Opie just hung up on Bob Levy!

55  2014-04-16 by mr__hat

I've been patiently waiting for this for weeks! Always had faith in you Opie! Thank you!


All in with Opie again


Levy is a bore, props to opie.

His call after Otto died was cringeworthy. He wouldn't let anyone else get a word in and would always find a way to come back to himself. Rev. Bob sucks.

yeah, fucking... you guys, fucking.. you know?... fucking, you know?... You, know?... Oh man was that tough to listen to

He managed to plug a book he wrote during that

I was reading an eight year old article about opie and anthony, and lol'd that Bob Levy managed to cram his opinion into the article:

"<snip> That reputation has landed Club Soda Kenny regular features on "Opie and Anthony," a program on XM satellite radio known for its low-ball humor and adolescent pranks. He's also appeared in the hidden-camera DVD "Meet the Creeps."

The CD sent to West Orange officials was from a Dec. 8 performance at the Laugh Factory comedy club in Times Square. For eight minutes, Club Soda Kenny rants about everything from pistol-whipping his wife to having sex with his dog.

The segment later was posted online with a picture of Feder and a brief description of his act. Both have since been taken off www.cringehumor.net, though the site still offers an "Opie and Anthony" segment featuring audio and photos of Feder.

Bob Levy, a South Jersey comic who performed with Feder about a year ago at Caroline's Comedy Club in Manhattan, said Club Soda Kenny is more of a cult character than an aspiring comic.

He admitted Feder's act was "pushing it a little," but said comedy routines do not always reflect a person's true feelings.

"If it doesn't affect your day job, what does it mean? It doesn't mean anything. It's like telling someone who's a cop you can't go out and sing karaoke."

Good, fuck that shaky cunt. Jesus fuck that guy is so needy. I bet they wish they never gave him the hotline number, he's probably always on hold. I've never turned so quickly against someone, all because he did it to himself. Levy is so out of touch it's criminal


It's pretty easy to notice that Opie doesn't much like Bob Levy but he takes his calls because Jim and Anthony are friends with him.
He was somewhat entertaining when he trolled Lady Di but he calls way too often.

The first time he called to troll Di was funny, but he burned that bit out quickly.

The only good thing Marion has ever done is when she attacked Bob when he was trolling Di and shut him the fuck up. It was amazing how quickly he had to retreat.

Ant isn't even friends with him. Ant was having a party some weekend and some dumb listener tweeted Levy and asked if he was going. Levy said he wasn't invited, and because Ant was @ mentioned in the tweet, he had to be a nice guy and invite Levy out.

Anthony couldn't give a fuck about bob levy I guarantee you.

What happened? I didn't listen yet

He called the hotline, Opie took his call, let him talk for 10 seconds and then just hung up on him before he got to his point / punchline. Jimmy didn't sound too happy, but I'm not sure, it happened so fast. He is trying to laugh it off on twitter.

Fuck Jimmy's sensitivity. If he likes Bob so much, he can go see his stand up shows. But no, Jimmy doesn't want to be influenced by other comics. This radio show is not Bob's spotlight.

Bob's spotlight is when he says, "Now coming on stage... Beetlejuice!"

"that's why they are the best"

How come every other Levy tweet is just him going "ahahahahaha"?

lmao sounds hilarious

about what point (timewise) in the show did he hang up on him?

Almost at the end. sorry - no exact time to give you right now.

Thank's just heard it, it's at the very end of the last video of today's show on Logan's channel

I guess him calling in the past few days using Otto's death as a way to hog airtime and direct conversation to himself and his struggles etc has finally gotten them as annoyed with levy as we all have been since he first called the show.


That's accurate

Not quite. He also shows up at steakhouses on occasion and tries to entertain the elderly diners.

Breakthrough moment.

Bob's call.

Oh, it's bob Levy,i just wanted to ahh tell you about m...........

I like having Levy around on the off-chance Attell can smash him again when he calls in. That was gold, when it happened.

Any clips of this?

I don't hate Bob, but the guy does seem to call in a lot and the boys definitely put him on each time just to humor him. It's like parents having a solid conversation and their kid interrupts every five minutes to talk about what they did in school today. Kinda derails things.

I hate and cringe at Bob Levy calls. It's pretty obvious that the only reason they take his calls and don't bash him is Jimmys loyalty. Jim came up with him. Shit Levy was probably popular and good to a nobody Jimmy at one point. Don't think for a minute that theres any reason other then Jimmy that they entertain him at all. And even though I hate him, I give Jimmy props for being loyal and paying his shit forward

I'm not a new listener - but what's the history with Levy? Just cause he's a douche? Or something more?

He is/was(?) a Howard Stern semi-regular so I'm sure there's some animosity because of that

Nothing to do with Howard. Plenty of people are/were Stern regulars and O&A regulars. It's Howard who doesn't like people to go on both shows, O&A don't bitch about that. Florentine, for example.

The reason people "around here" dislike Bob Levy is because he's not fucking funny, and he calls in way too often with nothing to contribute.

Was. Howard had him banned from the building.

Gotcha. Makes sense.

He gets a lot of hate around here for whatever reason.

Shake it off Needy, Shake it off.

Thank god



Can someone post a link?

Who saw that coming?!? /sarcasm

Fuck yeah! Anybody got a link or rough time that it at happened at? I really don't want to listen to the entire Opie, Jimmy and Vos show.


last minute or 2

and ya today's show was boring as shit

man, this guy is brilliant.

"that's why they are the best"

How come every other Levy tweet is just him going "ahahahahaha"?

lmao sounds hilarious

Fuck Jimmy's sensitivity. If he likes Bob so much, he can go see his stand up shows. But no, Jimmy doesn't want to be influenced by other comics. This radio show is not Bob's spotlight.

He is/was(?) a Howard Stern semi-regular so I'm sure there's some animosity because of that

He gets a lot of hate around here for whatever reason.

about what point (timewise) in the show did he hang up on him?

yeah, fucking... you guys, fucking.. you know?... fucking, you know?... You, know?... Oh man was that tough to listen to

He managed to plug a book he wrote during that

I was reading an eight year old article about opie and anthony, and lol'd that Bob Levy managed to cram his opinion into the article:

"<snip> That reputation has landed Club Soda Kenny regular features on "Opie and Anthony," a program on XM satellite radio known for its low-ball humor and adolescent pranks. He's also appeared in the hidden-camera DVD "Meet the Creeps."

The CD sent to West Orange officials was from a Dec. 8 performance at the Laugh Factory comedy club in Times Square. For eight minutes, Club Soda Kenny rants about everything from pistol-whipping his wife to having sex with his dog.

The segment later was posted online with a picture of Feder and a brief description of his act. Both have since been taken off www.cringehumor.net, though the site still offers an "Opie and Anthony" segment featuring audio and photos of Feder.

Bob Levy, a South Jersey comic who performed with Feder about a year ago at Caroline's Comedy Club in Manhattan, said Club Soda Kenny is more of a cult character than an aspiring comic.

He admitted Feder's act was "pushing it a little," but said comedy routines do not always reflect a person's true feelings.

"If it doesn't affect your day job, what does it mean? It doesn't mean anything. It's like telling someone who's a cop you can't go out and sing karaoke."