't like it.

Sounds like you're pitchin a fit.

First off, I love the show. But the show is predicated on a culture of criticism. I like the idea of criticizing the criticizers especially when people do it in funny or clever ways. I also like listening for the things people are bitching about and seeing if it bothers me (it usually doesn't).

I'm more interested in sharing content or old bits. I don't really give two fucks about what you douche bags thought of this weeks shows. I don't care there were breaks you didn't like. No one gives a shit. You bitching about the show is just about as bad as that guy that started a thread saying he want going to listen anymore. Great, but really we don't fucking care. If there's a bit, or a break during the show you don't like listen to something else. Its really that simple. They do over 200+ shows a year. So you mean to tell me you listen to a show 200+ times a year, and during one of those 200 shows there's things you don't find interesting? Well no fucking shit.

it's a negative radio show so what do you expect?

I never brought that argument that "The show is negative, so the fans should be negative as a result". It's a fine line, because people are at least being themselves when they complain. Have you ever been to the Paltalk room? The Paltalk room is full of unbearable syncophants who try to get Ant's attention with overly racist jokes or agree with anything he says. GM ANT GM GM GM GM GM GM.

I'd rather have a sub where people authentically voice their complaints about the program, than a bunch of sycophantic Paltalk homers who can't think for themselves.

I never brought that argument that "The show is negative, so the fans should be negative as a result".

It's a convenient bullshit argument for people unable to form their own personalities and opinions.

that's terrible, i'm sorry


Some don't like Opie, some Anthony, and some even little Jimmy, but we all agree: Dennis Falcone is the only one we truely love...

I like everyone on the show but the hosts, and the staff, and the callers.

Loosen up people.

False, I hate the show.

here's /r/funny i guess?

Oh no, the show's great. I love the show.


This post again

Kudos, I couldn't agree with this more.

Came for "get over it". Was disappointed.


Whiny Pedestrian Cunt

You can say anything you like about the show. But your'e making it soud like its constructive criticism. Some people on ere really are little not picking, angry, annoying, losers. There's a fine line and many people on here cross it often


It's "nit-picking"

Seems like you would know.

Eh, I thought it was funny

Yeah, it sort of was, so I replied with a line I thought was also funny. But the sensitive pussy boys still have lots of pull in these parts.

I spelled like 4 words wrong in that post. But yeah...

Well played.

I don't bitch about this sub being full of haters. I just wonder why it's full of so much pointless butthurt. Oh yeah, you call that "venting".

I say if you're getting so much pent up negative emotion about something that you just HAVE to go commiserate with people about it for your own sanity, saying you're a fan of said thing is a little silly, and maybe a little boiled-rabbit crazy.

"The real drag on this sub is the people who come here looking for a nice place filled with fun loving folks having respectful conversations about their beloved radio show. seriously, just shut the fuck up and..... GET OVER IT!"

Reddit logic: If you like a show called Opie and Anthony, you're retarded for expecting a subreddit callled "Opie and Anthony" not to be full of people pissing and moaning and whining about little nitpicky shit about the show.

Who should get over what?

Well according to the popular opinion of this sub you should get over the people that need to vent.

If you don't get a bit frustrated after listening to Ant spewing hatred it's may be because you are a broken human being. FYI this post was bitching about all the "butthurt" that goes on by all the over sensitive show host dick riding faggots like you. Quit fucking crying everytime someone posts something negative about the show. I'm sorry if we offended your gods. Deal with it. Contrary to your belief to be a fan you don't have to swallow every load of hypocritical man juice the boys shoot. Fucking over sensitive pussy boys can't handle a little shit talk. Then shit the fuck up and keep sucking that dick hoping for more juice.

If you don't get a bit frustrated after listening to Ant spewing hatred it's may be because you are a broken human being.

Wow, brilliant reasoning skills there....

Quit fucking crying everytime someone posts something negative about the show.

Quit fucking crying everytime someone questions your crying about the show in the first place. There are probably an infinite number of levels down in this cry-ception argument, so maybe it's a fucking meaningless tactic in the end.

Other than that, you seem to be obsessed with gayness, dicks and "man juice". Just an honest impression I get from you.

It is pretty funny how you go all into a homo-reference laden rage about someone else not being "able to handle" shit talking. Do you get why that's ironic? Probably not.

Oh, you know me so well. You sound like a real fan of the show. It seems like you really get it....

I miss the sub from 6 months ago.

Cause six months ago we didn't know you were Lady Trucker.

I'm not Lady Trucker.

Shut the fuck up, Lady Trucker.

Tagged as Lady Trucker

This is my favorite bit in this subreddit.

Drive your fucking truck into a ditch you fat waste of life.

What ya haulin this week lady t?

A bundle of cunts. I'll pick you up tomorrow.

What's the difference? It's pretty much the same thing

I'm fascinated by the rampant down voting in here. You can look at a thread and every single post is down voted. It's like we got trolls in here that just go around down voting every post in every thread

Some people get downvoted because others remember their username and that they are a douchebag. I don't mean to imply that that's why you get downvoted, but that's why you get downvoted.

It's not just me though. It's every single post.

Yeah seriously.