#FuckRoland, #erockarmy FOR LIFE.

109  2014-04-08 by Erikbagel



What neck?

Stick his chins out*


Hawk is BACK!

On the attack

He's whack

The dope way he talks smack

This is going great



Does anybody remember laughter?

Erock is the shit! Roland is a major pussy

Erock always does EVERY horrifying thing afeh da sheow, Roland has done what?

Not everything! He did draw a line at Lady Di's panties.


Feet up on the show like I run the board. Fucking erock the soldier.

Coke floats in my cup coke floats in my cup.


Nah. I was trying to do an erock thing. Now come here and shut up.


Erock army nigga! When it's live like that why don't they plug O&A?



Corporate douches at Serious XM


In all honesty though, Erock is more adventurous than he gets credit for. This reminds me of the Tony Danza thing he did and that was nearly a decade ago

Ironically E-Rock did more in that one bit to build Cronut hype than Roland did the past 2 weeks.

Failing to book the cronut guy and supporting him through a protected twitter account. Good job fat boy!

oh, EROCK.

Usually I think anyone who writes fanfics is a faggot, especially fanfics of wrestling.

But Erock gets a permanent pass from me, because of all the good he's done the show.

I know. He better be honored.

erockarmy motha fucka!

E-Rock is the fucking man. Dude gets shit on all the time and they white glove Roland the way Samsung does them.

Because E-rock can take it... Roland...not so much.

Sex Bagel kicks Roland the Hutt's fat ass!

Look how active Erock is compared to this slob

This means that one day Ant is going to yell at Roland, "WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR MALFUNCTION, NUMBNUTS?" and Roland is going to shoot him in the chest.



FYI - Roland is back on Twitter.

Are they not allowed to send interns for these types of shenanigans?

Some people might find that humiliating. You can get in a lot of trouble if an employee/intern felt pressured to humiliate themselves. Legal shit blows, thank god there's Erock.

On 2nd thought, they probably can't use interns for stunts anymore since the Great Purge a couple years back.

Intern Lady Di, wocka wocka.

coke floats in my cup!

Erock is a legend


On the attack

He's whack

The dope way he talks smack