Humble and Fred taking shots at O&A

7  2014-04-22 by finestelite

Found this on youtube, uploaded today. Definitely textbook Jocktober targets.

"Well these guys aren't funny. And it's not about being funny, it's about being fun."


Denis Falcone army.


Does it matter? I would love to see the pests do what they do.

Eat at Golden Corral?

I laughed.

Me too.

Phase II already. Fuckin' pussies can't take their beating

The only two channels I really listen to on my XM are Opie and Anthony 85% of the time and the other 15% of the time it's the NHL network. I assume they're a Canadian show because I hear their promos on the NHL network. Every single promo I hear I figure it will be on the next jocktober. They sound like absolute hacks and their bits that they are using to try and get people to listen are awful, make me sit there and go "who listens to this shit?"

I never understand hacks like this taking shots at O&A or Howard. They should revere them. O&A, like them or not, are one of the most popular radio shows of all time. Plus, O&A have a month long bit where they rip apart hack shows, why would you put yourself out there just to get smashed and destroyed? They think O&A mentioning them even in a bad way is good? Sorry that adage that any promotion is good promotion doesn't apply to when they rip apart hack shows. It makes you hate the other shows and get disgusted at the type of shows they do.

They take shots at them for the exposure. Its a fucking slimeball way to do it but it works. People on here are talking about it with some listening live or on youtube to get fodder and their ratings go up. Briefly they go up but they still go up.

Yeah, I get that. I just think it's always negative exposure to how hacky they are. Do they think they'll get any listeners out of them being exposed as awful?

tell 'em, Fred.

hay tank


1 2 3 4 I declare a radio war

At least they have the right attitude though, it should be about fun, these guys really get it, maybe I should stop listening to O&A and listen to Humble and Fred noon to 3.



Would you prefer a thumb war?

tss don't sound so humble to me.

That's terrible, I'm sorry.