I hear Roland reads posts here at Reddit

39  2014-04-16 by [deleted]

In which case, fuck you, Roland. Your booking skills are PEDESTRIAN.

How many people can we get to insult this auditory disgrace here?


Someone on 4chan just called him "fat Danny".

Do you have a link to the thread?

And both of those 'mos also have follicular deficiencies. Nice.

Roland is just a fat Fez. Just come out piggy, you'll feel better


He isn't a real 'foodie'. He eats overpriced fried French treats and mac & cheese hamburgers and then uses being a "foodie" has an excuse. The fucker has never had any wheat grass juice or kale (or other foodie things) in his life.

He hangs out with hipsters who make overpriced americana (not american) cuisine. Although I believe he's the son of a chef so he may have a developed palette but his food choices aren't gourmet they're "foodie" which just means carb & sugar heavy foods.

Hmmm, you're right. I was getting foodie and food snob mixed up.

Either way, Roland's reputation amongst the staff as some kind of food expert is bullshit. He's no gourmet. Like you said, he just eats carb & sugar heavy shit at expensive gourmet restaurants and pretends he's some master food critic.

I'd love to see what Roland knows about the vegetarian or seafood scene in Manhattan. Although I'm sure he knows where he can soak lobster tails in butter and stuff them down his throat. Nothing about a baked Chilean sea bass with a light salad on the side or anything, can't be too healthy.

What's the difference between the two? I tried Google but I still don't get it.


Well, if he shits in the sink, it will be OK. /ladydi-logic

Foodies eat wheatgrass and kale?

Foodie for Roland = I eat over priced junk food.

Roland sucks at his job. What would the show do without shitty second-rate actors and authors.

  • 30 minute music breaks
  • Ant's 80 minute political rants
  • 10 minute RANDUM humor running gags
  • Opie rant about his kids shitting pissing and vomiting everywhere

But no Robert Rodriguez is uninspiring, back to Jimmy bombing as Chip. Is it really hard work interviewing a guest because Colin might tease ya? Or is it because 20 years in radio, you never actually tried? Let's get Patrice in... oh wait he's fucking dead. Let's get Bill Burr on the ph... he's in Denmark selling out theaters. Let's try a new comic.... yawn, he doesn't meld with us.

Roland is their friend, believe it or not. It's like asking why Opie is never called out for bombing everyday. It's a dumb loaded question you already know why they aren't going to call Roland out. Sam is rarely in the barrel, everybody loves him, it's a huge double standard. It's why Op Ant and Jimmy, never acknowledge these topics.

I take personal offense in your assuming everyone likes Sam because I hate him.

That's the thing - back before he went away I seem to remember him getting / O&A accepting some decent guests, and after Rolando came back they got a couple of A/B list guests, but that seems to have petered out a lot lately.

I don't know if Roland is doing a bad job or if it's other behind the scene stuff (agents seeing O&A as too risky, niche, not willing to take an agents' lower starpower talent, etc.) but the dropoff is pretty apparent.

If he's not going to be a team player like Erock, then he may want to follow in the footsteps of Troy and stay in the back room if his skin is really that thin / needs kid glove handling by on air talent.

Even if he lurks on here you should still insult him on twitter so the public is aware of his gayness

Colin Quinn was great in that film.

Fuck that fat shit eater.

I like Roland. NOT.

fuckin' home run, Chipperson

he changed his all men twitter page photo when called out for being gay on here.

Roland: the real Slobbo!


Eat a dick, donut boy!

We all float down here, fat boy.

I hope he gets heartburn all the time

Should this be so... Roland, you are terrible in every way imaginable. I hope you choke on a cronut, gasping for breath that will not come, and at that moment while you are turning blue on the floor, come to the realization that you are a complete zero. There will be no tribute for you, they will hose down your place and you will be forgotten.

Oh yes, that makes me feel a bit better, :)


He hangs out with hipsters who make overpriced americana (not american) cuisine. Although I believe he's the son of a chef so he may have a developed palette but his food choices aren't gourmet they're "foodie" which just means carb & sugar heavy foods.

Foodie for Roland = I eat over priced junk food.

Foodies eat wheatgrass and kale?