Friday Fun with Dennis Falcone

27  2014-04-18 by crookedmile

Denny gave Sam a nice thrashing today. Also, Ant had a great line calling Jimmy "Peter Pansy". Funny as hell.


He's the best. "That's what they want from Denny!" He knows exactly what he's doing and I love it.

He is truly Teflon emotionally. Does not feed the troll (Sam).

Denny died for our sins. All praise our Lord and Savior, Dennis Falcone!

The patron saint of Jocktober.

Shut. Your. Fucking. Mouth. The Prophet (I can say it bc its my joke), will appear with the ancient alien stone that provides hits. Those who don't believe: BELIEVE IN ONE. FALCONE. HE sacrificed himself and legitimate personality for thousands' ENTERTAINMENT. He destroyed himself for radio. all bow.

Sam's human mask really slips when he gets the slightest bit of criticism.


Cum and matted afro hair.

Ahmed Johnson.


He inherited membership from his unidentified father.

Sam Roberts is the Cuckold Christ.


What an amazing thrashing of Sam today. Denny is the fuckin man.

Denny crushed Sam and it was hilarious.

Loved every second of this. A great reminder of why Sam is such a twat. The sense of entitlement got squashed live on the air. Beautiful.

All Hail Dennis Falcone. Since he came on during Tequila and Donut day, I've been a fan.

Denny is the man. Sam has nothing to offer besides punctuality

haha. Well-put. The insecurity was palpable.

I do like how he seems more integrated into the show now as a personality rather than just a "do the bit" character which can get old.

He still has his bit, but he and the boys haven't been making him be the always on caricature.

It seems to have lessened these days, but I also like how annoyed Jimmy gets by him.

followed by peter puffer. That whole bit was funny, love Sam and Denny.

I think Denny might be on staff now.

A couple weeks ago, they asked where he was and Sam responded that he was doing timecodes (or whatever the term is for marking up the audio for replay), which I imagine they wouldn't hand to any ol' SiriusXM employee that wasn't a part of the show.

/u/notsam, comment?

Once again, thank god for the brilliance of Erock and Tequila and Donut Day which brought this legend to the show.

Wasn't there a thing too where they were saying EVERY single day he came in and tried to whore for food/leftoevers? Seems weird for him to around so much if he's not doing something there.

Denny shaming Sam was so gratifying to hear.

He's simply the best.

Better than all the rest.

Denny killed it today.

I really loved this moment from when he did the pre-show.

Sam may be on the radio, but Dennis has the personality.

it was hilarious because denny's ideas were even worse than sam's (crappy) intro, yet denny's criticism was spot-on, which is why sam was getting genuinely agitated. loved opie chuckling through the whole thing