Asked T.J. Miller about O and A on his AMA

1  2014-04-20 by [deleted]

I have no idea how to link the comment. You can search my comments and see his response. He said they do not invite him any more. I liked him back in the day on the show. Maybe Roland does not like him.


Yeah, that sucks because I enjoyed TJ on O&A too.

I'm glad he had an honest response too (or what seems to be), where he's not playing a tough guy.

Agreed, he's one of my favorite comedians and his attitude is refreshing.

I think it might be because of that thing he wrote about Dane and the show's connection to him and his clique of guys.


Do people think Dane "imploded"? I thought everyone knows that Dane got financially screwed over by a guy he considered his brother and both his parents died, all in a short timeframe.

Dane's comedy got darker and a lot of the "college girl" fans of his don't care as much about him.

I think TJ famously blogged about Dane wanted stage time at an LA club and took time away from people who TJ was close to. I remember Jay Mohr being very upset about TJ writing this (on Mohr Stories podcast). Mohr's angle was that you don't have to like Dane but he has put in the time and earned a place in the business where he can cut ahead of people in clubs and that's just a part of the business.

I do think that O and A might avoid TJ because of that.

TJ has a very good character on Silicon Valley.

Dane's comedy got darker and a lot of the "college girl" fans of his don't care as much about him.

I don't think it's that as much as it's him no longer being the flavor of the month. I wouldn't call Dane's stuff that much darker, it's still the cute version of dark, but maybe that's just because I'm used to guys like Stanhope.

I think he's like Mencia in the sense that he got trashed for a while for being hacky, and now he's just kind of faded into normalcy.

That's true, and Dane Cook was/is 10x better than Mencia.

Oh fuck yeah. I enjoyed Dane when I was in high school, but Mencia is unfunny, hacky, and a thief.

I didn't know about him being a theif. What he steal and from who? They speak on it on an old show of O&A?

Dude, Mencia being a joke thief is everywhere, just give it a google. He stole from Bill Cosby, Bobby Lee, Ari Shaffir, and others

Rogan called him out on stage and made a really popular YouTube video, there's 2 episodes of WTF on it, South Park talked about it, Mencia (sarcastically, and uncomfortably) admitted to everything he was accused of in "I Am Comic".

I know they have addressed it in O&A and Rogan mentioned it on the show, but I didn't listen to when Mencia was on because he's awful, but I do know they didn't confront him.

I wasn't clear. I was talking about Dane.

Oh, I put the emphasize on and because Mencia manages to be unfunny and hacky while stealing other's materal, not because I think Dane Cook is.

Dane's been accused of stealing Louie's itchy asshole bit and Rogan's bit about animals fucking but they're both things that could've just been common thought.

Dane took from older Louie ck stuff. It was on youtube playing each guys stuff back to back. It's the entire reason louie had the Dane episode of his show.

Damn, I didn't know about that. Fucked up.

If you want to go further into the recent history of known comic thievery check out Dennis Leary taking off Bill Hicks. They were friends for awhile. Leary's breakout special "No Cure For Cancer" is loaded with uncredited Hicks stuff.

Hicks' response to that fucker was priceless. When Hicks had cancer, he said he quit smoking just to see if Dennis would do it too.

Leary stole from Louis too, which Louis discussed on the show.

What the hell do I know. A decade of milking post 9/11 firefighter love and a few facelifts later, Leary seems to be a player in tinsel town and I'm yapping on here. But I believe Rogan wrote an OLD blog post about comic thievery in general and talked about Leary extensively. I recommended it if it's still around.

The Ref was kind of a funny movie, though.

Only thing I remember about that was Louie saying the "Asshole" song was his or taken from a bit of his. I remember them bringing it up later when Leary was on and he blew it off and Louie after that let it slide. Who knows. Leary has some power now in producing and with FX in some capacity so I think that's why Louie let it go. O&A also leave Leary alone because he gave the hilarious Adam Ferrara a career (absolute worst O&A guest IMHO). But the old Hicks stuff is downright shameful. Especially considering it is what launched Leary.

The Leary thing is interesting because there were some bits that were similar to Hicks' bits. The story Louis stole didn't seem like stealing per se, maybe inspiration, if Louis was doing a bit about what makes people assholes (not really the most original topic). Learys bit was a song about himself being an asshole. I guess I can see how Louis felt stolen from but there's some gray area there.

I think Leary doesn't get as much shit for it Because he branched out and is actually a good actor and created and started in as wrote a solid dramedy in Rescue Me. Mencia was a working comic who stayed a working comic and got a sketch show. He stole for years. Leary only had two specials and the second one had nothing stolen on it. Whereas there are countless bits stolen from multiple comedians by Mencia and it's gone ok for years. I look at Mencia as a major hack whereas I have more respect for Leary. He's a good writer and a damn good actor.

Well, Louis said that he felt stolen from and when he brought it up around other comics they just said "Yeah, Leary steals." I agree that he is a good writer and actor, though.

Apparently Dane Cook has also stolen from Rogan

Joe Rogan, host of Fear Factor and formerly of The Man Show, says he experienced this firsthand with a routine he spent months developing on the topic of tiger fucking. When Rogan saw a friend he’d performed with many times recycle his bit on Comedy Central after simply changing the tiger to a rhino, his claws came out.

The friend? Future megastar Dane Cook.

According to Rogan, when he angrily called to demand an explanation, Cook promised to drop the joke. Rogan considered the matter settled. Two weeks later, he caught Cook at the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles performing yet another bit of his, which Rogan had already released on a CD. Rogan, a full-contact Tae Kwon Do champion, says he confronted Cook on the spot. “I said, ‘What the fuck are you doing?’” the comic recalls. “‘You know that’s my bit! You heard me say it! What the fuck makes you think you can take my material and do it onstage?’”.

The quote here is relayed from a Radar article "Take the Funny and Run" which doesn't appear to be up anymore.

As for Mencia, he's the biggest known thief of this generation. Rogan has railed him for years on it. (Again all over youtube). He famously tried to steal one of cosbys most famous bits (but the production company cut the joke from his special). Mencia was biggest on stealing from unknown comics, mostly his openers. I heard on some podcast (either jay mohrs, rogans, or marons cant remember) where his openers talked about it. In the industry it's common knowedge. Rogan also exposed that mencia isn't his real name and he's not mexican.

Ned Holness

It was an older wtf with maron episode. Can't remember the comics name, but he opened on tour for "Ned" and talked in detail of what a fucko he is.

Yeah Rogan also disagreed with TJ blogging about Dane

screwed over by a guy he considered his brother and both his parents died

th- that's terrible.


Dane didn't blow up until about 2004-05. Those movies were in the mid 2000s.

He was huge for a while, and Harmful if Swallowed was actually really god damn funny. Those movies hurt because you wondered how a guy who was so funny was in movies that were just moderately funny. I mean, those were technically movies that should've been better. Star comedian, smoking hot lead actress (Jessica Simpson and Jessica Alba). I don't know why they weren't better. That was an odd time for comedy films. The American Pie type movies were huge before them and right after them the Apatow style movies were starting to pop up, so Dane's movies seemed like they were trying to be a little bit of both.


I'm sure he would admit he did those because he is a comedian trying to learn acting. I don't see that as imploding. It's trying to have a career.

I'd like to hear them give Dane a Yakov-style bashing for the fuck of it, but he's not relevant these days, and it would be unnecessary because Dane has been cool with the show.


Agreed, though Steve Byrne tells a pretty weird story about him that seems to fit with the picture people paint of him, but maybe I'm just finding ways to dislike him because I don't enjoy his comedy.

I don't know if you've heard Yakov on WTF, he's actually a pretty cool guy.

He said he went to Branson because he needed to find a place that didn't know/care that the cold war was over.

Carolla has a Dane Cook story from Crank Yankers. I think Dane was on top of the world for one or two years and in that time it got to his head and he started acting like it. He seems like a decent guy though and his comedy gets trashed by some, but it's not that bad. I expect him to make a cool dude comeback like Jay Mohr.

Hey guys, you know what Dane Cook says about relationships, right? It's not a relationship, but a relationSHIT!!!! RELATION-SHIT

drops mic, crowd goes nuts

I forgot when they were talking about it but I distinctly remember Patrice saying that T.J. openly hated him so that could have something to do with it.

Where's the fake Roland?? Book him!

I distinictly remember on one show from 2013 (don't even know the month) that Opie said they were done with TJ after what he had wrote about Dane.

I think it really had more to do with the idea that they knew Dane for a very long time, and TJ was basically a casual friend of the show.

I wish they wouldn't toss aside certain comedians so quickly just because they aren't in the right cliques. I would love to have Tracy Morgan and TJ Miller back on the show.

Right, I agree. They remained friends with Otto, Dice and Jay Mohr. Same with Dane and Louis CK.



I spent 30 seconds making this rather than find your message

Why don't you go on Opie and Anthony anymore.

[–]Nottjmiller[S] 17 points 22 hours ago They don't invite me anymore. Which sort of suck because I love them.

[–]DianaKurlan 14 points 16 hours ago Blame Roland.

I always thought TJ was a west coast comedian and that's why he didn't come on. Also, TJ may have thrown himself under the bus a bit with that blog post about Dane Cook. I know it got addressed on the Joe Rogan Experience, and a lot of bigger comedians sided with Dane.


I barely even remember what this was about but from what I think I remember I think Joe was misinformed and Ari about what really happened which is why he was on Dane's side.

Copy and paste, bud

Personally, I think TJ was hurt by Dane taking stage time away from him and/or his friends. He decided to go bitch about it on the Internet and rally the Dane Hate because of there's anywhere you can find someone to help you fight your battle with Dane Cook, it's the internet. I don't know if he genuinely did it out of frustration or he did to capitalize on publicity. But it certainly didn't work amongst his peers and he got a lot of flack from fellow comics (Mohr, Rogan, etc.). No matter one's profession the "paying dues" process never ends. If you aren't getting better you're getting worse. No middle ground. Dane's a bigger name then TJ. TJ goes to the back of the line when Dane shows up at the club. Yeah it sucks, but comedy is comedy and money is money. I lost respect for TJ with the way he handled it.

TJ Miller? I know of the incident. Still haven't "heard" of him.

I don't care what happened in LA (90% of the "comedians" out there could give a shit about stand up, they want acting gigs). But, for a small time comic to bitch about Dane Cook on a blog. Instead of going up after him, or the next night, he took it to a blog. Way to go, tough guy.

I'm no Dane fan, but he earned millions playing arenas. That doesn't garner you respect, but most comics do respect Dane.

Exactly. Think of Dane what you will. But he has worked hard and he really brought a new innovative way to get yourself on the scene in comedy. I have a respect for him with all the hate he got and dealing on top of his brother fucking him over and his parents dying within like 6 months of each other.

Fuck him. That blog post he wrote about Dane Cook shows what a cunt he is.

And apparently he hated Patrice. Sounds like a shitbag to me.


I've heard of comedians outside of the show regulars who despised him. Fans of the show are protective of him, but to be honest he probably terrorized a lot of comedians outside of his circle. I know he made Lisa Lampanelli cry.

Good. She stinks.

He seemed like a love him or hate him dude. Part of what made him such a force of nature.

I didn't? Fascinating. What else haven't I done, stranger?



lol you added this adjective like it's a good reason to hate someone.

I'll give you loud and obnoxious and raise you self-hating and self destructing. Hello, welcome to comedians all of them.


If you can't take a little shit from Patrice, you're a pussy. He was genuinely funny and only gave people shit in the name of humor, never hate. Grow thicker skin.

I love the story from Jim Florentine about his first set on the same bill as Patrice.


I love him but maybe his humor is a bit too dry for the show?

He was on the Jeselnik Offensive a few times and I almost thought it was too goofy for the show. But he makes me laugh. Hell, I love Pete Holmes and HATED his O&A appearance.

Leary stole from Louis too, which Louis discussed on the show.

Hicks' response to that fucker was priceless. When Hicks had cancer, he said he quit smoking just to see if Dennis would do it too.