They need to release an Ian Halperin podcast

0  2014-04-21 by The_Teachers_Ass

I know people from the show visit this sub. Make it happen, Sam. His highness is radio gold.


They need to release an Ian Halperin dealing with a seriously malignant form of cancer podcast.

A 2 hour podcast of Ian sucking the business end of a shotgun followed by 1 hour 59 minutes and 59 seconds of silence.

I'd listen to the whole thing.

Ian is the best character the show has ever had.

Hard to disagree... I don't understand how somebody who loves this show doesn't also love Ian's appearances!

Is that guy for real? I honestly can't tell. Dumb question, I know.

He's a professional bullshitter. He said he brought girls with them and they later admitted he paid them.

He's a no talent idiot with the ego of King Tut

"Ian Halperin and his ghetto whores". One of the best Jefferies appearances

Halperin is an annoying worm, but goddamn his bashings are great radio



Jason Yeiter uploaded pretty much every ian halperin appearance on youtube. Just listen to it there. No one wants an entire podcast dedicated to this faggot.

one of the greatest trolls in history

Ian was involved on one of my actual "pull over to the side of the road so I didn't crash" moments. It was the time he called up and people started editing his wiki page. I couldn't stop laughing for some reason. I've never heard it replayed. Love to hear it again to see if it's as funny as I thought that day.

No....they don't

I remember listening when someone first posted them on youtube.

I thought it was funny when Anthony owned him on the air. Was he funny on the show?

Just No.

His appearances are one of the only things I will pass on.

I bet the only reason he ever got asked back in the first place is because Opie thought he'd give them a "scoop."

no they dont

Excuse me? His highness disagrees, and he's got two honeys licking his toes right now who can back him up. Don't believe me? Google it. Google it. Google it.