People in the Standup Comedy sub are so sensitive about that Dan Soder/O&A clip I posted

0  2014-04-23 by [deleted]


What do you expect? Everybody in the Standup subreddit are awkward hipster comic wannabes who think David Cross and Demetri Martin are the bees knees.

Exactly. Either o and a fans are just completely immune to that type of humor, or those people are pussies. I'm gonna go with pussies. The fact that people commenting in a stand up comedy subreddit are claiming bullying is just the worst. Fuckin reddit stinks besides a couple of sub reddits. I barely visit the front page anymore.

It makes me angry that fans of stand-up comedy would actually accuse a comic of "Bullying"

Welcome to alternative comedy. It's not about being funny anymore, man, it's about clever social commentary presented in an abstract and complex manner, MAAAAAAHN.

Q. What did the 1%er say to the brown person?

A. I'm a douchey white male privilege holder!

That would skyrocket to the top!

Holy shit I thought this was a response to something I said in the stand-up subreddit and I almost got out the argument hat. You scared me, man, don't do that.

Also you have to use the terms "cisgendered" and "patriarchy" more often to sound like a shitty left-coast comedian.

If you have to censor your comedy, you're doing it wrong!

That's just it... that sub is not "fans" of stand-up, but rather failed stand-up comedians.

Ewwww haha sounds like a douche fest

It's the fucking worst lol. Like how can you not find that video hilarious and I posted it to get Dan Soder some more exposure because he killed that day. How can people that pretentious be fans of stand up comedy?

I bet they like to sit around in coffee shops talking about their "art." Yeeeuck.

In a standup comedy subreddit someone actually said "bullying" and "mean spirited". Do most people think this way? Thank god for O&A.

O and A everyday, I say.


I think this is probably just a reddit culture thing as opposed to a general change in comedy taste. This site has a sensitive millennial attitude that doesn't jive well with O&A... as we all saw during the cake stomp video.

It's too bad it wasn't Lady Di or Bobo

Norton often calls West Coast comedy "soft, weak garbage". I see what he means now.

Norton doesn't listen to other comedians. Daniel Tosh is not weak and soft and hes west coast. Just a bunch of sensitive emo holes in this country. I get lectured by friends all the time for calling people faggot it traffic.

Where are the pests when you need them? We should be promoting O&A throughout Reddit

Quick better make a thread and cry about it.

  • edit - Why'd you delete your reply? Oh that's right, you're OP.....
