Jimmy doesn't even know who Pharrell is...

11  2014-04-15 by CryptoZappa

Nothing wrong with that, but for someone who has an act that relies a lot on pop culture he really started tuning out in general since the early 2000s. And it's not just music.

If he got more in to touch with people under 30/40 it might help his act. I love him but come on.


He doesn't listen to any music past 1988 so it won't affect his comedy.

"Get Over It" is from 1994, other than that you're right.

He doesn't listen to any music / watch any movies / watch any other comedians / understand technology past 1988 so it won't affect his comedy.

Something something prostitute something something bullet

the sad part is that jimmy gets mad when he doesnt draw big crowds but he doesnt see that this is a big part of the problem.

I mean he loves to trow all kind of pop culture and movie references during the show but they are all from the 80s and early 90s even 70s. And he gets big laughs from the other person in the room who does the same thing ..... ant. i mean im a 30 year old turd and even i get lost when they trow mash jokes or brady bunch jokes. its like when mindy kaling asked them what their favorite tv shows were and they started listing some very old shit.

Jimmy is completely out of touch and thats just crippling him as a comic but i understand it must be hard to watch tv if you are busy looking at porn and sexting all day long. But it could be worst and he could be only watching tv in a nostalgia vortex like ant does


Apparently Ant just watches reality TV all day now.

Yeah. I know mostly only old movies, old tv shows, so I like it, only cause I get the jokes. If you have a live, know current pop culture I could see how thus would get annoying


Opie has a wife and ant dates teens. How in the fuck is jimmy more exposed.

Because I'm sure every whore that came by his house had the milk shake song as their ring tone for awhile

So whats more likely. A guy who spends all his time in comedy clubs, on a talk show, or fucking hookers hearing the milkshake song or a guy who spends all his time with 18 year olds by the pool.

I'm 27, get out a fair amount and I only heard of probably 5 songs on that list. I do know who pharrel is but prior to that I couldn't name one song, just know he exists. I don't listen to the radio, don't use spotify or anything. The gym is the only place I hear these kinds of songs

I haven't heard Pharell. All I know is he is a guy that had some sort of funny hat. I think maybe he just music wise, and with movies lives in his cocoon.

That's what happens when you stop listening to music after you find a couple bands you enjoy. Its the same with his comedy- he found a niche where people laughed at his jokes and just plonked down and didn't evolve like a normal comedian.

He probably should have stuck with Wigger Jimmy, and he'd be current.

I haven't listened in over a week, scrolled back through the data and saw "Pharrell Songs." I knew this was going to happen.

Calling Pharrell a "dud" and saying the songs were "bombs" clearly proves it's a bit he's doing. There is no way that Jim hasn't heard 3 of the number 1 singles over the last 12 months.

So, again we get Jim: "I swear I've never heard this before, I would know if I heard it!"

Anthony: "Yo, dis mah timex, drinkin' owing-j jeews, dam rieet is bedda den yaaws, SHAD AHP!"

Opie: Pretending he's had these songs on his ipod since 2006 when we all know he's only familiar with The Pearl Jam and The MGMT.


I have no idea who Pharrell is (or why that name is spelled all retarded). I don't know if it's a guy or a girl, but it seems like a masculine name so I'm just guessing that it's a guy. My exposure to main stream music is the shit they play at the grocery store.

From my perspective I'm assuming Jim isn't doing a bit, because I am in the same boat he is. Not only have I not heard the "number 1 singles over the last 12 months" I genuinely have never heard of them/him/her at all.

If you don't watch much cable-tv, don't listen to the radio, and don't actively follow pop-music (or whatever it is--I assume it's some sort of R&B/pop song based on you paraphrasing Ant)--and you don't hang out with teenagers, why would you expect that person to be aware of and have listened to whatever garbage music it is?

He probably is a dud, but I'd have to actively seek out some shitty music I don't like. Not everyone pays attention to the same shit you do.

Edit: I clicked the first youtube suggestion after I typed pharrell into the box "Happy." Yuck. It's just some cloying, boring pop song as far as I can tell in the 14 seconds I tolerated after I clicked about a minute in. If that's demonstrative of the rest of this guy's shit, it's no wonder I haven't heard of him.

One of the most influential producer of the last 15 years. With production that spans many genres. Bought by many, and accredited by other famous musicians. But he is a "dud", right?

Just let that pompous cunt pretend he's superior to anything remotely pop culture. He doesn't have anything to live for but his leather jacket and rebellious attitude. AGAINST THE GRAIN YOU SHEEPLE

I'm no psychiatrist, but do you think there was a horrific event that happened to Jimmy back in the 80's and it froze him in time? Most of his references, jokes and insults were the hot topics of the 80's.

Jim's pop culture knowledge range is about 1972-1989 and 2001-2004

Who is Pharrell? I have no clue. Why I should I give two shits about him?

Needs more Jimcy, tell em sam

They've definitely played Get Lucky on the show before...I'm sure of it.

At least he admits it. Sam really bugged me during that discussion because he was busting on Jim, but he just read off Pharrell's Wikipedia, then said Pharrell was using a sample in the Daft Punk song, when those guys and Pharrell are known for making their own hooks with live instruments, then looping them.

Are you fuckin' kidding?

Here's the first Daft Punk sample source video that came to hand, but there's tons of 'em on YouTube


EDIT: Here's a better one, the meticulous Billy Joel loop reconstructions are worth the price of admission alone.



Pharrell came to my college in my senior year (2011). Our hockey arena seats 3,000 people. The seats weren't necessary because only enough people went to fill up the rink area.

By comparison Jim Breuer and Ralphie May sold it out to standing room only, just a week earlier.

It must be a bit. I've been watching the news for the last 15 minutes and I've already heard the song twice during commercials.

I dont know who Pharrell is.

I also didn't know who Pharrell was until the last couple of weeks.

Heads up Crypto: Some people like different things than you do. Alot of people stop listening to Pop music after about 30 years old because that's when you realize it's shit.

Has Pharrell produced anything for Sabbath or Kiss?

I've never heard the song until they played it on O&A, am I a hipster, or just someone who is too busy to listen to songs they don't like?

neither, just a douchebag.

Please explain. Where should I have heard the song before to avoid being a douchebag? I must need different forms of media in my life that I normally do not receive. Do you have a newsletter I can subscribe to?

... that's something a hipster would say

Interesting. Besides the above comment, what characteristics would you ascribe to me based on your hipster diagnosis?

... that's something a hipster would say

Damn! What else should I be doing right now to make my hipster life complete? Grow a neck-beard? Wear a fedora? Eat a cronut? I never knew how incomplete my life was.

I thinketh thou doth protesteth too much.


Ah, whoever denied it, supplied it?

Self important douchness

Weird. Because not a single person who knows me IRL would consider me self important. I'm just concerned that I am (unknown to everyone outside of reddit) a hipster for not seeking out shitty music. Which is why I keep asking if there's some sort of list I can go thought so I can see if I really am, and things I can avoid doing in the future.

a very illustrative reply.

In that I have no idea what you are talking about? Yes.
In that it's a stupid assertion to make based on if I heard or did not hear a specific song? Yes.

In all honesty, what should I have done to of heard the song? Watch Oprah? Watch kids movies? Listen to pop radio? Shop at Hot Topic? What that have made me less of a douchebag?

Calm down dipshit.

Leave your room on occasion in the last 10 years? Even if you avoided hot 100 bullshit, it plays everywhere. At stores, bars, tv shows, friend's radios, youtube videos, etc. You'd have to be making a very concerted effort to avoid ever hearing some of the most popular songs of the decade and the only explanation for it is that you're a try hard hipster. Not saying there's anything wrong with it per se, but just realize that it's really obvious.

Well, the song isn't 10 years old, but I'm sure that was just hyperbole. So let's see, they don't blast pop music at most stores I go to, I'm not one to hang out at bars (and the restaurants I go to don't blast music), I don't sit around listening to my friend's radio (and when I listen to the radio it's talk radio so I can hear the news), when I'm at the gym I'm wearing headphones (and the place is more likely to be blasting Nirvana or Alice In Chains than Lady Gaga), and none of the youtube channels I watch feature pop music. I also work in a very quiet building full of people who are not exactly on the pulse of what's popular.

I did have one of my friends mention in passing it was stuck in their head, but I didn't feel the urge to go out of my way to listen to the song that they had mentioned.

What I have is a wife, 2 toddlers, and when I finally have the time to sit down and watch tv, I'm watching something on Netflix.

Granted, I never said I have no idea who he is (I do enjoy listening to Daft Punk, so of course I've heard Get Lucky, but really, that's about it AFIK), but that I've never heard the song Happy. I've also heard quite a few songs that he was involved with, just never knew he was involved.

It's actually pretty easy for me to be disconnected, and would actually take more of an effort not to be. You'll find the older you get, the easier it will be.

Does that make me hipster? If so, the definition has greatly increased.

my god you're a bore.

So now am I a hipster, a douchebag, or a bore?

Would I be less of a bore if I shopped at Hot Topic and watched Oprah?

All three

All three what? Oprah, Hot Topic, and what other 'cool' thing?


To of never heard the song Happy?


Nope. I've heard 'of' the song Happy, but never felt like going out of my way to hear it.

I'm with you, I wouldn't be able to ID the song if I had to.


I know he's grieving, but UHG. How do you not know? How do you even act like you're too cool to know these songs?

Why would he know the songs? Pop music aint the only music.

That's what kills me, not that he doesn't know who he is, but that he's happy not to know. A bit hipster-ish.

On the other hand, no one SHOULD know who Pharrell is.

"Get Over It" is from 1994, other than that you're right.

He doesn't listen to any music / watch any movies / watch any other comedians / understand technology past 1988 so it won't affect his comedy.

So whats more likely. A guy who spends all his time in comedy clubs, on a talk show, or fucking hookers hearing the milkshake song or a guy who spends all his time with 18 year olds by the pool.