Every time someone makes a big Roland post on here..

40  2014-04-16 by [deleted]

Roland blocks all of his tweets to the public, then reopens them when the topics die down. This has happened about 8 times over the last 3 weeks. He definitely reads the Reddit. This Reddit has a lot of repetitiveness, but I don't think I will EVER get sick of the Roland topics. Each one is hilarious. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Denny or Sam keep pointing these out to him behind the scenes.

I can't wait to hear some callers speak to the boys on the main show about Roland-Gate and the mystery behind his special treatment.


There needs to be some organization to this. There should be a RolandGate hashtag to make it impossible to ignore. I think it'd be awesome if people would come up with a system to bombard the phones whenever they're taking calls.

I thought Roland was supposed to be this super professional talent booker and yet he acts like such a winky on twitter

Don't you dare drag Denny's name into this! He does no wrong

Because at least Denny doesn't act like an uppity cunt when someone calls in because he'll be defended by the boys out of what seems to be f-f-f-f...f-f-fear. I think they're just tired of the gravy stains Rolands fat fucking tears leave on the board.

That's implying posting one of these topics would be doing wrong. Also, Denny truly is the salt of the earth.

Best addition to the show since Intern David.

When Sam saw someone had made a fake Twitter account his response was "Now I've really made it!" and he left it at that.

If Roland can't handle this kind of attention he needs to stay off the air.



But he locks up his account whenever people start being mean to him.

We need a rat on his Twitter for when he goes into lockdown.

There's probably not enough posters for the O&A20 because Roland is eating them all.

Fuck that pedestrian fat fuck, heart attack waiting to happen, mumbling piece of shit.

Just the thought of his fat clogged heart exploding make me pee a little bit down there. Why does a solid dude like Otto have to die yet Roland's fat fucking ass is still wobbling on this Earth, I'll never understand.

Fuck him. If he reads this Reddit then he should grow thicker skin (insert fatty pig fatty joke here) and takes what he dishes out from the guys. Besides, it might be kinda fun hearing someone besides E-Rock get picked on for a change

roland hate threads are the only ones that everyone seems to agree on, the hate is so real.

and i bet a lot of it has to do with jim wanting pictures, im sure OnA really dont want all of those guests

Roland sure is mysterious...


I know what you mean.. it's as if complaining on Reddit is actually going to change the direction of the show. All these posts are "DAE ROLAND HATE!?"
