Poor bobo, no entry for the unmasked... Creep... Via Fred from Brooklyn's twitter

30  2014-04-17 by gallonofpcp1


It would have been great if they had him stand up for acknowledgement and then they both go "Get him the fuck out of here" and they throw him out in the middle of the street and a Mets bus hits him

Tsss and then like, his peckah falls off!

I don't know I'm just riffin'




Thanks, cajunbander. What are you like, eatin fried alligator or sumpin? Tsss.. fawkin crack myself up....

lol why is Bobo there already he looks like he's going to assassinate the bouncer

He definitely looks homicidal

Travis Bobickle

He looks like pedophile Chinese tourist, with his little camera.

...and his little dick.

Salty Asian bull dyke.

He got in... They had him stand up and be acknowledged.

I would love it if they had to kick him out for being noisy.

Freed From Brooklyn just tweeted an image of Bobo sleeping halfway thru d-d-dashow. Ugh. Hateable half-prick.

that fucking coat...

This brings indescribable joy to my heart.


Look at that strapping handsome young looking Russian man next to him.

Did Lady Di show up?