The only funny thing I took from Monday's sad news...

53  2014-04-15 by Drunken_Wizard23

was Ant's hilarious inability to express the sadness Jimmy and Op were feeling, and how whenever someone said something sentimental he'd follow it up with a "yeesh," "ahh," "oh boy," or "eek"


Ant's just gotta keep tamping that emotion down, stifling it with booze, until it all comes out in a movie theater in Florida when someone throws popcorn in his face.

Or when someone throws their plate of spaghetti against the wall

Shit, maybe one day he'll snap and become the spaghetti thrower.

Tssss he's tampin like he's still doin construction or sumptin tsssss

ant is a gigantic pussy, he'd never have the courage to actually act on his rage.

I agree w/ you, kinda.

Ant isn't a pussy. Far from it. He's just NOT going to throw his life away over something stupid.

If someone invades his home, he'd have no problem shooting them.

That said, even though he has a virtually unobtainable NYC concealed carry permit, he's not going to shoot some random crazy person on the street unless he/she is directly threatening him w/ bodily harm. He knows the law and he follows it.

Ant is an asshole. He's not a retarded asshole. He values his income and his freedom. He's not going to jeopardize either one over something petty.

Every time he thinks about displaying emotion, his fathers' ghost shows up and calls him a faggot.

Jesus christ, son of a bitch

Anthony never really expresses grief I bet he went home and jumped in his pool and got wasted because he can't deal with emotions

That or he ran up stairs to his room, locked the door, and burst into tears.

Nah, he went home and had sex with his 17 year old girlfriend.




He burst into CUMS

He made a huge pot of spaghetti and threw it at the wall.

And then Beavis saw it and now he's scarred for life. Anthony is continuing the chain of disfunction

Beavis: "My stomach hurts... Wahhh."

Ant: "Shut up, or I'll give ya somethin' to cry about"

Beavis: "Waaaahhhh"

Ant: "Ol' pissy eyes..."

Not everyone needs to act out like a little girl or an old woman.

People get born, if they're lucky they live a bit, then they die. That's how it works.

Things can be sad and unfortunate and unpleasant without a requirement for everyone involved to engage in public pantomime.

Not saying he should cry. Jimmy and Opie sit and talk about death and morbid things openly and Ant actively avoids it at any cost which is strange

It's not strange. It's called Asperger's Syndrome.

Tssss, or like buttburgers syndrome...



I'd be more interested in his mid-life crisis guide. That dago did everything right.

I used to think "Fuck him" for coming off as so insensitive when Patrice died. But you know what, who am I to tell somebody how to properly grieve? Anthony saying "yeesh" and "eek" doesn't make him an asshole. If anything, it makes him human.

Ant said this is how he deals with shit. Bury deeeeep inside and wash the rest away with booze.

Unfortunately, I deal with sad shit the same way he does. It definitely doesn't mean I don't understand the sadness or feel sad. But some people just arent the type to get really emotional, and especially on the radio with a shit ton of people listening in.

The only times I got emotional in front of others when someone died was for my mother and father.

I'm not disconnected, I just prefer to keep deep feelings to myself, and not make a public display of them. I tend to find that people like that are more about making it about them, than really experiencing loss. And, grief is a weird thing, everyone deals with it differently. I get why people need to be public about it, I leave them alone as long as they leave me alone. I don't hold it against anyone who didn't show emotions at my parent's funerals, it's all good. Process it the way you want and need to.

Ant will be fine. Don't assume either that he had any more than a casual working relationship to Otto, and may not feel his loss that hard, unlike Jimmy who knew Otto for a long time as a personal friend.


yeah your right how dare Jimmy be sad when a really good friend dies suddenly.



Mine was bob levy and calling and rambling. He was literally just trying to say as much as possible and stay on the phone as long as possible. I was cringing out. Hard.

Edit: He Called the Ron show and pulled the same shit allegedly. I tuned out when I heard his voice.

Agreed, I have a feeling there was a silent "hang the fuck up" gesture when they finally did hang up on him.

And saying "Ya know?" and "Ya know what I mean?" over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Yes, we know. Shut the fuck up with the asking.

I do the same thing. It's not cold, it's being uncomfortable as all hell. Sorry he didn't break down crying for someone who might not of been really close with outside of the show.

Agreed. Just because Jim was friends with him doesn't mean everyone else was.

Pffftt... Jeezus Christ...... sonofabitch

He's old school. Men rarely showed emotion(except for rage) back in the day. When my grandpas WWII army buddy,best friend and occasional lover died he had the exact same reaction as Ant. I'm built the same way and,ironically, it affects me more because I can't express loss or sadness like women can. It's why men are usually funnier than women,especially in groups. Men can't handle emotion,so they mix it up with jokes. Women feed on emotion,and create drama. Even funny women ,like Joy Behar, turn into hens when put in the same room with bar-bra.

I found a great Burr bit on the subject

and occasional lover


Your Grandpa was gay?

EDIT: "Not that there's anything wrong with that..."

Occasionally, it seems.

That's the first thing I noticed LOL. His Grandpa was a cocksucking faggot, but at least he didn't cry /sarcasm.

most of the women i know are terrible at expressing emotion and simply get angry when they're made to feel anything. I think expressing/accepting emotion is more a question of emotional maturity and just the way a person is put together, rather than a gender thing. I know some men who are able to express themselves just fine, whether it's crying or just being honest with what they're feeling, and they are all mature emotionally.

Not saying anthony is immature necessarily, i mean he just found out about the death, and i think there's a shock factor, especially in the first day or two. That with the added pressure of continuing a comedy-based radio show is enough to throw anyone off.

I think I grieve similar to Opie I have that initial, "What the fuck" moment and then I try to be serious and talk about what happened instead of trying to be funny like Ant

I think that is how a normal human being would do it.

Did the same with Patrice, its so awkward and cold

I'd do the same thing if I was on the radio and had to talk about a friend dying. If I'm going to grieve "properly" it'll be when I'm at home.

Ant's uncomfortableness at Otto's passing made ME uncomfortable. He really does not like to go to that place. I get it, it is a place of pain. It is easier to disassociate yourself from those kinds of feelings than face them. I get it.

It doesn't mean to say he isn't sad or upset, people deal with things differently, its completely understandable that people deal with the same situation in different ways. Ant's probably afraid of the reality of his own emotions and what they mean.

Expressing the same sentiment as a lot of you in this thread. People handle things in different ways. My mother died 9 years ago and I only started shedding tears last summer in a long car ride by myself.

he's such a child, anytime theres a real moment on the show he has to get out of it, which is why i dont understand why people love him so much, he's funny but it stops there, he has a weird shitty personality or none at all really, at least jim and op can throw away that stupid shock jock character when something real happens.

I really wish Ant's dad lived to be on the show at least once. We'd really get some insight as to why Anthony seems to stomp down any emotional grief he might experience. Even when Jimmy was crying, and Ant was asking him what's wrong it almost seemed condescending or something.

Every single time someone dies, he uses the "Yer kiddin!" line.

He's an emotionless husk, unless taxes / guns / healthcare's being discussed.

i'm sort of the same way, i dont mean to be that guy, one-up guy but i am the same way

i usually just play games till i forget it happened, when my dog died, all i did was play games, sc1 LoL runescape WoW, for some reason i believed if i did what i was doing before i can bring him back, i can somehow maintain and go back to the point i was in the game, i can reverse time and save them

sucks but i was pretty young, now when someone dies i don't care, i can't if i do it'll make me worse

Did it ever work?

Sometimes, but you have to bring your own weapons.

Yesterday I thought that only I had this same revelation and then patted myself on the back for being such an insightful fellow. I'm a narcissistic ass.

He wanted to leave the studio and sit by his pool with a drink more than he wanted to breathe.

Why do people think Ant can't deal with emotions? I think he's typical of a lot of people, including myself. When my Dad died I just dealt with it, plowed right through all the funeral events, just trying to get it over with. I was sad, but I deal with it without talking to people about it.

When people die there's an awful lot of the bubbling crying types, or "remember the time he did X" types, or people just coming to the wake for the free food and drink, and if you're not that kind of person you just want to get away from everybody and lie out by your pool.

I am the same way, not trying to be a tough guy or anything. And I am not bottling anything up, some people just feel way harder than others, and some don't feel at all.

He's a monstaaaaaaaaaaaaaar

Maybe it makes him feel better to make other people feel better by lightening up the mood. Nothing makes it more miserable than when everyone is just down.

I think thats a big part of it, and he wants to keep the show light

just heard this, ant is so fucking annoying, shut up and let a moment happen, he sounded like he heard a tragic story on the news "geeez" "thats crazy" anytime there was silence for over a second.

You're surprised the unempathetic gun thumping rich sociopath doesn't know how to read feelings? It's pretty evident in most of his rants that he doesn't register the emotions of anyone but himself. It's what makes him such a cold blooded comedy guy.

I didn't get a chance to listen to monday's show unfortunately, so I'm wondering if he did what I expect he would, and did the car crash sound effect when one of them was in the middle of saying nice things about otto & george.

It used to be that was the normal response for a man. Now we've reached a point where other dudes get bothered by a man not breaking down and bawling in public. What a generation of weenies you all are.

Hoohah devil dog!

Ant's a psychopath.

A lovable, funny, charming psychopath.

But still a psychopath.

Ant isn't a psychopath, he's a sweet, pissy-eyed boy who was raised by a psychopath.

I'm surprised it didn't turn into a fight cause dipshit wanted a 'real moment'

I'd love you to nap and never wake up.

You'e not alone.

its better than growing a beard and pointing out how you didn't shave since (insert dead person) died every chance you get.

And then Beavis saw it and now he's scarred for life. Anthony is continuing the chain of disfunction

yeah your right how dare Jimmy be sad when a really good friend dies suddenly.