Thinking about Otto caused me to start counting deaths of people I only knew about because of O&A.

14  2014-04-14 by ryanasimov

This is a downer topic, I know, but I'm wondering who I've left off.

  1. Patrice O'Neal
  2. Mike DeStefano
  3. Greg Giraldo
  4. Steve C.
  5. Tippy Tom
  6. Ziggy (?)
  7. Otto Petersen

And yet somehow Lady Di soldiers on...


Knock knock. Who's there? Richard Jeni. Richard Jeni who?

That prison visit was 87% of his suicide reasoning

Conner Peterson.

Patrice and Otto are dead but Lady Di and Marion live on. This is why life is horrible and we should all want no part of it.

WAY ahead of you on the hating of life. You'll need something called a 'beer coozy' if you want to ride this wave of depression all the way to shore

Don't forget Blue.

He needed the money! Ohhhh!

Darian O'Toole

Unfortunately drug addiction is popular amongst comedians. The way they were talking about Otto I would suspects this is the case. Levy mentioned coke and cleaning up his life. Dying in your sleep is usually heroin. But who knows. Sucks that he couldn't clean up his act.

You know, my grandma died in her sleep and I didn't put two and two together until just now. She was on H.

Lots of heavy drinkers die in their fifties of heart attacks. Levy mentioned he recently wanted to meet up and have some drinks. Maybe he cleaned up the drugs but was still boozing. Who knows. It's all speculation anyway.

Just listened to Otto's unmasked. He was a heavy drinker and coke abuser. He gave up coke but still drank occasionally.

Lots of non-drinkers die in their fifties of heart attacks too, what's your point sir?

You usually have something going on if you die of a heart attack in your fifties. It wasn't obesity, so drinking is the next most logical reason. Also, you're a cunt.

O&A Death Pool.

8.Come on Roland!

You should bet AGAINST Roland, so even if you lose, you win!

Andrew Brietbart and Chris Kyle

Terri Schiavo perhaps

Didn't realize Destefano kicked the bucket

Rocco (from Rocco & Birdsey at WAAF)


I'd be heartbroken if something happened to Patti. She's a nice person, works so hard, and has genuine personality, unlike those other slobs.

Are you fuckin serious?

Why would stalker Patti die? She's not unhealthy

She has thyroid problems

Ugh I read this in Stalker Patty's voice


Of course she does.

You only knew Giraldo from O&A? That's weird, he's much more famous for roasts and he only did O&A like once or twice.

Don't be a tool, he said people he knew about 'because' of O&A.

I only knew about him from that. I'm not a big fan of roasts, O and A really showed how funny he was.