LIVE Show Thread 4/16/2014

2  2014-04-16 by hansel4150

So...isn't this great?


I am actually glad ant is sick today. I need a show that doesn't have a rant about race, guns, Obama, or health care for once.

The day after tax day would have been tough to listen too. But I'm sure we will hear it tomorrow.

Vos saves the day


Really, are you that fucking cynical? He had a buch of great lines. The "no lube?" Line after Jim said he was sore was great.

hmm idk that sounds like the Vos we all know and love

Jesus Christ...there's no money to send them to the montreal comedy festival? I fucking hate this company.

If the real reason is that it conflicts with Opie's kids field trip they're not going to say that. Company is the scape goat.

If the problem was really his kids, why then offer to drive to Montreal and pay for his own accommodation? Opie hate is like religion for some of you.

No.. It could be any number of reasons from any number of hosts. What I'm saying is, that why would the hosts just say "we can't make it"? They are always going to blame management. Do you really think management is to blame for EVERYTHING that they can't do? All I'm saying is that I don't. Not blaming Opie specifically.

if it was an issue with his kid, why even bring it up just to blame it on the company? Just don't mention it.

Fuck ups a plenty today 'cos Dalet is fucked. No Ant today.

Maybe he's out because he found out maybe he will save some money on obamacare and didnt want to deal with it on air.

unless he got married and had a couple of kids last night, he'll most likely see an increase in cost

Probably. Was just kind of a throwaway line.

Opie hung up on Levy... he redeemed himself!


What the fuck just happened? Studio and intro all fucked up.

EDIT: Ant sick, Travis sick, Rich Vos in studio today.

Vos saves the day!

*he kills on stage, you know.

One of my favorite Otto stories from the show is from the XM studio. Otto came into the studio and brought George with him, which he didn't always do. About half way into hanging out, he put a newspaper into George's hands. And then he started moving George's eyes and head as if he George was reading the paper. All the while he was talking to O&A&J and making jokes.

You have a link to that?

Sam was right. "That didn't sound so good".

What person over the age of 22 hangs posters up anyways? Enough about the fucking posters.

I'd rather get an O&A snow globe

I'd rather get an O&A snowball



is the show still sad today? I've skipped last couple, enough misery in the world and my own life to listen to them cry over otto, I understand their pain, I'd just rather ignore it and not attach myself to that.

Tranny Loving Jim needs to eat a shotgun shell.

This is what happens when there is zero show prep. It's ok, but it's so clear that Opie is struggling.

Really? I'm enjoying the show today.

Yes. And I'm enjoying it too. I'm not saying it sucks.

if it was an issue with his kid, why even bring it up just to blame it on the company? Just don't mention it.

If the problem was really his kids, why then offer to drive to Montreal and pay for his own accommodation? Opie hate is like religion for some of you.