Ant should bitch about Obamacare again tomorrow...

11  2014-04-04 by CryptoZappa

You really don't hear that on talk radio.


I'd rather floss my piss hole than listen to his political shit

please do.

anyone who doesn't appreciate what ant is saying should self mutilate their genitalia...

hopefully it hinders your ability to reproduce.

the fewer leeches the better.

I hope the house next door to you goes up for sale...

fanboyism = cult level

yeah because i happen to agree with ant's stance on this particular issue i'm "a fanboy"


Someone should make another thread about this shit.

The first time anyone in the media has talked about the show in a long time. Both the show and fans are going to milk it for all its worth.

Someone should follow the pattern of repeating things ironically


As repetitive as the political or race discussions can be, I'd honestly rather hear that than Opie leading another 45 minute classic rock break.

Anything is better than a music break. The worst was when Opie wanted to watch an entire Pearl Jam show on youtube. Ughhhh.

I turned on a replay today. Saw "obamacare" on the radio display and heard ant's elevated voice. Changed the channel

Total time listened to O&A today: 3.2 seconds

Hate to say it, but me as well. Saw Nick DiPalo would be on, and heard Ant ranting about Obamacare- just turned it off.

I stopped listening to Stern because I got tired of his America's Got Talent discussions and 3 days a week show. So I gave O&A a shot a few years ago and loved it ... but between Ant's daily ranting and high-horse Jimmy I've been getting burned out lately.

I started listening to this show to laugh, not to hear a bunch of people incessantly complain.

not to hear a bunch of people incessantly complain.

I have some bad news to tell you.

Hopefully it's an AIDS diagnosis.

I know exactly what your going through, i have started to listen to more Ron & Fez recently. It may have its meltdowns but i find it way more listenable. Atleast i am not lectured on social and political issues by high school dropouts and people who lived with their parents until 30 there.


Shit, are you guys my doppelgangers? Don't forget about Opie bitching about management and the industry. None of this is new, but the problem is they are now doing it almost constantly, and all three of them are in a shitty mood at the same time. The show has not been entertaining at all over the last couple of weeks.

So yeah, I'm mostly listening to R&F now also...

I'm not laughing, but I'm certainly entertained by the discussion. The show seems better with the political discussion, and I'm not even a political junkie. Anthony is certainly a very entertaining individual and he's on top of his game when he is bashing libs (And I'm a liberal...)

Before this Obamacare breakout, the show would talk about news stories, and while slightly interesting, I really didn't have any incentive to listen to the rest of the program. I listen to about 40 minutes before my drive ends, and I don't bother listening to the rest of the program most of the time. But these political discussions really have me interested in hearing the rest of the program.

Same here. I just turn my radio off and on periodically to see if they're done

Seriously. If I wanted to listen to right-wing talk radio I'd go listen to that.

And even if you're not into Glenn Beck or Limbaugh, at least politics is their main thing and they're up-to-date on everything.

And then their politics revolve around their party lines, making them worthless.

Are Ant and Nick aware that taxes on top earners are the lowest they've ever been? Also, " rich vs. poor " has always been an issue. It's nothing new.

you're a fool if you honestly believe that.

just because a few famous people base their entire income on capital gains (double taxation) doesn't mean every person earning over some arbitrary number is paying less tax.

in fact, thanks to our progressive tax rate most people making that much money pay significantly more % of their earnings than you ever will.

I like Obongoscam discussions.

Do you think Ant forgets what he rants during the morning or does he carry it with him all day - maintaining the rage.

u seen his twitter?

It made me him unfollow months ago. It has definitely made my days slightly better.

I kind of wish that they would stick to the baby diaper mustache material. I've heard enough of the politics, the complaining about management, and racial double standards. We know about this stuff already.

Those days are over. The show revolves around political discussion now, and management, and political correctness.

His obamacare rants can get tiring but Ant raises good points about how most people are getting fucked over from this.


How dare he talk about current events, am I right guyz????!!??

Talking would be okay, but they shove their own political views on us, if you try to argue your own point they lower your audio and shout "wahhh wahh baby" at you.

That's not true. They allowed Jeff from Philly on, and the guy who hates Norton. The problem is most people who opposes their viewpoint are fucking idiots who can't get their point across.

Most of what you said occasionally happens. Do you know why? It's because the caller is so MAD AND ANGRY that he attacks the hosts instead of discussing the issue in a reasonable manner. I have heard callers that disagreed with them, had a reasonable discussion, and then "agree to disagree". Most of the time, this happens.

They should get Tampax to sponsor the rant.

I hope he does, I'll listen to it. They still have a better perspective on it than anyone else.

One of the many reasons I don't listen to the show anymore:

  1. Ant trying to be Limbaugh Jr [I lean Conservative and even I don't want to hear about stupid fucking politics, much less on a comedy show]

  2. Irrelevant, Liberal, Jimmy just fucking dominating the room with negativity and whining.

  3. Opie/Bobbie going on about their goddamn kids

  4. The complete loss of their talent pool.

Then why don't you un-sub dumb ass.

Because i'm your huckleberry :3

The show had faded from political discussion for a while, and it was a bit boring. I turned the show off after 40 minutes and didn't miss much.

The last few days, during Obamacare, I was highly interested in hearing the rest of the show, you can tell the quality of the show has really improved due to the political discourse.

Anthony conservative, Jimmy liberal

Confirmed for insane.

It'd be compelling and funny radio after all these years, even with the repetitiveness, if they could bring some one on from the opposite slant who is just as stinging and bitter with his critiques as Ant's are, some one who can handle how Ant rant's and makes his arguments and dish it right back. Its like somewhere along the way the show just decided it would always be funniest to let Anthony go as far off the deep end as possible and sort of let him hang himself with his own rope, but its gotten so stale at this point I feel like actually having more of a debate would be funnier. Not saying Ant should be toned down at all, but the segments with people like Bill Burr challenging Anthony is still some of the funniest audio I've ever heard, I wish they'd do more of that.

Bill Burr is tired of Ants racism

Have they ever had Jamie Kilstein on the show? He seems as obnoxious as Ant in the opposite direction.

I agree. Brother Wease had some good political shit throwing with Ant. Jim only passively throws it back in a devils advocate way.

Brother Wease had some good political shit

Instant insanity. Wease was a moron.

who cares if hes a moron or not? I don't want university professors discussing politics on my morning comedy radio show, I want a pissing contestant of ideas between people who barely know what they are talking about. Let people make parody's out of themselves with there own opinions, its some of the best comedy life has to offer. I just think its dumb they don't have a counter point for Anthony. With the show having an almost completely libertarian slant, none of the material that could be riffed on for hours just by virtue of having a different set of ideas in the room to bring them up get expunged on, and thus were left with more of the same stale rants.

Jimmy intentionally tries to be the counterpoint to Anthony, so that's where that comes from.

Wease would be a strawman against Anthony AND Jimmy if he were on because Wease knew nothing and was basically in favor of language policing and more government power. Every time Wease had been on and they talked about politics, he was obliterated, either by Ant and Jim, or even by Wease's own self-contradictory views.

I'm hoping. In a perfect world, he'll raise his voice when talking about the millions of "takers." Later, he'll reveal he loves a rightwing racist web site but claim he gets his facts from everywhere.

I don't know if is right wing, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have voted for Herman Cain either.

yes, he should. every day until that bullshit travesty of a law is repealed.

can you disagree with any of the facts he brings up?

Shut up

sHet uP


Oh, literal wurmspiralmaschine...


Rush has a great dry and toungue-in-cheek sense of humor.


I just said it.


Rush is awesome, I'm sorry that you think otherwise.

and I'm sorry you're a ball licker


------> /r/conservative

gud one

-----> /r/mylittleponies

Shit, are you guys my doppelgangers? Don't forget about Opie bitching about management and the industry. None of this is new, but the problem is they are now doing it almost constantly, and all three of them are in a shitty mood at the same time. The show has not been entertaining at all over the last couple of weeks.

So yeah, I'm mostly listening to R&F now also...

I hope the house next door to you goes up for sale...

fanboyism = cult level

Talking would be okay, but they shove their own political views on us, if you try to argue your own point they lower your audio and shout "wahhh wahh baby" at you.