Surprise Jocktober Target!!

24  2014-04-23 by stevenknight


God dammit. They always have these on days when I'm unable to post pictures of people eating diarrhea.

they are trying the old "lets just ignore them and theyll stop" routine lol

I bet they are loving the attention...

Hey Humble and Fred people, American shock jocks Opie and Anthony have apparently instructed their listeners to attack our facebook page in a very vile, disgusting and shocking way. We wish it was clever and entertaining, but unfortunately that's not the case. Over the next day or so you may see some postings that are beyond disturbing, and although we will attempt to delete them, if you're offended, appreciate where its coming from.

Christ, I hate when people claim any form of harassment needs to be clever. You're being harassed, you're not going to like it even if it is clever.

I desperately wish that the Humble & Fred fans would try to retaliate.


In defense of their fans, most people who are "fans" of radio programs just listen to the show when they are in the car and don't act like they are part of the experience by interacting on facebook and such. That's kinda like the few assholes (little kids excluded) who put on a jersey and bring their baseball glove to watch baseball games. Most people just look at them like they are douchebags.

Look at this douchebag wearing the team jersey at the game.

Yeah, who does that?

If you wear a jersey and bring a glove like you think you are gonna get asked to come in and play shortstop, yes you are a douche bag. The "and bring a baseball glove" part of what I said (which you left out) was a big part of the point I was making.

Yes people bring gloves to the game because they think they will be called in to play shortstop and not because they're hoping to catch a foul ball in the stands or play catch with others before/after the game or for an autograph.

Gloves are brought for jacking off into.

You missed the word like and are, apparently, you are taking this conversation literally. Do you attend a lot of games with your lil glove on, fella? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

LOL, just realized they edited the post to say "...listeners of the Opie and Anthony Show have decided to attack..."

Why are we attacking them?

Dennis Falcone told us to. He is our Tyler Durden, this is our Fight Club.

His name was Robert "Humble Fred" Paulson.

They talked shit about O&A yest

Because we're assholes and it's funny?

I may have left some Denny love.

And it's already down. I'll give it up to those two slobs, they're quick on the draw.

I missed phase one but looking earlier, there was a picture of what looked like Floyd Mayweather fucking a bucket of KFC.

Whoever put this on their wiki page is a genius: The show has also been named "Best Morning Show" by

Are they doing Jocktober in April now? Living without satellite in St. Louis I don't get to listen.

They do surprise Jocktobers every now and again.

These guys mocked O and A yesterday saying they were not funny.

not smart

I'm almost more surprised that Humble & Fred are still on. What is it, 1990 still?

I wonder how many people are actually checking that Facebook page when this isn't going on. It can't be more than 14.

these people defending the Humble and Fred show are so douchey. I think their fans seem to forget that the Humble and Fred show fired the first shots, unprovoked. so fuck them and their completely unfunny talent less show.

Awww... They've started deleting comments.

They changed their cover photo. It used to be those two faggots leaning up against eachother, and now it's a self-aggrandizing photo with that Free Funny billboard shit.

do we keep attacking?

Their show is absolutely awful. I don't know how banal, boring and uninteresting jizz bags like that can call themselves funny and say O&A aren't. It's just jealousy and being delusional.

My reaction to the surprise Jocktober

His name was Robert "Humble Fred" Paulson.

You missed the word like and are, apparently, you are taking this conversation literally. Do you attend a lot of games with your lil glove on, fella? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

Gloves are brought for jacking off into.