I hate Roland

54  2014-04-15 by [deleted]

I know it isn't a big deal but this fucking asshole annoys me so much. From his foodie bullshit to his sports teams/players that he isn't even a fan of and now this instagram hashtag/posting someone's red moon photo as his own. Is it because he's borderline retarded and looks like a bald Quasimodo that the guys simply laugh off his attention whore behavior?

Please tell me someone else hates him almost as much as I do.


Please tell me someone else hates him almost as much as I do.

Where the fuck have you been? The Roland hate train already left the station.



Around the country, spreading the news of what a terrible fat fuck he is.

The hate train turned out to be a blimp.

"it's burning and bursting, Oh the humanity!"




I'm "ALL IN" with the roland hate. He wants the attention but can't stand the heat. He's a pedestrian human being.

He hates the idea of being called pedestrian because he's terrified he might have to walk.

Everyone hates Roland. But to be honest I hate the Cronut Guy just as much

I don't understand Cronut Guy. Sure, I get that he wants to make the best, and not sell out. But...if there are 200 people lined up, and there's only enough for 100 of them, the people being left out are going to just go somewhere else.

What the fuck kind of way is that to run a business?

It forces people to try other things.

It keeps his shop from becoming the "cronut shop."

(an aside from talking about roland, whom I've already said I despise)

Why don't people get the Cronut guy?

Dominique Ansel does what he does his way because has an "artisanal" mentality....in his mind every single food item made must be given the time and attention his specific personal recipe calls for. I'd bet that expanding the cronut production count of a day would cut into the amount of other things he and his staff could make at full quality.

There is an old italian pizza man named Domenico DeMarco at Di Fara pizza in brooklyn that does the same thing with pizza. he uses hard to get ingredients and takes his time making the pies and he sells them for very low profit. because he considers it his calling to be the best he can possibly be and to be respected by others that care about that kind of approach as much as him.

the pizzeria itself is not fancy at all. you'd probably ignore it if you walked by....other than seeing the line.

Money doesn't motivate these people. They just want enough to do ok and to keep going.

I'm not defending the mentality, (I personally am greatly motivated by money) , but I am just saying that I have seen this artisanal mentality before. It may just be about having a very particular personality type of demanding complete control.

complete control of something means more than money to some people.

Cronut guy has a trademark on the word cronut. So anyone marketing something as a cronut has to either pay him or can be used by him. Maybe he didn't invent the formula, maybe he had help, there are many reason he may not be able to sell the way he makes it, but he sure as hell can make more on the name and tons of knockoffs while still being the original cronut nut.





Why do you care how some doughnut maker runs his business, why does that interest you in the slightest?

Because I want to see it fail due to his poor business model. Then I want to see Roland find something with the ultimate tensile strength to sustain him hanging himself.


I applaud your bravery for being the only one willing to make such a controversial statement.


I didnt know Roland's mother posted here

I just hate the attitude he's gotten over the recent months.

"Those other pastries are pedestrian."

It's food Roland, Jesus Christ.

Anyone who uses the word 'pastries' like it's that natural is a truly fat motherfucker

he's the worst

Please tell me someone else hates him almost as much as I do

Almost? I've hated him since the first time he was on the air, and all this shit has just been adding to it. He and Bobo need to be involved in a murder/suicide


Hey roland, mursu is a trendy dessert spot. Let's get you involved.

Finally, someone called up about Roland and Prime Time Sammy took the call. Now Roland's tits are all twisted over it. Poor baby.

I used to be Team Roland.... but I cannot support that chubby baby.

Roland can only be described as a dilettante. He is a fat hipster who tries incredibly hard to the guy who is in the know. He is incredibly hateable. No one actually likes him.

It's been widely discussed. So does everyone else.

On-air Roland is despised by the listeners. Opie and Sam are good at extracting hateable aspects of Roland because it annoys the audience. Roland was also only turned into unlikable douche recently, previous to this he was only been weird mumbling guy.

Off-air Roland must be a much more charming person. Everyone who talks about Roland outside the show likes him, and he seems like a competent booker. Opie and Anthony have always praised his skills, and fought for his job when they moved back to being exclusively on Sirius. There's no way he could be successful at his job if he was the shithead that has recently appeared on the show.

Grow up.

I do, I do, I do! He plays the role of the troll because he can't fit in any other role, literally and figuratively. If he had half a brain he would drop 100lbs and parlay all his connections around town into dating a nice young woman. Fat idiot.

It's very mysterious that he's never shown the slightest bit of interest in women.

Queeb or quay. Long shot-- Spanish.

No mystery: he's an obvious closet case. At least Jim is hilarious...

Usually the biggest stars that come on the show (booked by Roland) are just boring narcissists....so F Roland.

I just wish they would give him some shit for his shit.

I was neutral until I heard about him bringing, and hording, his own food to other peoples parties (then shitting on their food). I don't hate him, but if he disappeared I wouldn't miss him. He seems like a genuinely shitty guy.

Agreed. I can't wait until he eventually chokes to death.

I hope he catches on fire and has to beg winos to piss on him to put the flames out, but he winds up drowning in the puddle of wino piss anyway. Then I hope the winos begin to choke and gag on the smoke and piss steam that rises up from his charred corpse and they all puke on him, covering his body completely. Then I hope he isn't found until all the puke has dried and glues him to the pavement so that they have to chisel his body up with linoleum tile removers like a 400 pound wad of gum.

But I think 'hate' is a rather strong word.

I have to return some videotapes.

"Inside Lydia's Asshole"?

The only person who hates Roland more than /r/opieandanthony is Roland himself. He is the most self-conscious, attention-seeking guy I have ever seen.

Roland is disgusting. His sloppy tits and incessant babbling with his autistic kiddy voice gives me cancer.

Maybe Roland acts out because he knows everybody hates him.

If everybody tweeted him a tender sentiment maybe he'll change for the better?

Maybe if you send him some tender cutlets in gravy

Breaded in shattered glass...

Infused with organic, fair trade, vegan, C4.


ITT: Beating a dead fat, bald, dego horse.

A horse who died when he inhaled to giggle and a box of cronuts got lodged in his windpipe.

You're literally parroting about a dozen posts made last week. How badly do you want to get people to like you on a troll account?


MORE LIKE POOP-CHAN! YEAH! that showed him..

You made, yet another, I hate Roland thread. You're already exploiting Reddit's circlejerking power, just like a true hardcore redditor. And stop acting like using reddit is faggy, the fact that you're even posting means that you are admitting those other forums suck. Who the fuck still uses wackbag and old forum community architectures? Reddit is the shit, even if it is a faggot website.

you go girl

Thanks, your hilarious comment made me snot loffing. Fine work sir.

People looking for better ways to slam H.


I liked Roland when he was giving my NotColinKane twitter account love but besides that he a whiney prick

I hate his stupid pop'n'fresh giggle and his baby's voice. Though his laugh/personality is nowhere near as grating as Sam's. Fucking hate that child.

Yeah, I tell ya, on the worksite we don't do any of that sissy giggling, we always find that a simple 'ha ha ha' works just fine, but eh, whaddu I know.

He shouldn't be on the air..

He's good at booking guests, that's it.

Who doesn't?


They need to just keep him a civilian because he's not an engaging person.

To the Platoon fans out there: YouTube the scene at the end where the base area is overrun and that fat fuck officer is shot as he's complaining (figure it out; it's not hard). Roland reminds me of him exactly: fat, lazy, bureaucrat, sauntering around.

it's a bit, like everything else. Just like sam started making a point of saying "clawset" every day. When they find out that stuff bugs the listeners, they do it more often.

There's no way that Roland really needs to use the word "cel-uh-buh-tory" every day...he does it because it's been made fun of, and has become a bit.


Its an older saying. You'd work ON an assembly line. Just a phrase that's not used anymore

Definitely standing "in" line. People sit "in" a circle....same concept applies to a line. No debate.

It's an East Coast expression, I've found. They also sometimes say "queue" instead of "line". Like those fag British people.

That was an Archie Bunker reference, no offense intended to actual British people.



I'm starting to love Roland just because all the Opie dicklicks on here hate him for no real reason.

No real reason? There are about a thousand reasons to hate Roland.

the fat guy that gets the guests on the show is a little pretentious. Let's treat him like hitler.

The show is about the personalities that come on-air. They may have off-air jobs, but folks like Sal and Roland come on the show and ergo, are opened up to criticism from the fans.

Sal, for example, you can absolutely hate. He always has this cloud of arrogance around him and starts fights with his superiors. Roland just has an annoying voice and is only hurting himself with the food stuff. He'll be dead in a couple years, and he's the villain of the show now. And why? Because he cancelled the cronut guy?

I really hate the fans of this show.

Roland is twenty times the cunt Sal is and you know it, troll.

Oh... So Sal's the new Danny.

he also canceled some BBQ guy before, and he said the reason was because he overheard Jimmy making fun of him after the show

If I hate Opie as much as Roland, am I an 'Opie dicklick?'

ive hated roland before it was cool.


you fags are as sensitive as OnA, if you want a circle jerk go comment on OnA's twitter pages.

You seem upset

Let's get Troy Quan in here to see what he has to say

Wait wait wait, that's not necessaryyyyyy ...

Fez has been known as Fatty Pneumonia I propose that Roland be forever known as Fatty Diabetes.


Yikes... Please have your medical professional get you to a post-stroke therapist.

The show is about the personalities that come on-air. They may have off-air jobs, but folks like Sal and Roland come on the show and ergo, are opened up to criticism from the fans.

Sal, for example, you can absolutely hate. He always has this cloud of arrogance around him and starts fights with his superiors. Roland just has an annoying voice and is only hurting himself with the food stuff. He'll be dead in a couple years, and he's the villain of the show now. And why? Because he cancelled the cronut guy?

I really hate the fans of this show.

Wait wait wait, that's not necessaryyyyyy ...