Unmasked with Ron Bennington: Opie & Anthony (04/17/14)

104  2014-04-17 by stevenknight


Mr. Knight you are truly a god among men.

Jimmy's line "Thanks to Roland there are 6 left" in reference to the 350 cupcakes they had for the crowd was great

Followed by "I'm going to pay for that joke..."

Is Roland that easy to offend?

of course, he's a sandy irritated pussy

Steven Knight, you're my hero

Steven what was your opinion on the Unmasked interview?

You are a beautiful baby boy Stevie

Even though I had to unfollow you on Twitter due to your nonsense, you are a great man Steven Knight.

You think he tweets a little too much?

Just a little.

Who is he?

His name is Lamah cocksucka and he just wants to love your mudda, go downstairs and play or sumptin

Chippah quit peekin'.

Do I post here for my free poster?

Ron's brilliant and accurate shots at Sam made me very happy. Mr. Bennington's genius is cutting through the bullshit to the truth.

"Have fun everyone, but not too much fun" - Sam Roberts, according to Ron Bennington.

A round of applause, gentlemen.

The corporate Sam gimmick has led to exactly zero laughs...

Excellent show. Everyone was killing it. Thanks for the hookup Steve, such a sweetheart.

Thanks Steven Knight


Why did it take so long to post this? AIIIIIDS!!!!


If anyone bitches about this upload being late, you'll be blocked. My Internet cut out half way through the broadcast, and didn't come back on for another hour. I rushed between my apartment and University library until I was able to upload it. I hope everyone enjoys it.

This is a bot that reposts the top comment from youtube

What the fuck is going on here?


Thanks, Obama!

You're welcome!

Can you sound any more desperate for approval and/or recognition?

What the fuck is going on here?

Thanks, Obama!