Any listeners of Joe Rogan Experience here?

4  2014-04-20 by finestelite

Been listening to Joe Rogan's podcast a lot more lately and enjoying the hell out of it. It's entertaining but the wide variety of guests (scientists, doctors, comedians, actors, sports people, etc) really feels like you are learning a lot of cool and useful stuff. Just be sure to skip the 5-15 minutes of live reads at the beginning of each episode.

For those who haven't listened, here is a channel with most of the full podcasts/episodes:

Opie being interviewed:

Jim Norton:

Jim Jeffries:


It's only entertaining depending on the guest

Comedians are great on the show, but I hate the cranks he has on sometimes.

Its sad that a guy with such great intentions has allowed some of the worst pseudoscience to be sold by new age idiots on his show.

He had a physics grad student member of his forum after Steven Greer. Joe made fun of some of the cranks he had on during it.

Yeah he had a female nutritionist doctor on recently too who was good and he admitted he had a lot of bullshit artists on.

I enjoy it- but its pretty obvious he's stoned in a good portion of them.

Yeah I love when Joey Diaz, Duncan Trussell, or comic friends come in. I usually avoid when he has doctors or MMA Fighters though


Duncan Trussell was actually one of the main reason why I stopped listening to the podcast after awhile. All that "connection to mother earth" pot talk every time he was there just annoyed me. Nothing against the guy, sounds like a nice guy, and actually shares a lot of interests with me, but god the pot talk sucks.

How about just dont listen to the ones where Duncan is a guest ya dumbass


I gave up on the MMA guys, but some of them are good. The Rhonda Rousey one was good, I'd like to see him get her back.

If she comes on and he doesn't hammer her for saying she would beat Floyd Jr in an MMA match I'll piss in Joe's mouth.


It's pretty obvious because he talks openly about getting high before the show, most of the time with the guest.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

He's a smart funny entertaining guy- less so when he's in a round of pot induced semi incoherent babbling. See also Kevin Smith.


Your 100% right about how he just waits to pounce on the chance to go into one of his already thought out rants. And he also is a 46 year old going through what I did in college. Him and Ari both act like they are so cool and deep cause of mushrooms and pot where that's what most people do in their teens not their 40s.

Don't you think the world would be a better place if everyone did mushrooms maaaannnn?

Seriously. The shtick gets old. I loved his podcast but it gets so repetitive. Haven't listened in like a year.

I've been listening here and there. Use to be an everyy episode guy. But you guys are right, it gets insanely repetitive... but not because Joe is a "dummy" but because he usually puts our 2-3 (sometimes even up to 5) three hour episodes a week. He's had A TON of snake oil salesmen on his show too. My favorite episodes are the Diaz (of course), Duncan/Chris Ryan, Bert, Greg Fitzsimmons and Bryan Callen episodes. When he's just riffing he's great, but he falls into the same rants (Like O and A do BTW) because after a while you just have to fill time.

BTW r/JoeRogan has probably the worst community on Reddit in terms of douchers and bro dudes trying to put you down over stupid shit.

I don't get that subreddit at all. Last time I was there it seemed like half of the posters there openly hated Rogan. It makes this place look like a box of kittens.

edit: grammar

Yeah. It's a constant whine fest. Too long of commercials, I thought the guest sucked, Rogan is a shill, Waaaaa Waaaaa Waaaa free content Waaaa Waaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaa.

I don't think he started smoking until later in his life, so that might explain it.

Exactly. They do stuff that I did in college and act like they are in this cool trend setting pot smoking world. No, they have the ideas of a pot smoking college student.

He talked about it with either Cheech or Chong. He only smoked pot 6 to a dozen times before he was 30,

He started smoking at around 40, before that he was a anti-drug maniac guy.

What you're describing is a recent thing, he hasn't always been like that. But he also agrees with the guests to keep them talking, like the bit coin dude - he was all up that guy's ass, and then has mocked him on every show since his appearance. And, occasionally, he'll get in someone's face, like he did last month (forget who).

The issue is, he's had his friends on so many times, if you're a regular listener, you've heard all the stories 20 times. So he tries to get people outside of his wheelhouse, but his ego makes him stomp all over them if they're not a forceful personality, like Degrasse Tyson - even Joe isn't so full of himself he's going to contradict Tyson.

And, when he's good, he's fucking great. The first Maynard interview is one of my all time favorites.

My problem lately is guys like Duncan, he's just too whiney and needy and annoying. We get it, you hate George Bush, get the fuck over it already, he's been gone for years.

Duncan isn't even funny. That's the issue he is either annoying or boring. He's that overly sensitive camp counselor with an acoustic guitar.

I've never seen his act, so I can't judge.






I listen occasionally when there's a good guest, but I stopped listening regularly for two reasons:

1) Rogan talks about every subject like he has phd in it. I know it's just his personality, but it started bugging me too much.

2) I can't remember his assistant's name, but I can't fucking stand that moron. Anyone looking for proof, just look for the time he had that argument with Bill Burr about who owns content. But that was really just one instance in a long string of idiocy.

His assistant's name is redban and he ruins the podcast for me as well. I can't stand that guy

Yeah, that's (Brian) Redban. He's a useless leech.

Redban is a webmaster who got lucky.


Hah, Reban wishes he were that good looking. Besides, Joe has a hot wife. She's Jessica Schimmel, Bob Schimmel's daughter.


LOL. I personally don't think he's gay, but hey, if you do, it's a free country.

He does have daddy issues though. Has he ever spoken about why his dad abandoned him when he was a kid?

His dad smacked his mom pretty hard when he Joe a little kid and his mom got the fuck out of the house with Joe ASAP and never went back. I remember hearing or reading somewhere that Joe said his dad tries to get in touch with him from time to time but Joe isn't interested in rekindling their relationship and he insinuated that his dad is more might be more interested in Joe's money and success than him as a person.

I hate Redban, but I miss him calling out Joe on his bs and ruining Joe's train of thought.

Now he just stays quiet and Joe goes on his potato rants.

Anyone looking for proof, just look for the time he had that argument with Bill Burr about who owns content.

Oh man that was fucking brutal. I remember another time he used a bunch of Adderall and just bitched about another comedian for 45 minutes, absolutely ruining the end of the show.

Watching him fuck up that bad on such a popular podcast also furthered my dislike for amphetamines. That seemed to be a big part of his rant.

thought redban was a 16 year old kid for the longest time. turns out he's over 40. listen to him speak, you CANNOT tell the difference. totally worthless as a producer and as a podcaster, it'd be better if he just never opened his mouth ever.

I only listen when Joey Diaz is on telling one of his crazy bullshit stories.

absolutely. three straight hours of diaz ramblings? yes, please.

I've only listened to the ones that feature O&A people. They're enjoyable enough when the guest has a chance to speak, and he's not interrupting the flow because he suddenly remembered a cool youtube clip that illustrates a point he's making.

Sometimes I just wanna say...


"Ari stinks"

+1, the guy is a typical west coast comedian.

I actually really like his podcast. Skeptic Tank, he's the opposite of Joe as a host. Interesting guest, doesn't try and make the show about him, really funny stories.

I first enjoyed Ari but all he ends up talking about is mushrooms and weed mannnn,even his appearance on Attell's new show was littered with mushroom talk and how strip clubs suck. I guess it's cool if you just took mushrooms for the first time or your 16.. But again I am just a D-bag on a message board.

He is a way better host than guest. Mostly cause he talks less about himself and his drugs. I find the whole weed shroom stuff boring.

Schumer was on recently, and she made an ass of herself talking about Jerry Seinfeld being sexist/racist.

Yeah. She did some episodes really early on in the podcast that were really funny. She just sounded so pretentious now. We get it you're a girl.

The Hamilton Morris one was unlistenable.

JRE made me appreciate O&A just that much more. They do four hours of content a day and always have something to talk about. Rogan does what, like six hours a week? And it's the same stupid fucking stories over and over again.

I love the Bigfoot, UFO, science, tripping, and nature episodes. I avoid UFC and most comics podcasts since I don't follow it.

Would never have listened if he was not so interesting on O&A.

The podcasts he did for his SyFy TV show were loaded with that stuff. They were good because Joe was actually calling the tards out on their bullshit and Duncan was just sitting there saying the most random hilarious shit.

I used to listen a bunch, but hearing Rogan tell the same goddamn stories over and over again got old really fast. Now I only listen when Joey Diaz is on. I can't get enough of that dude and his stories.

He's the J Peterman of stoners.

That's fucking perfect. His long winded human optimization product ads, him making himself out to be wise and mysterious.



Make sure you go to thats O-N-N-I-T Dot Com. Its basically a human optimization site that provides what you need to have your body working at peak performance. We have kettlebells and shit. Buy shit. play the music.

I avoid the MMA interviews, many of the other shows are great. I recommend all the Shayne Smith ones.

I want to know who he has naked pictures of. He's the only one whose show has not been screwed with.

My favorite ones are the Joe and Duncan ones. I like Duncan's optimism. I like that Joe puts out so many episodes. I don't listen to them all, but I check the site every two weeks or so and there's usually a couple that interest me.


LOL. I personally don't think he's gay, but hey, if you do, it's a free country.

He does have daddy issues though. Has he ever spoken about why his dad abandoned him when he was a kid?

Exactly. They do stuff that I did in college and act like they are in this cool trend setting pot smoking world. No, they have the ideas of a pot smoking college student.

He talked about it with either Cheech or Chong. He only smoked pot 6 to a dozen times before he was 30,

He started smoking at around 40, before that he was a anti-drug maniac guy.

If she comes on and he doesn't hammer her for saying she would beat Floyd Jr in an MMA match I'll piss in Joe's mouth.

He is a way better host than guest. Mostly cause he talks less about himself and his drugs. I find the whole weed shroom stuff boring.