Why do you comment?

2  2014-04-03 by [deleted]

I like the show, I have issues with some content, but when I do, I just move on to news or a song or just talk with myself about how I could clearly do a better job on radio then anybody else could.(Just to realize that I'm an idiot and I would fail post haste)

I don't see why a lot of you people just flame O&A+j. I get that you all listen, a lot. I get that you all seem to hate some aspect of the show, a lot. Have you ever though of just keeping your opinion to yourself? Or do you have an irrational hatred inside of you that drives you to a keyboard to talk shit on people; for whom, all things considered you must like enough to listen to them so intently. I just don't understand.


Let me be the first to welcome you to the Internet.

We have porn!

There's also some great places if you're in the mood for spinning meat.

You're complaining about complaining. Realise you're retarded and move along.

The next logical step is a circlejerk mocking the people complaining about the complainers.

Has anyone started /r/metaopieandanthony yet?


This show has a negative shallow energy, it's fans do as well.

The difference is the hosts are talented enough that their negative vibe is entertaining. Half the time the fans do it they are repeating something they heard on the show and the other half is just completely unfunny. Most of the fans also lack the self-awareness to realize they aren't funny at all, and that parroting what they heard a funny person say doesn't make them funny.

I agree Bobo is the typical fan. If he drove a truck. The parroting is awful.

I think it's funny when Ant and Jimmy are ripping something or someone apart but Opie always comes across like one of the listeners by just saying mean shit that isn't clever at all. If anyone ever calls him out on it he always says that they don't get the "bit". Drives me nuts.

I take umbrage with your complaint about complaining.

I like the use of umbrage. Have an upvote

O&A fans enjoy a particular brand of humor that most of society doesn't get. Most people get offended and defensive by our language usage. Even in /r/fatpeoplehate the other day, some schmuck posted a fat-to-thin pic of his mom, saying if she can do it why can't others? I got crucified for shitting on him and saying his mom had depression for how her son turned out and it didn't count. In THIS subreddit, it's business as usual. It's kind of like a community of thick skinned pricks in here, so I enjoy coming. Toward your point of negativity..... In all media, negativity sells. Do you tune in to the news for "feel good news"? Do you want to hear Howard give away pets everyday? Do you want to come here and read a bunch of "great show, keep up the good work!" Comments? No, and neither do I. This is a community of people that call people out when they say something stupid. If you want positive reinforcement for everything you say and do, go elsewhere.

I've said it before, but here goes...

O,A & J have turned the the show into 4 hours of trashing and complaining about everything. We rarely get shows where they seem like they're just having fun. It shouldn't surprise anyone that the audience takes on a similar attitude. When you have a fan base that obsesses over the show, it's only natural that the show becomes the target.

I used to keep the channel on all of the time. It didn't matter if it was live, replay, or worst-of, I always listened. Now, I only tune in to the replay if there's something interesting in the listening thread.

Welcome to the internet my friend! We ve been waiting for ya.

Your tears are making my screen wet.

I get what your saying, I'm more of a casual fan and really just wait for show rundowns here before I decide if in going to listen to today's show or not. The people who decide to make a thread saying "opie sucks.." Or "ant likes guns" seriously need to reevaluate life.

Wow isn't this great?!

You just can't win with these people. Complain about Opie, you get the circle jerk behind your back. Say something about those people complaining and you get the same AIDS plowing you.

Because I don't have any friends to talk to about O&A so it's fun to have a forum that discusses the show. I don't even mind the hate threads, I still chuckle at a good 'I hate sam'/'opie sucks'/'erock is fat' response. That's what this place is for!

I've been thinking about this same thing over the last week. Completely agree with you. Fuck you whiners.


Because our freedom of speech is in chaaaaaiiiiiins.


What a surprise that the most negative radio show in history has some negativity in its fanbase.

I've always found it funny that you have these guys who tell it like it is and love to argue to shit, that then turn around and whine when people bust their balls. Howard Stern is like that too, complaining about haters on Twitter and shit. Didn't these guys make a career out of being the guys in the corner talking about how corny and shitty everything is?

Same reason you posted this rant. To be heard or to ask a question of other fans.

Its funny to do.

You're on a subreddit you clearly don't like. Maybe you should pick another one.

O&A&J have a fanbase who can't think for themselves. The hosts on their favorite radio show are negative, so they feel they have to be negative too. It's stupid logic, but when you realize that 99% of their fanbase is comprised of retards and truckers then it becomes clearer.

You drive a truck?

Because most redditors are homos that need to have their feelings reinforced by the hugbox/circlejerk. I post to piss off those people.

Has the thought occurred to you that maybe you're unclear on the concept of Reddit?

Telling others that they should keep their opinions to themselves within the context of the "Reddit world" is, plainly put, idiotic.

Praising or complaining, that is what Reddit is. Complaining about the complaining on a forum in which many folks complain makes you a fool. Stop being a fool, post haste.

Good day, Sir.

How about complaining about the complaining about the complaining?

I believe that would then make it constructive criticism?!

eat shit.

Give it up. Your bits over. Move on

