How far are you from not listening to the show anymore?

4  2014-04-05 by [deleted]

At this point I would surprised if I made it through April. I listen more out of habit anymore. It's just part of my morning routine. But the show has been downright awful for over a year.

I really put the Blame on Opie and Jimmy. I know people get annoyed with Anthony, but at least you dislike him for being himself. Opie and Jim just reek phoniness anymore. Opie so badly wanting to seem tough but at the same time be "down" with everybody, and Jim, for Christ sake get down off your fucking high horse every once in awhile.


I'm back to monitoring YouTube for Louis appearances or other guests I'm interested in. They've kind of lost me. They just don't try hard enough.

recent R&F convert here. they seem like they just don't give a shit, and I haven't seen them covering any topics I care about recently.

haven't listened to the show since lady Di week

How long can you trash talk your fans AND get away with putting out a shit product. Somethings got to give. Sneaky little Friday's off, that's a fuck you to the fans

Louis hasn't been great lately, Oh My God was disastrous. Stern can keep him.

I'm with you in large part... Jimmy is REALLY killing the show for me, more so than any other complaints I have anyway.

It's got to the point that I'm bitch'n and moan'n and pitch'n a fit with a complete inability to get over it.

I've hit a wall with him as well. It seems like he's at his best... (Sadly for him, but great for us) when he's miserable. Whether it's break ups or career stagnation or whores... he's at his best when he's upset or tired. But him getting in shape, hanging with Ozzy, and possibly a TV show... He's getting fucking fresh. I've also noticed whenever anyone calls to say anything about it... He goes Mr logical debate guy jimmy like he's arguing off some formula off a book

Don't get me wrong, he's brought and still brings... Although not as regularly as in the past some funny shit.

I used to listen everyday but as of late, i only listen if I read the re-cap and theres a topic I would love to get Anthony Cumias take on. Or if Colin, Attell, Vos, and Bob Kelly are on. I honestly can't stand Opie (if you can believe that.) He is the sole reason I can't do it everyday now. If you listen to something for 3 hours a day.. you pick up on his terribleness. I can't believe most of the faggots on here consider Opie untouchable. Do they not have ears?

I agree. It really seems like they dont care and are doing the bare minimum and sam and dennys eagerness to bring it all really highlight oandas contempt.

they really haven't cared since the merger

There just isn't any show prep anymore. They don't talk about their current lives and current music or reference recent movies. Their living in the past maaaaannn! Opie acts like he's hosting an oldies station with his music breaks! It's like Jim stopped going outside and experiencing the world in 1991. at least Ant has an opinion on topical subjects. I like when non-shut-in comedians come on. The only relatable story Jim and Ope have are the creepy guy in the gym story they've told 10 times. I stopped listening a few weeks ago and only listen to select segments. Now if only I can stop coming HERE hourly.

Another week of antidotal obamacare talk and I'll be back to skimming through the shows. This isn't the 80's guys, it's easy to fact check every nonsense opinion you spew.

I would have used the word 'anecdotal' if I were filling out a report on the jobsite, but I like to use words in their proper context, ahh, what do I know? That's just me.

I would too. Damn autocorrect. Antidotal is hilariously retarded.

I still enjoy the show. However I won't lie that there are a lot of parallels between the Stern show's downfall and the way O&A is heading now.

The warning signs include:

  1. Complaining about the company.

  2. Ant now has a cat.

  3. Every time O&A do something stunt like or edgy Sirius comes down hard on them.

  4. The booking of popular guests unrelated to the spirit of the show (Manounous, Chelsea Handler, etc)

  5. Lack of staff drama or wanting to insult the staff.

It's still an amazing show. But it's right on the verge of tipping over that mountain's edge that starts the slippery slope.

You leave Beavis out of this.

stop bro ur a grown man who is obsessed w someone else's cat

I remember when Opie was talking about meditating and going to a meditation center. Could you beg for his acceptance more?

Don't forget recycling his "friends". Jackie Martling, Bob Levy, Tim Sabean.

But I think 100% of the Stern love comes from Opie, every few months he throws out a "We don't really have a problem with those guys, we're cool with some of them." But you never hear Anthony agree.

Anthony has talked about how he has no problems with them and talks to them when when they see each other around the building.

Extremely far, I still like the show more than anything else out there.

Listening to a couple of rich cunts with fuck you money complaining about shit that doesn't affect them can be a bit tiring. Having fuck you money means you don't have to worry about the same shit peasants worry about .

Di intern week was great,that's the shit i want to listen to.

In fairness to them, when they do try to pull off a good show like lady di's intern shows they get a lot of shit from the powers that be. It would be frustrating having jackasses like sabean tinkering with your show all the time.

I've been getting the Adam Carolla podcast recently. I still listen to O&A but sometimes I skip a few depending on the guest. Most of the time the show comes to a screeching halt.

Die hard Carolla fans are just as jaded with his show as O&A fans. I think people in general just need to not get overly attached to radio shows. Sometimes people just need to take a break and listen to something else for a while.

Great point. There was a time I was listening to The Joe Rogan Experience all the time. I was getting burnt out and suddenly feeling like a lot of jackasses who feel entitled to a show. Starting to feel like a ghost producer "No, Joe! You talked about that already no you should talk about this! No you should have this guy on." I felt like a big queeb after I realized what I was doing.

I didn't like I was getting that way so I stood back and didn't listen for 5 months and now I'm getting back into it and loving it. Some more people need to do that around here I think.

I can't do Carolla's new stuff. I pepper in some old Loveline into my listening. Back then it was just enough of Carolla's rants, but the new stuff is him going crazy like Ant.

You're 100% right. I used to love Carolla but I've heard every one of his stories so many times that I can often predict which one he's going to launch into before he does.

I can't listen to him anymore. It's not because he's gotten shitty, it's because I've overdosed on him the way a lot of you guys have overdosed on O&A.


I think the past few months I have been listening just because it has become a part of my daily routine. The Lady Di week, I think, was great and I looked forward to it. The effort of the show seems to have dropped since the beginning of the year. Even the last Jocktober was fairly weak compared to previous years. It has become repetitive with music break, Youtube videos and politics talk (Ant ranting). I don't hate the Ant rants, but they need to be varied in subject matter, not the same everyday.

Pretty far from giving up on the show. I don't listen to interviews if they're not comedians or the show freaks. If a particular interview gets a lot of reaction here (Belle Knox for example), I might try to find it on the On Demand thing and give it a listen.

I quit a month ago but still download it everyday then delete it after awhile

Every day consists of listening to YouTube videos for 20 mins. No topical stuff and it all comes back to race, religion and political correctness. Same arguments over and over. I still listen hoping for more but it's just not there anymore.

And fuck you to people who say stop listening. We can still listen to a show and critique it. Your just giving a douchey answer like Opie or Jimmy would.

How far is the nearest quasar?

They almost lost me with 90 day fiance. I really couldn't believe they were this out of touch but I also believe they feel that trolling and annoying their fans is a funny thing to do between themselves but it won't be funny once they see how they are turning fans away. We get it Opie hates doing the show and is lazy. Then leave. Quit. You are still paid to do something. If I pulled this crap at my job I'd be fired.

last thursday's show with nick dipaolo was great .. the week of lady di was amazing ... i got annoyed when ant and opie played the whole "im tapping out" with lady di towards the end of the week i remember thinking what the fuck are you doing? it was a week of gold and they had to ruin it

Not close at all. I don't care if you throw your XM down the toilet, buy a Sirius and then fuck your mother.

I've only been all in for a year. So I'll take what I can get and just don't want them to retire right when I get into it.

Youtube is the ultimate treasure trove though.

If you can find the early xm days, they are pretty god damn hilarious.


Opie used to really piss me off, but when you realise all of his problems (or all of our problems with him) come from the fact that he's supposed to be 'the guy' but everybody else is more talented and funny.

If I was the weak link everyday in front of how-ever-many-listeners-they-have I'd be reaching a little too. He's only as bad as he is because of this, I think. He'd be better recieved if he calmed down a bit.

As funny as Jimmy is, I have to agree with you. He's gotten so up his own ass recently it's cringing.

All that said, I'm nowhere near deciding to stop listening to them. I'm in the UK and we have nothing like Satellite Radio over here. Everything is so filtered.

not close

I don't get the hate, really. I love the show. They did beat Obamacare over the head and having DiPaolo on Thursday had me going "Ok, enough!" But other than that the show is still great.

I feel like a lot of you guys on here that if there is an hour that you don't like or 2 shows in a row you guys fly off the handle. Yes, the boys need to be reinvigorated and get out of the shackles of SiriusXM. Yes, Roland is a coddled fat bastard. Jimmy's a liberal cunt. Ant's a racist hack. Opie please stop talking about ________. It's always the same complaints. If you don't like the show then you should leave.

Coming from Howard to over here was like a breath of fresh air and still is to me IMHO. Jesus a show sometimes just goes through lulls. If you don't like it, take off a few weeks and come back. Yes, we would all like more comedians in but Tim doesn't like the comedians and Opie doesn't have the strength to fight all the battles anymore. And I don't blame him, how many times can you be beaten and just keep coming back for more.

But come on guys, we had a great string of fucking shows. About a month or 2 ago it was "SHOWS NEVER BEEN BETTER! Loius! Rogan! Gervais!" Then the other week it was a mix of hate for belle Knox and love of lady Di. Jesus Christ GET OVER ITTTTTTTT!!!!!!!

Flip flop, flip flop. Sometimes the guys need to go away for a bit of a vacation to come back to be fresh for the show. Everything has it's ups and downs. Chill the fuck out or move on. Jesus this sub used to be fun now it's as bad as looking at a Howard forum (at least the hate there was justified about a guy who was literally phoning it in)


I thought you listened in the afternoon?

First hour in the morning, catch the rest in the afternoon. Any other questions creep?

I'm just going by what you said, calm down son.

You're not my dad!!!

Plot Twist: GleepGlorpFloopdedoo IS your Dad

{dramatic music.wav}

who cares

The 47 reply's this thread got.

Stop listening then, cancel your SXM and stop posting, believe me, no one will miss you. This sub is so fucking negative lately with the same bullshit negativity that it is just fucking tiresome. like fucking teenage girls at this point.

The thing you "don't listen if you don't like it" people all have in common, as well as Opie for that matter, is the apparent inability to understand criticism. You either praise a show that spends most of it's time hating on shit and kiss their asses or you're a hater. Jim bitches and complains constantly, Opie bitches and complains constantly and Ant, albeit not as much as the other two, still bitches and complains yet fans aren't meant to say anything? The show still has it's moments, it's why anyone still listens.

The show bitches about things in an entertaining way. People on this sub do it with a hatred for the show

Then take your own advice and just don't visit the sub.

Because you talk shit about the show all the time and I enjoy it but I should leave. Good call

You're the one bitching about how hateful it is, Princess. Shhhh.

Where did I say it was hateful? Your whole original post was basically how much you hate the show and probably won't listen anymore. Ya got me good by calling me princess

You really are a clueless moron.. pay attention. My whole original post was about how people like you don't understand how others can still like the show even though they post criticism.. something you just made perfectly clear. And I didn't even mention I "probably won't listen anymore".. I said the show still has it's moments which is why people still DO listen. You're the one bitching about how this sub is full of hate for the show so don't visit the fucking sub, go sit on the Facebook page with the others that do nothing but kiss Op, Ant and Jim's ass all day. This isn't rocket science, Einstein.

So I must have misunderstood when you said you would be surprised if you made it through April. Enjoy the show and thank you for your service.

That wasn't me, you fucking idiot.. that was Zombie_Tom.. the guy that made this thread.

well then, my face is red

Apology accepted.

I remember when Opie was talking about meditating and going to a meditation center. Could you beg for his acceptance more?

Don't forget recycling his "friends". Jackie Martling, Bob Levy, Tim Sabean.

But I think 100% of the Stern love comes from Opie, every few months he throws out a "We don't really have a problem with those guys, we're cool with some of them." But you never hear Anthony agree.

You leave Beavis out of this.

The show bitches about things in an entertaining way. People on this sub do it with a hatred for the show

The 47 reply's this thread got.

well then, my face is red

Apology accepted.