
30  2014-04-16 by JMueller2012

I always enjoy when he'son, just because he gets shit on immensely whenever the mic (rarely) is put in front of his face. Whether it be his psychotic mother, his subtle longing to be apart of the show and friends with everyone, or his shitty ability Puerto Rican. What's everyone else's thoughts on him?


He's been with the show for almost a decade and hasn't been turned into a bitter, hateful fuck, which is pretty remarkable. He seems like a genuinely cool guy.

I like Mars a lot

The short-lived "Damn! That's a nice ______" gag was pretty funny.

I think the reason I like Mars is because ONA haven't overused him as they're so apt to do. When used sparingly, none of the 'lesser' members of the show really bother me.

I've always liked Mars. He's funny and in the rare instances he's on mic has a gem, like kid touching Hispanic uncles or his crazy mother.

It's also funny that he could kick the living shit out of everyone in the room, but I guess that doesn't take much.


Dammmmmn. This is a good thread

He said it best about Danny: "Personally, you can suck balls and die, motherfucker"

Mars is a good guy in my book. I've never heard him get snobby like Ant or Jim, and plus he has an incredibly short temper which makes him even more loveable.

Is there a picture of him anywhere? I'm sick of thinking that he looks like John Leguizamo

No, he is just kind of a average balding barely recognizable as Hispanic dude who isn't' as good in shape as made to believe.

Here he is playing the douche going "bang baby bang" in a Gregg Hughes production.

That clip does make me laugh though.


or his shitty ability Puerto Rican.

I don't understand this sentence.

They tested his Spanish on the show. It wasn't up to snuff

TIL: the degree of shittiness regarding ones ethnicity is based on your ability to speak it's native language.

Be sure to tune in tomorrow as I teach everyone how to properly remove their face with a lawn mower.

Of course you don't. Why would you

I didn't know or think much about him until the psychotic mom stories, now I think he's really cool.

He's a likable guy but sometimes (not always) a bit of a bore.

No reason to hate him. Simply because he's not on that much AND he stuck up for himself against Danny AND WE ALL HATE DANNY, ON HERE AND BEYOND...


Mars and Erock only likable people on show. Ant used to be likable till Melinda left him and Ant became bitter creepy guy Ant.


He seems like a good guy, and he seems to dislike all the right people.

Dumb PR---those are my thoughts

His voice annoys me but he seems cool and when they make fun of him it's usually entertaining.

I'll still never forgive Mars for having the chance to smash Danny a couple years back TWICE (once on shit show and then the next day on O&A) and failing miserably.

i love mars, he's hilarious and seems like one of the nicer guys on the show.

Mars and his stories of abuse make me feel less alone about the fact that my mom broke her favorite hairbrush while beating me with it and my dad made me then apologize to her for breaking the brush in my attempt to defend myself from it.

That's rough, she ever find a replacement?

Wooden cooking spoons and coat hangers. Bitch was the MacGyver of finding things to beat my ass with


Haha, thanks. And you're right. No having to cut my own switch schoolmarm shit


haha having to fetch the implement of his beating?


Even though I like Cosby more, Pryor did the bit better because it segued right into Pryor trying to fight his dad, which was hilarious.

i think mars is a mumbling fat mexican manchild, who never gets shit on by the boys, but erock does, which is irritating. i also dislike his guest bookings a whole bunch.

*edit: grammar

No no, not the planet....