What is Don Wickland's title/job?

0  2014-04-19 by [deleted]

I know as a listener I should know this but I don't - is he an agent/manager or a SIrius functionary or what?


Cupcake getter.

Uh, that's SENIOR Cupcake Getter to you, mister.

You've never heard of Wickipedia?

I heard he comes into every room making a DJ scratching gesture going "wiki wikiwikiwiki". Kind of embarrassing.

Head muckity-muck

Jizz mopper.

Cat wrangler.

He's a maid man


Wrong boss buddy.

His title is "Dandy" Don "Wiki" Wickland.

Chief Babysitter

Candle wicks or somethin!

More shit none of you idiots know.

I guess I just don't listen that closely.

Have to tried Google? I'm not being a dick. Don Wicklin Sirius into Google answers your question.

And miss out on the cavalcade of comedy this thread turned into?