4/3/14 Show

8  2014-04-03 by [deleted]


Anthony reminiscing about the glory days of America, when the top tax rate was 91% for income over $200,000 ($1.5m adjusted for inflation) in 1963.

http://www.scribd.com/doc/190499803/Fed-U-S-Federal-Individual-Income-Tax-Rates-History-1862-2013 http://www.scribd.com/doc/190500966/Federal-Individual-Individual-Income-Tax-Rate-Adjusted-for-Inflation

damn it, stop with math. all math has a liberal slant!


Yeah and no one paid it. They'd make more money collecting a 20k check than they would earning 200,000.

Wrong. According to that data:

$20k in 1963 = $152k in 2013

$200k in 1963 = $1,522k in 2013

$152k taxed at 56% = $66,880

$1,522k taxed at 91% = $136,980

You make more than double. And, this is marginal tax rate (i.e. without deductions), not effective tax rate (i.e. with deductions) so you wouldn't really end up paying that much tax anyway, making the high salary worth even more after tax.

P.S. Just as an FYI... the tax code is made specifically so that what you're saying ("You'd make more by collecting a smaller check") doesn't happen.

actually it would be much higher. The top marginal tax rate was 91%, the entire income wasn't taxed at that rate. The person making $200k in 1963's first 20k was taxed at the same rate as the dude making 20k's income.

Yeah I commented on the fact that it would be higher above, though I didn't mention that part of it. Thanks.

yeah, somehow I missed that you did. My bad.

Nick Dipaolo in studio today

I hope we hear about the pussification of America and how phony liberals are


...and hilariously muttering "I don't like that" as ant guffaws over niggermania while everyone else, Nick included, stay utterly silent.

I had to punch out of Nick's appearance when within the first couple minutes he blamed immigrants and young people for voting in Obama. Really? It wasn't white democrats and black americans? It was the immigrants, because they don't understand America! Voters over 29 represented 81% of the votes in 2012. We need US born old dumb guinea's to right this ship. Get a grip, Nick. He's hilarious when he's not talking his old man politics.

He's hilarious when he's not talking his old man politics.

unfortunately him and Ant have to jerk each other off every appearance

Yeah Nick is one of the guests I least look forward to. I enjoy the guests that will argue with Ant because it's just damn entertaining.

Nick DiPaolo and Anthony working in tandem to complain about Obama, Obamacare, and liberals is sure to be a treat.

I thought there were a lot of laughs mixed in with the ranting and desperate callers.

I know. It should never be talked about, ever.

Not that it shouldn't be talked about, but it's often hearsay ranting using straw-man arguments while using a rose-colored glasses view of the past.

Fuck, I just now noticed that I do in fact deserve the downvotes, didn't see I was replying to the beloved (and kind of cute) SteveyKnight.

Nick will be in today to talk about his new buddy comedy that he stars in with Will Ferrell , Bill Murray and Joe Pesci. Jim will blow his brains out live on the air.

I wonder what Jimmy's retirement plan is...



I really hope Jimmy does that thing where he puts on his serious voice and talks about how much get loves the smell of a woman's arm pits and feet and says it's an "animalistic thing".

Comedy Central! What are you waiting for?!?!?!

He loves them the same way you love the smell of shitdicks.


The yeast-infection talk the other day got me close to gagging.

Yes, unfortunately it brought back a lot of similar memories.

Sam, don't do us any favors. Let Denny host the preshow.

Whoa. I tuned in for my short commute to work. Opie was wrapping up how his father made his family a church and he had a certificate he had to use to avoid paying taxes. I said, 'odd, they have the phone number on the pad data while it's in replay... IIRC he's going to mention buying shoes and refusing to use the certificate'. Sure enough.

Come back out from coffee shop, Ant is arguing with a caller who is saying listeners can't relate to his tax woes considering how he wastes more money gambling in a weekend than a lot of us make in a year.

Honestly until just now I thought the show was in best-of and this was a rerun

I liked that caller Jeff. He wasn't acting like a retarded caller and made some funny jokes while calling Anthony out.

I agree, but he ran into the same problem every smart caller has. Makes a great point, gets yelled over, and unable to retort. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

What was his "great point?" Hurr, Ant wastes his money so he shouldn't talk about taxes.

Don't compare your 50% tax bill (which btw, is 100% bullshit) to people making 40,000 because people making 40k worry about things like having enough money to pay bills



Opie: "The Hughes family was a church"

Anthony: "The funny thing is, Opie molested himself"

God damn Ant is quick.

Seems like the folks in /r/politics are paying this subreddit a visit.

seriously, this place is filling up with a bunch of limp wristed, slack jawed faggots

This guys tough. Tell us how to be a real man, edgy username.

Chew tobacco. It will make you a goddamned sexual tyrannosaurus. Like me.

I laughed. Fuckin Ventura. It's still amazing that he was a governor.

First thing is to not count on other to pay for your welfare and pay your own way. Subscribe to my mailing list for more

I certainly do. Where do I sign up for presumptuous ass weekly?

google meatspin and click on the first link

This guys internet references are up to date. Should I check out a lemon party too? With your username and your mailing list, ya internet hack.




What we need is more sexual tyrannosaurs


Dipaolo can get annoying with this "fuckin' PC liberal soccer moms..." stuff but he's really really quick and has a great laugh.

At least he doesn't pretend to read.

Remember when they would just let the phone caller talk and let him sink his own ship? Why just keep talking over them? Less is more.

No mention of the Patriot Act being invasive?? Way more invasive than taxes in my opinion.

but that doesnt help prove why liberals are bad. duh

Democrats support the Patriot Act and end to the fourth amendment, too. All of these politicians are complicit in the destruction of the country. To just focus on one party and rah-rah the other is foolish.

I agree but the conservatives kick started and to say that only a liberal government is invasive is just complete nonsense. Jimmy is the only one who is a moderate on the issue and I wish he would have used this example.

you missed the point fella

Ant and Dipaolo are political hacks, I understood your point, and I agree.

Ant and DiPaolo are hilarious together.

I liked america better when their grandfathers couldn't use white water fountains.

I liked Amereica better when you would have been beaten in the streets by your peers.

Aw you live in a shitty area. Im sorry

everyone loved the Patriot Act until they found out it was being used against bah-gawd white Americans instead of just terrists

Why would they?

Ugh another hour if Anthony "pretending" to be right

On which topic?

All of them apparently..

By the way, even if any is right, it's still an adults responsibility to look up laws that affect them.

The Affordable Care Act is literally 33,000 pages long. How can a citizen read and understand the law that affects them.

I was more meant to take a dish at the gun laws thing

But no, the ACA wasn't even read by the people who passed it. You can't just blame one guy, even though he could have stopped it.

Edit: Also the average novel is between 80k and 100k words, if the average person can go read all of 50 shades of gray but not a law, then there's a problem with society.

PAGES dumb fuck, not words.

Ah fuck im an asshole

That's a bit ridiculous, but then you do have to blame thepoliticans for that.

have you read every single line of the tax code?

Yeah contacting a health insurance company that does understand it is hard.

Great point. I agree.

he seems to be glossing over that small little fact. it's a person's responsibility to know and understand the law. Ant is just angry he has to do something on a computer that isnt gaming or complaining about libs /minorities

Yeah, it doesn't help that similar people call the show.

They're really entitled for people who bought jetskis on a credit card.


So now they're playing a video (Which we can't see, by the way) that they played TWICE yesterday?


yeah Ant didnt care about a guy getting a boat so big because he would just buy what he wanted on his credit card and not pay it back. it's cool!


Anybody got the name of that Jack White song they played coming back from break?

Did they really say to start a revolution in protest of the ACA? Ew.

Really wish AgathaC80 from twitter would call in like they asked.

People defending ObamaCare in general are looking pretty silly.

I agree. Obamacare has been a disaster so far but everyone does defends their party at all costs so a real conversation will never happen.


dipaolo is in??? time to go listen to ron and fez. i like dipaolos but im tired of his if your a democrat youre wrong a pussy and a communist and im always right because im white im republican and i pay taxes. everyfucking time hes on the show thats all he talks about.



Are you denying that your Jimmies weren't rustled? MAAAAAAAN

Hey everybody. Rabblerousers here not only used a meme but linked to a chart that lets him know when he's talking to a filthy librul.

No wonder you fools aren't taken seriously.


You talk like a faggot and your shit is all retarded.

I'm detecting "rustled jimmies". Are you okay?


yay, day 3. wooooooooo hoooooooooooo. more repeating talking points from "various" sources

you bore me.

give it a fucking rest.


He loves them the same way you love the smell of shitdicks.

The yeast-infection talk the other day got me close to gagging.

What we need is more sexual tyrannosaurs

This guys tough. Tell us how to be a real man, edgy username.

Wrong. According to that data:

$20k in 1963 = $152k in 2013

$200k in 1963 = $1,522k in 2013

$152k taxed at 56% = $66,880

$1,522k taxed at 91% = $136,980

You make more than double. And, this is marginal tax rate (i.e. without deductions), not effective tax rate (i.e. with deductions) so you wouldn't really end up paying that much tax anyway, making the high salary worth even more after tax.

P.S. Just as an FYI... the tax code is made specifically so that what you're saying ("You'd make more by collecting a smaller check") doesn't happen.

I'm detecting "rustled jimmies". Are you okay?