27  2014-04-26 by EskimoEscrow


petition to link this website instead of opie's basketball shot, to get those numbers up

all in favor say aye


And so it is done.

Each time you hit refresh it's like doing one hail mary.
EDIT: When I originally posted this, his site had 27,225 hits.

I'll pray the Denny rosary five times a day.

If Mark Zuckerberg was smart he'd buy for 2 billion. It's the next hot thing with teenagers.

Our lord Denny believes in KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). When you are a savior you dont need a fancy site. Lord denny is testing us.

For St. Denny, the web design is perfect.

He sounded a little different when he was younger.

I would hire Denny to be my IRL friend.

But then again, I'm really lonely.

Denny rules!

I would hire Denny to teach me how to blow myself.

That's some /r/NotTimAndEric shit right there

Woah, never knew about this subreddit. I think they might enjoy some Scorch...

That's an odd sub. It used to be a great place for awkward/kitsch videos, now it seems like they ignore the old submissions and instead upvote any picture that "may" look a little strange. You can try with Scorch, but I don't know if it'll go anywhere.


But none of us would ever do harm to our lord.

I find it insulting to O&A that he lists "Daily programming of various pop channels. " under experience, but not hosting pre/post shows and on air segments on the O&A Channel.

I am pretty sure that website hasn't been updated in a very long time.

The last time it was updated, the World Trade Center was still a thing.

and Dennis Falcone couldn't stand for that. Allahu Ackbar Dennis Falcone!

Someone should hake his website just to make it better.

yeah because we should pretend that O&A content is a positive trait in someones wedding DJ career.

Praise be unto him



Please don't spam his email, [email protected], with terrible images and sites.

Woah, never knew about this subreddit. I think they might enjoy some Scorch...