Crying Jimmy

54  2014-04-14 by mr__hat

He just started to cry and they went to break. What happened? Were his arms flailing?

Such a sweet and sensitive boy.

EDIT: RIP Otto Petersen.


Just got word that Bobo actually won Unmasked tickets.

That spoiled retart gets tickets and Otto is gone, there is no God

Well I really was just making a speculative joke before the news about Otto passing but Im sure that half wit will get his ticket and I'm sure he will ruin the broadcast.

Maybe Ronnie will kick all the retards out before he begins the interview?

A boy could dream

That's terrible. I'm sorry.

RIP Steve C



I'm gay!

oh boy what the fuck


Why Otto?

Ant told paltalk it was Otto apparently

Losing all the greats, all of the comedians' comedians. I'm waiting for a comedian to die for whom the boys will have to say "he was okay, I guess."

Jim Jeffries Edit: I meant Jeff Ross. But whatever, super late catch

RIP Otto

How long should i wait, before i give George a call?

He must be in shock. He hasn't said a word since he heard the news.

when he is ready to fall in love again, i want george to know, i'll be there for him, that's all.

Fucking tell fucking Bob Fuck Levey to fucking shut fucking up. Fuck.

please, i thought we all agreed to call him by his full name, Needy Bob Levy

"you guys are so real, yaknowwhatimsayin"

Nice of Ant to reel it in and not be a fucking emotional cripple for once.

Hard clip to listen to..and then Stacey Keach chimes in about poop

He really has no tact, does he.

I thought fez took over the show for a few seconds.

I'm betting a comedian kicked the bucket.

You have John Edwards level prescience.

You callin' him a douche?


Very sad news. One of my favourite stories that Jimmy tells is about Otto. The one where he points at a picture of a girl's grandfather and says "this the one who tossed himself out the window?" I'm paraphrasing there obviously but I'm sure you know the one.

RIP Otto.

That's the one! So fucking funny.

Errr, wtf was that. Spooked me the fuck out when they were quiet and Jimmy was making those noises(crying?)

He died of explosive diarrhea. It was like Yoohoo rocketing out of his asshole.

Well whoop-de-fuckin-doo ova-heah.

Half danish Jew junkie

Why is it all the really funny ones?

because they're the most fucked up


Jesus fuck, Otto died. (Source: Ant on PalTalk).

From stevenknight's youtube

Florentine called Jimmy and told him Otto died in his sleep. Sad news.

after jimmy was crying and hearing the news about otto passing away the audio that went into break said 'the boys need to drop a deuce... they'll be right back'. i think otto would of laughed at that.

I just now realised for the first time that I've never seen George. Dude had a ventriloquist act that worked on fucking radio. Holy shit.

Ronnie does too

There are no words to describe the burn of this comment about lack of words.

Otto's act was hilarious. Definitely will be missed

you started to phase out verbs and i toilet now

We forget it but Jimmy's a real good guy.

on air prolapse?

Reminds me of when he got word Patrice died.

Oh my God. Can Levy shut the fuck up already?

RIP to the hysterical Otto. THE best ventriloquist act around!

Hope another comedian didn't die.

Uh oh...

I bet he got a text regarding some bad news

This sucks..

This is unbelievably shitty news. RIP Otto, you'll be missed.

Holy fuck. Just listened to it on the replay...totally thought it was part of the psychic bit right up until Opie sent it to commercial.

Dammit. Otto is probably one of the best I've seen live. Literally left me crying. Fuck.

and of course I gotta go in the fucking work right now.

Did someone die?

Apparently Otto Petersen died.


RIP Otto

I heard a rumor that Otto died...fuck man

Damn... this sucks. Pretty sure Otto was a big help to Jimmy when he was getting started.

I will sorely miss Otto Petersen...he was the sweetest guy in the business. - Doctor Steve (@weirdmedicine)

yes its true i just got the call i can't believe otto is dead he has been a great friend for years,,so sad lost

ReverendBobLevy (@TheRevBobLevy)

at first I thought it was Fez who died.

wishful thinking.




Anyone have a rough estimate of a timestamp?



Jimmy is obviously the only one on O&A that's not a psychopath :(

Just listened to the clip and his reaction is so genuine

ant was so uncomfortable, im so curious to know what happened to him to make him such a robotic weirdo.

What's the difference? He died every time he was on stage. Rest In Piss you Pusaay

The saddest thing about this is that we had to sit through a half an hour of Bob Levy droning on and on.

When is he finally going to die?

pffffttt.. jeEZus christ.


I have no doubt that Jimmy is sad about Otto's death, as we should all be, but I think he's also really afraid for himself, because if someone as funny as Otto can die without mainstream success, then Jimmy more than likely will. Who'd want to be forced to face their own mortality and failure?

Oh shut the fuck up with this faggot assed "insight" into Jimmy's life

So, how successful does Norton have to get before people stop with the trolling comments like these? He's on a popular radio show, worth several million, owns an apartment in a Trump building, was a regular on the Tonight Show, and can sell out multiple shows at the Borgata.

I'm mean, it's cute and all that you slip the word "mainstream" in there to qualify his success....but by no means can you call him a failure, like him or not.

I really hope you die now.

but I think he's also really afraid for himself

That's what your community college psycholgy associate's degree taught you? one considers the loss that comes with death, just the fear that they might be next....? Not to mention Jim exercises, eats healthy, doesn't drink, smoke, or do drugs. Otto didn't die from funniness.

Not only does he exercise, I've also heard rumors that he's been going to the gem, going to the gem 'n eatin' bettahr.

Downvoting you not because "this is inappropriate," but because you're just dumb and incorrect.

eat a bullet.


when he is ready to fall in love again, i want george to know, i'll be there for him, that's all.


You callin' him a douche?