Anthony really is racist...

4  2014-04-26 by maynardsabeast

I never thought he was that bad. I took most of it as shtick, and just pointing out statistics and facts. I even agree with a lot of the shit he says. But was anyone else cringing hearing him try and defend that dumb redneck today? Like he was reallllllly trying to find words to make that guy not sound awful. I was losing a lot of respect for him every minute of that segment


how do you not know anthony is racist, like are you even listening to da show?

anthony is to racism, as jimmy is to trannies

Opie is the only one who makes up shit or acts a certain way fo da show

we already got a guy and his name is opiesucks. go away.

Wow, good one, you zinged me.

Shut the fuck up.

no you shut up

But I thought you said


I dunno, after blatantly advocating eugenics on a national fucking radio show, no one should really be surprised that Ant is an off-his-rocker, insane bigot. At least you can say he used to be funny with his racism. Now it's just pathetic and kinda sad.


The thing is, when Ant goes on a rant about FBI stats, profiling, problems in the black community, etc., he may be ignorant, extremely biased, and even wrong, but for the most part, he isn't unreasonable. He presents relatively legit facts and logic, not simply boiling his argument down to "Well, black people are just inferior."

Then one day he casually brings up the merits of FUCKING EUGENICS and disqualifies all that.

What I just cannot understand is the obsession he has with race. Maybe its just me, but if there is something that i hate, something that the mere thought of drives me into a fit of rage, I try not to make it the thing i think about 24/7. It makes me wonder what happened to Ant in the past to make him this way.

And think what you want about Opie, the worst thing you say about him is that he makes the occasional douchey comment or steps on a joke. At least he isn't creepy, lonely, delusional, anger fueled, alcoholic racist with apparent pedophilic tendencies.

But goddammit, he's a funny fuck.

What happened to ant is east islip

Boomers forehead broke that Guineas' arm.

It makes me wonder what happened to Ant in the past to make him this way.

Simple, it's his parents. Look at his hair when he was younger. He had a fro. How many times do you think his dad was calling him an n-bomb because of that? He probably heard it daily and I'm guessing it came up when his mom and dad were fighting. Hell I wouldn't doubt for a minute that his dad accused his mom of sleeping with a black guy again and again. so naturally if something that's part of you that's considered wrong and detestable, you're going to eventually hate it and what it stands for, hence the racism.

Funniest thing is how Patrice called him out on it, in that he's "barely white." He said does Ant really think that Neo Nazis and the KKK would look at him as another pure white guy. No way and then insert the tales about the Moors from True Romance.

Too bad there's no negro-hating group made up of corsican pimps

"Gimme fiddy cent."

And I've taken a few IQ tests (from psychologists, not the internet). They're not just testing your "genetic intelligence", or whatever Anthony's talking about. They're mostly based on how Western-educated you are. I remember being asked what Plato's cave story means, who wrote the play "Faust", and what turpentine is. Only about a third of it is basic problem solving stuff.

The problem people don't get with IQ tests is that they aren't good at measuring how intelligent someone is above the control average. The purpose of an IQ test is to give a general idea of the capacity someone has for reasoning and problem solving. As such, it's great for finding retards, but it's not so good past a certain point.

Of course he is, he even admits it half the time. The thing is he tries to make it seem like the "stats and facts" came first then the anger and racism followed, when its obviously the other way around

But I'll be the first one to admit that most of his stats and facts are in fact correct. We definitely have a huge problem in this country giving ADULTS free passes cuz of their skin color or background

What free pass is that?

The one where there's an overwhelming amount of violent crime coming from one race and even when its perpetrated by adults over the age of 18 people find excuses for the behavior

When will this country get serious about incarcerating black men?

I'm talking about VIOLENT CRIME. Look it up. The statistics truly are overwhelming. Why the fuck is everything so black and white with you people. Why can't the criminal justice system be unfair to blacks (which I admit it is in many cases) but everyone also admit that a majority of violent crimes that intrude of OTHER PEOPLE'S lives are perpetrated by blacks? The system is definitely imperfect but why can't everyone just be honest about the issues and problems. It's either left or right. No one wants to talk about facts and reality

You said "free pass" as if black men are not punished for committing crimes. They clearly are as our prisons are literally full of them. How is that a free pass?

free pass in the liberal public opinion that give excuses like poverty and surroundings as excuses for adults to go out and commit violent crimes

I agree, black people need to step it up but you can't blame it all on the blacks. White people have been shitting on blacks for centuries and if you don't think that has an impact on today's world then you're retarded


Other than being able to get mad at Tamron Hall, what's the solution you're looking for? That's bigplan's point.

Well it turns out that the criminal justice system in the US is actually biased towards white people. Statistically blacks, hispanics etc. non-whites are getting harsher punisments for the exact same crimes than white people.

Probably because they're more likely to be repeat offenders, though. If you're caught with a bag of coke and you have no previous offenses, then you're likely to get off with a fine and some probation. If you've been caught three times in the last X amount of years, then you're more likely to serve time.

because they're more likely to be repeat offenders

Or, more likely, they already are which would explain the harsher punishments compared to whites but people don't dig that deep into it. They just say look at this "hey it's racism" without fully understanding what those numbers really mean.

Who is finding excuses for the behavior? I don't understand this mentality.

Yeah dude you need to read some more. Go out and experience things. You're going crazy.

so you come here to complain about ant being racist when you actually agree with everything he says? gotcha.

Reminder that Ant has name dropped niggermania on the radio multiple times.

"N-word mania.. But it's the whole word."

Because they were simulcast on FM.

Not gunna lie, that shit had me dying how he was trying to dance around promoting that one.

That's even fine by me. I'm sure I can find plenty of things on that site that make me laugh and I can even agree with. This shit today *though really was some other level shit

Ant at his best.

He is trying to make the racist guys point in a more politically correct way!!

You know,he's right but you can't say it like that.

And of course Jim agrees with him.

I think Jimmy wanted to agree with him at first because he always likes taking the side that isn't PC, but then after the audio he kind if had to give in.

There's so few racist or even conservative people out there who are funny.

So as a liberal pussy even I have to appreciate Ant's racism.


its usually always funny with nick though, nowadays with ant its just hate really, i dont mind what he's saying i just want pure funny on the show not conservative talk radio.

Dipaolo 's level of funniness is debatable.

So is your level of intelligence



Very highly debatable. Leaning strongly towards "not at all".


Fuck you. A scumbag "youth" murdered my good friend for no other reason other than he was target. He's still not caught. I get it, don't be racist, but when 12% of the population commit over 50% of violent crime, Its shitty for decent black people bc facts make it tough for them.

Again, my best friend was murdered by a monster bc he was white and "it" thought his wallet something he wanted.

Just stop it. I'm not a racist, but these observations are becoming almost mathematical. Fucking stop killing people!!!!

A scumbag "youth" murdered my good friend for no other reason


Again, I know you mutants enough to know not to click links. The URL tells me your point. As Colin always says, it always better to chuckle to have a gang banger murder your friend. Wait...

That's the spirit.

Who are you talking to?

That's racist.

I know a guy who was gunned down on his own front porch because of some random gang initiation. This shit isn't a game.

I don't think that was even close to the most racist thing he's ever done. Like, he seemed somewhat facetious. If I didn't know any better, I would've said he was joking the whole time. Of course, I do know better, but still. The things that clued me into his racism were things like the eugenics talk, the Niggermania references, the anger in his voice whenever he talks about anything related to black people at all whatsoever, his resentment towards white women dating black men, his obsession with black people in general, his incredible bias in any situation involving race, and many other things. Hell, just the other day he turned a story about the Boston marathon into an opportunity to repeatedly imply that there are huge genetic deferences between races, and that experts on such topics undermine it because they are just being "PC".

I used to think that maybe all that stuff was just a racist on air character, but then I realized from his twitter account that he actually tones himself down on the show.

He is in chains, ya know?

Water really is wet.

He is definitely racist. He uses those stats to push his racism, and show off for his brethren out there. He is the same trash that he tries to make all black people out to be. If your dad was beaten, and your grandmother was chased by white men her whole life being called Niggers,and you were raised by shells of human beings, you would have a high likelihood of turning out to be damaged goods. Look how much of a piece of shit he was growing up because his parents split up, fighting, and he was called a faggot. I just think that vitriol he pushes keeps us in the same situation we have been in for ever. Enough. If you break the law, you go to jail, but to keep telling people they are pieces of shit they will react accordingly. We have to start building a bridge somewhere, but when these assholes keep setting it on fire. Incarcerate the bad apples, and stop judging people based on their skin. We forget so quickly what white people have done to generations of black people, only to chastise them for not figuring it out over the past 50 years. In the south it had been within the past 30 years. Also If someone could find when Ant starteded to get so political, because I remember him being against the government in general. All of a sudden he is friends with conservative Feds, who convince him he was part of the one percent, and now he is their PR machine. I think he is a comedic genius, but he is a white fucking trash asshole with a mic.

Ant has a genius comedic mind. But his political shtick is so cable news it's cringe inducing.

I love how people accusing others of racism so often have to shoehorn the term "white trash" into their rants.

No shoe horning whatsoever. He admits to being racist. I was answering OPs question. He is Long Island Trash, and I never said I was better than anybody. Shoehorn? Shut your cakehorn.

Don't worry about the shoe horn reference. Ants superfans just really wanna be like him, so they are now shoehorning shoehorn references into their vernacular

Hahahahahaha the guy vehemently defending ant is either his #1 fan , or ant himself. You can tell by his "shoe horn" reference. Anthony's super fans are now shoehorning, shoehorns into their posts

I would call you a tool but you'd probably take that as a compliment.

Mulatto trash?

I think what he was saying is regardless of what the guy says, he's standing up to the government. It's obviously hard to back him now because of his comments. But now, instead of standing up with him to how fucked up the government is, the issue is now racism.

Standing up to the government by squatting his cattle on federal land. Got it. If he was doing this on a private company's' land this would have ended long before he ran up a million dollar tab.

I was saying what ant thought. I really don't know who is right or wrong in this case.

The stupid farmer is in the wrong. Obey the law or face the consequences. He is some fringe extremist posse comitatus / white supermacist / christian identity etc. asshole who refuses to even recognize the existance of the federal goverment.

Ant is balls deep in this shit too, otherwise he wouldn't defend the guy in any shape or form.

the issue is now racism.


What was wrong with what he said?

Ant's the best. Fuck you.


yeah... so

It just seems like some horrible, racist, hick is refusing to pay taxes that thousands of his contemporaries are forced to pay every year. Yeah taxes blow, but how can anyone back this guy up? Why is he not in jail? Why did the right wing (Anthony Cumia included, Anthony is officially "All In") take up this guys cause? I admit that I'm ignorant on this topic.

I admit that I'm ignorant on this topic.

Then you shouldn't have an opinion on it. How can you disagree with Anthony when you aren't even moderately versed on the facts?

Cuz the racist remarks have nothing to do with the debate over his grazing taxes YOU STUPID FUCKING RETARD

What's retarded is thinking that someone can't be wrong about one thing and right about the other. He becomes hard to defend because retards like you don't read into the facts of the actual case and make sissy knee jerk reactions based on words someone said.

He awondered if blacks would be better off as slaves. He also refuses to pay his taxes (that im sure other ranchers DO pay) I dont agree with taxes either. But I have to pay them

I still don't know about the actual issue. But noones arguing the actual issue. The dude is a racist and that's what the fuck I'm talking about. Anthony defending his (about the racism) was just awful to listen to.

And seriously WTF do you know about cattle grazing tax laws? I still don't get where this guy comes off? Noone likes paying taxes, why is this guy jusitified in his stand? Don't thousands of other ranchers pay these same taxes? Fuck this guy.

I think the main reason people jumped on it was just the BLM's handling of it. I don't know too much about the whole thing, but I'm just a wonderin if their overpowing response to a cattle herder who doesn't like nigras not paying taxes is what led to people jumping to support him.

He's been delinquent for 20 years.

Again, I'm not saying I agree or support him, I'm simply saying I think the reason people did support him was the fact that the BLM sent a heavily armed brigade to try and arrest a redneck shithead for a delinquent tax bill regarding cattle grazing.

I wish I can upvote more than once. "Awonderin" "Nigra"

You should do a little more research and stop listening to idiots in the media. If you think he should be in jail, you clearly don't know enough to comment on the situation. And Bundy has offered to pay multiple times but the Feds decided to puff their chests out, shoot cows and dig shallow graves instead. They inflamed this situation from Day 1 but I don't hear anyone complaining about the use of snipers or people getting tased for simply protesting, nor do I hear the same disgust for Americans now being labeled fucking terrorists.

Dude I don't really have much of an opinion on this situation cuz I know nothing about grazing taxes. I literally know nothing about this story besides what I heard on O&A today, and now the little research I'm doing online. You sound extremely biased though. You're making it sound like this dude did nothing wrong. Why would the government come at this guy (after 20 years) if the guy is trying to pay them? You sound like the one who may be brainwashed. And what the hell man? Are other people paying these same taxes? Like I said TAXES BLOW and are way outta control. But what is it about this guy that makes his case so special? Like why are people backing this guy? And why has this become such a polarizing story in terms of party lines?

Lastly all I know for certain is that this guy is a horribly racist human being

Yea, I'm brainwashed because I don't believe the constantly lying media and because I have close friends that were actually at the ranch the day shit hit the fan. Keep repeating that he's a racist, you took the media's bait hook, line and sinker and it makes you part of the problem. Our shit government inflames a situation as it always does but everything is race with you fucking morons.

Oops.. I said our government is shit, guess that makes me a racist too.

"close friends actually at the ranch"=I read infowars daily.

No.. close friends were at the ranch and fuck Infowars, you cliche shithead.

Ruby Ridge or Waco?

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. Did you hear his comments that came straight from him mouth? Now you're just being a silly person. And what does your friends being at the scene have anything to do with anything? It just makes you less credible and more biased. Your friends seem lucky that they didn't get drone'd the fuck out. I hate being polarized, but redneck Alex Jones fuckers really do it to me.

I've said many times it was worded poorly but the media did edit out the start and end of the clip. And my friends being there means I didn't have to get my info from agenda pushing media outlets. The same friend is a war vet and I have no problem disagreeing with him about a lot of shit, this isn't one of them.

And it's fucking sad that you don't even seem to see a problem with the government's ability to kill Americans with drone strikes on US soil. Continue being part of the problem, you're far to blatantly stupid for me.

I never condoned it, I simply said your friend is lucky they didn't decide to break them out. WTF were they thinking? I saw footage of a bunch of citizens lined up with rifles pointed at government officials. Or was I just being brainwashed with that footage? And what makes you or your friend so vehemently behind this guy? I know nothing about cattle ranching laws and taxes. Explain to me why this guy is special compared to the other cattle ranchers, where he doesn't need to pay taxes?, and everyone rallies behind him. Be honest. Are you obsessed with Alex Jones?

And do you have the uncut version of that guys interview? You keep bringing this secret extended cut up like it's gonna exonerate the guy of his blatant racism and hideous thoughts on slavery and black people

Enough about Alex fucking Jones.. Alex is a fear monger and a opportunist, I don't give a shit about him. It's not about cattle laws or taxes, it's about an out of control government that openly spies on everyone and is now calling people that don't bow down to them 'domestic terrorists'.. that's what myself and the majority of people I associate with are behind.

I've already posted the clip, he goes on to make rather pro-black and pro-Mexican statements. Now shut the fuck up about racism, you're just as bad as Ant but in the opposite direction.

If you just work hard and try and have fun, America is an alright place. You seem to take things way too seriously and seem a bit too self important and a serious drag to be around. The NSA shit sucks I agree with you on that but how the fuck does sticking up for this guy gonna change any of that? You support a good cause and then put your energy and attention towards fucking clever Douglas or whatever his name is? You don't like drones and spying so you get gung ho about cattle grazing?

And if you read my comments in here you would clearly see I am not the polar opposite of ant. In fact I agree with him on a lot of shit. Today was just off the walls

Sticking up for a rancher doesn't change the NSA but it's the principle of the matter, I'm not going to be against government walking over everyone then turn a blind eye when it's a single guy. And if I'm a serious drag on the internet (your opinion based on a single shit thread in an otherwise great subreddit), stop replying.

"Wah, I lost respect for Ant!".. fuck off.

I don't know man, it sounds like you are racist.

Some people may say I'm racist. But they're just over sensitive or dumb. Ant went hardcore today though. That Bundy guy is awful. Like the worst kind of racist you can possibly find. And Ant defended him either because he's all in as a Fox News guy, or all in as a racist. But to defend that guy and try as hard as you possibly can to take his ridiculously over the top racist words and rationalize them, is pretty revealing

That Bundy guy is awful. Like the worst kind of racist you can possibly find.

I can think of racists who are infinitely worse than Bundy. What he said was no worse than what Cosby has said.

Bill Cosby says blacks were better off as slaves?

Whether he is racist is sort of irrelevant about his dealing with BLM one way or the other. It is an ad hominem smear campaign.

Also I half agree, and don't think it's incredibly racist to point out that welfare dependency is an issue. The way he put it was awful though.

I get a big kick out of people who had such a hard on to label Trayvon a thug, for taking goofy photos and smoking weed like almost every 17 year old in America, complaining about a "smear campaign" being run against some old racist shithead who continually says racist shit in front of a camera.

The only reason anybody cares about this is because Fox News championed the guy as being a simple cowboy standing up against the mean old government and it blew up in their face.

But what does his being racist have to do at all with his claim of land?

The difference is as I see it, is whether Trayvon idolized violence might at least speak of his character in regards to whether he might have commited a violent act.

Even still Trayvon's case should and was about the facts of the incident. It would have been best if niether the left claimed him as a martyr or the right painted him as a budding thug.

Cliven has refused to pay and claimed ownership of that land for decades. Before we happened to have a black president. It has less do with his case than Trayvon's charchter had to do with his.

It doesn't really have anything to do with his claim to land but it does kinda chop down the narrative of a noble cowboy standing up against an encroaching government that Hannity was trying to push.

This isn't a patriot standing up by declaring that the federal government doesn't have authority over him, etc, it's just some dumb motherfucker who lucked into a narrative that made people cum in their pants.

So what? lots of people throughout history have lucked their way into a political narrative. Ever heard of Rosa Parks?

Um, I think you should look up Rosa Parks on wiki if you think she just lucked her way into it.

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, the only reason you know her name is because she refused to move on the bus.

I get a big kick out of people who ignore the whole picture which includes him carrying illegal arms and getting in fights all the time and bragging about it. Also the fact that the evidence showed that Trayvon was beating Zimmerman about the head with no evidence of provocation.

But I guess that's just like almost every 17 year old in America right?

ugh. How can anyone defend that guy? The court case and legal shit is one thing. But to defend GZ as a human and in this situation, and to sit here and smear the dead teenager fucking sucks

That teenager tried to murder someone.

Personally I find defending Trayvon racist. Because if assumes he is somehow representative of black people. It smacks of when liberals deny that certain minorities have any personal responsibility. It's condescending.

I happen to be part black. To be honest this white guilt, this defending Trayvon because he is a minority gets to me more because of that.

Yeah in the court of law you can argue "that he was trying to murder him". But in reality, GZ was obviously following him around and fucking with him (which deserves an ass beating), and then they got in a fist fight. When 2 people fist fight you rarely ever hear people talking about 1 guy "trying to murder the other". GZ is a fat cunt that instigated the whole thing, and then couldn't beat a 17 year old, and then couldn't take an ass whooping like a man. I never cared about the court case cuz obviously people can twist the story into "Trayvon was trying to murder GZ and he feared for his life". But in reality anyone with real world experience, any real man who can put themselves in that position on either side, knows what really happened. I wish someone would fuck with GZ and goad him into putting hands on them and as soon as it happens put one in his brain. That would be hilarious

The level of violence Trayvon returned with was unwarranted. That's the difference.

GZ was living in an area were several assaults and break ins had happened. He followed him after calling the cops. Stupid but understandable.

Trayvon wailed on the guy. Straddled him and almost pounding his head in the pavement. Having the back of your head hit concrete is very likely to kill you.

That's more than trading body blows.

Personally I think both of them are incredibly shitty people. But what GZ did while stupid isn't comparable to how Trayvon reacted.

You also gotta realize we only received one side of the story, and it is the story that is tailor made to make GZ look innocent and justified. We all know that the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. And even with one side of the story I STILL think GZ is a pussy and an idiot. The thing with profiling people is you better be right when ya do it. GZ was wrong.

How do you feel about my dream scenario? Someone relentlessly follows GZ around calling him a fat, murdering, pussy. Or doesn't say anything at all. Just follows him around. Finally, the minute GZ snaps and puts hands on the dude or looks to draw for a weapon he takes a bullet to the face and the other guy gets off.

He followed the guy. It's not like he was driving with his gun pointed at him, like Death Wish or something.

The world ain't missing anything with either your dream happening and GZ leaving it, or with Trayvon's departure. I'm just a misanthrope so maybe it's me. They both seemed like dumb pricks to me. Though I do support stand your ground. It's stupid to be required to retreat imho.

That being said. I don't think GZ is a murderer. Just some fat dumb asshole who happened to follow some dumb wannabe thug. So if I had to chose sides, GZ is less wrong. It was a case where mutual idiocy collided into one another and the media whored it out on both sides for ratings.

We don't really know what GZ did to provoke trayvon. He coulda been doing plenty of things that deserve an ass whooping. In this case the white guy acted like the gang member (shooting someone and the black guy acted like a white jersey shore cast member quick to get into a fist fight. What happened to this country where people are upset about someone handling their shit like a man and settling a dispute with his hands. A dispute where I suspect he was being fucked with and provoked

You're right we don't know. If what happened is completely different than what was claimed in court, you would have a point. That's the problem with you, I, the media chiming in.

The only guy left who knows is GZ. Maybe he was right, maybe he wasn't. To be honest at this point I don't really give a fuck. I'm glad of the outcome because he had more than a reasonable doubt, and I think stand your ground is a good law, but I don't fucking know what was really going through GZ's or Trayvon's head.

Yeah but someone is dead and someone is free and chances are the free guy started the whole thing. Someone's son and friend is fucking dead. We all do know for a fact that trayvon had no weapons on him and we know that GZ instigated the whole thing. So basically fuck GZ. I come from "the konk". In the "konk" there's hundreds of fist fights a day and basically noone ever gets killed. Chances are GZ woulda went home and iced his head if he wasn't actively instigating this kid (based on his skin color) KNOWING HE HAD A GUN IN POSESSION.

shut up faggot

MSNBC was practically showing baby pictures of the kid to imply this guy (who they had to make up a new race for) was going around popping kids, and your beef is with Fox News.

I mean literally just replace the specific words in your comment and you're the same righty "dipshits" you're mocking. Unaware fuck.

I thought I told you to shut up faggot.

Oh wow, I better listen then internet tough guy. Add more 4chan to your posts btw, not edgy enough.

Keep regurgitating your talking points so I can keep calling you a faggot.

It's a nice dynamic we have. Don't rock the boat.

I don't even think what Bundy said was that bad. He's a hard working dude and to a guy like him sitting around all day is worse than slavery. His only experience with blacks is watching them sitting on the porches of their government provided houses, in Bundy's world that's a horrible existence because he takes a lot of pride his work. Nothing he said really struck me as hateful.

He said black people are better off being slaves (where they were held captive and forced into servitude or beaten to death) because at least that kept them out of prison. He basically said their only 2 options are slavery or prison as if there are no successful black people. He's racist, possibly without even realizing it.

He basically said their only 2 options are slavery or prison as if there are no successful black people.

He's was talking about the blacks that are jobless bums, he never said all blacks are jobless bums. I don't think he was really saying that those bums would be better off as slaves either, but that at least when blacks were slaves they had some direction and purpose to their lives which is lacking in a lot of the black youth.

What about the whites who are jobless bums? He didn't choose the "negros" without initiating the conversation towards his racial bias against blacks. This guy is a follower of the Posse Comitatus Group who formed in the South because they didn't recognize the outcome of the civil war as legitimate and so they don't believe in the Federal Government and think blacks should still rightfully be kept as slaves. They are kooks and their whole belief system stems from post civil war racism.

These problems are worse in the black community.

The conversation was about blacks so he talked about blacks, of course he wouldn't go off on jobless whites. I don't think he just randomly came out and said what he did but the conversation was steered in that direction by the reporter. It doesn't matter what groups he belongs to or how racist he because what he said wasn't hateful, and that's what should matter.

How did the conversation turn to blacks?

Seems to me the guy just came out and started awonderin about the nigra outta nowhere. How the fuck are you people defending this guy?

They saw on tv they were supposed to like this guy.

This shitdick doesn't even run a legit business and he's bitching about the black boogeyman sitting on a porch 2000 miles away. Fuck him and his shit cows.

No he didn't say that. He wondered it. It's like when lefties wonder if poor people would be better off aborted. It's insensitive, but it's not the same thing as calling for all of the poor to be killed before birth.

So in other words he was too much of a pussy to directly say what he thinks and what the Posse Comitatus Group, which he follows, teaches. I guess this is all a bunch of circumstantial coincidences that he is a guy who follows a group founded on the idea that the outcome of the civil war was not legitimate and the fed government doesn't exist to them and slavery is still legal also says disparaging things about black people. As long as he is only wondering out loud, though, it isn't racism so much as it is philosophical thinking.

Also the abortion thing isn't a good comparison because there is a scientific argument that a fetus isn't actually a human being until it reaches a certain stage of development.

Honestly the old guy had some points,just didn't say them right.

Does @opantxm blame his heart attack on the colored?

did he really have a heart attack? that's the second time I've seen it mentioned recently.

He's not. I'm black, he could not have been cooler to me when I met him. He knew I was a big fan and he gave me a minute on air back when they had the audience in the studio


Yes he is. Got so fed up with it before the last election

Yes, he is. Sucks. It's not enjoyable and his racism hurts the show.

Still love him.

When you find yourself on the same page as Alex Jones, you've jumped the fucking shark.

I really, really wish someone would call in and remind him of this.

Anthony cites facts and people call him racist. And he says "how can I be racist if these fare facts?"

You're racist because you know and have memorized the facts. You concern yourself day in and day out with the facts about Chicago's south side just so you can call them animals.

Knowing facts is racist. What an argument.

Concerning yourself with facts that are irrelevant to your life and utilizing them I further your argument that an entire race of people is terrible

He pays a lot of taxes. Do you?

Young black males represent a disproportionate burden on society due to crime, lack of education and lack of parental involvement. We can argue all day about the root causes of this phenomenon, but we have to pump so much money into schools, into police, into prisons, just to deal with this problem. In the private sector, businesses have to invest more in security and loss prevention, which raises prices for us all. Companies are forced to invest in diversity programs and defend themselves from discrimination lawsuits.

It's a huge cost on society that would be decreased if we didn't have this culture of crime and the grievance industry that enables it.

See here's the difference between me and most of the people in this thread. I can agree with or at least find merit in most of what you're saying and still say that Anthony and especially this rancher guy are still over the top racists. It's called middle ground. Something most people on this reddit and it this world cannot conprehend

Haha good point

it all comes from "gimme fiddy-cent"


I don't think Anthony is really that racist. He's a class snob. Every country has a subclass that's associated with petty\street crime. In the US it's blacks. In the UK it's poor whites living in council states. In Japan I believe it's Koreans. In Australia it's the poor fuckers they stole the country from.

There are 10,000+ people killed by drunk drivers every year in the US. There's a good chance Ant will be one of them.

50 years ago it was Sicilians. Where do you think blacks get the whole gang thing from.


I love how speaking the truth is always considered "Racist"

He isn't racist. Big difference in hating someone that is black, compared to hating someone because they are black.

An over encroaching government is dangerous to liberty and hurts us all.

Our current government preys upon the most vulnerable of its citizenry under the guise of philanthropy, and turns them into new slaves to the ever growing machine.

Also, nigger faggot kike spic chink!

He was a former governor, a fighter, a navy seal...

It's only funny when it's funny.

Bundy was just making a point in an old school way. He could've worded it much better but the only thing he's proving is how hyper-sensitive and eager to be offended this country really is. Jesse Jackson said very similar stuff and no-one cared and big surprise the media edited the clip to yet again push their race agenda.

I'm just glad Ant isn't another one of these idiots that clearly missed the point he was trying to make simply because blacks were mentioned.

dude.....this was on another level. It was basically as racist a statement as a person can possibly pull off. Jesse Jackson fucking sucks too. This is why I'm disappointed at Ant. I love the fucking guy, but just be honest about stuff and don't base your beliefs or opinions on politics. It is possible to say that this guy is a horrible racist, and so is Jesse Jackson.....It's not either or

All he's saying is that welfare is just another form of slavery and he is not wrong. He may be an idiot in the way he worded it but he's far from a racist.. stop it.

Bundy is as bad as welfare queens. This fuck doesn't play by the rules and now considers himself above the law.

I can't tell if you're joking, but for the love of everything I hope you are

You're shocked Ant didn't jump on someone for comments you think are racist and I'm the one joking here? You are stupid.

And no I'm not joking.. from chains of the slavemasters to chains of the state. And the, "they never learned how to pick cotton" line was simply saying black culture on welfare today doesn't even learn a trade.. I'll never say it wasn't worded extremely poorly. You seem to forget he's an 80yo farmer and I keep forgetting I'm talking to a moron.


They have a BETTER THAN EQUAL chance. The problem is they typically have awful parents that don't guide them correctly


shutup dirtbag. I pay your bills. You make me sick

I have to work in the poor ghettos and the filth that lives there is constantly coming up to me and bothering me and rambling or asking me for money, while im working my ass off. Sure It's white filth buckets like you but it's by far predominantly black. Take your ghetto talk and suck on a dick. I'm in the ghetto all the time and its disgusting. Everyone just wondering the streets and chilling all day long, the bars are filled up starting at 9am. You're disgusting

Sucks for you. I live and work in the richest of the rich and the whitest of the white towns in the while east coast.

i live in a beautiful town, I just happen to have to work in some shit areas like twice a week. It really makes me have no sympathy for people. Very few of them look or come off like victims to me

I have been there. I only feel bad for the little kids.

I love to hear and say horrible things. Awful, mean jokes are hilarious to me. I've never really thought Ant was truly racist. But does anyone agree that today was pretty revealing, and tough to listen to at points?

After the eugenics discussion last year nothing is really shocking anymore when it comes to Ant's racism.

Eugenics is dumb but he's not wrong about the data showing different levels of intelligence across races. Ashkenazi Jews are the highest, Australian aboriginals are the lowest. In a broader sense, East Asians are highest, blacks are lowest.

We've even done studies to control for racism/environment/money and we still see IQ change with race.

Now that mean nothing to the individual. The smartest man on the planet could be a black guy.

This is a paper that shows the data.

Just out of curiosity where to North Africans rank?

He isn't racist. He doesn't think blacks are worth less than whites. He has had great relationships with people such as Patrice O'neal and DJ Whoo Kid. Racists don't have close relationships with people who they feel are beneath them. He just list statistics and comments on them. Sometimes he can be prejudice, but prejudice and racism are significantly different.

Lot of black apologists here

That's even fine by me. I'm sure I can find plenty of things on that site that make me laugh and I can even agree with. This shit today *though really was some other level shit

After the eugenics discussion last year nothing is really shocking anymore when it comes to Ant's racism.

"N-word mania.. But it's the whole word."

Because they were simulcast on FM.

Not gunna lie, that shit had me dying how he was trying to dance around promoting that one.

No shoe horning whatsoever. He admits to being racist. I was answering OPs question. He is Long Island Trash, and I never said I was better than anybody. Shoehorn? Shut your cakehorn.

Hahahahahaha the guy vehemently defending ant is either his #1 fan , or ant himself. You can tell by his "shoe horn" reference. Anthony's super fans are now shoehorning, shoehorns into their posts

He followed the guy. It's not like he was driving with his gun pointed at him, like Death Wish or something.

The world ain't missing anything with either your dream happening and GZ leaving it, or with Trayvon's departure. I'm just a misanthrope so maybe it's me. They both seemed like dumb pricks to me. Though I do support stand your ground. It's stupid to be required to retreat imho.

That being said. I don't think GZ is a murderer. Just some fat dumb asshole who happened to follow some dumb wannabe thug. So if I had to chose sides, GZ is less wrong. It was a case where mutual idiocy collided into one another and the media whored it out on both sides for ratings.

How did the conversation turn to blacks?

Mulatto trash?

Other than being able to get mad at Tamron Hall, what's the solution you're looking for? That's bigplan's point.

I agree, black people need to step it up but you can't blame it all on the blacks. White people have been shitting on blacks for centuries and if you don't think that has an impact on today's world then you're retarded