Opie and Anthony:Unmasked...Cancelled?

3  2014-04-01 by [deleted]

Opie mentioned there's a strong chance he's gonna cancel the Unmasked show due to the location and time constraints. Sirius XM doing the whole celebrity cupcake thing sounds so douchey and forced and why don't they just let Ronnie talk to them and have a normal interview?


I'm 100% sure Ron doesn't want any cupcakes near him either. What Opie said about time constraints and the venue being maybe little too made perfect sense - BUT THEY SHOULD HAVE FIGURED THEIR SHIT OUT BEFORE THEY ANNOUNCED THE PLACE AND DATE.

Agreed it all seems so disorganized

It is, mostly because of SiriusXM being a clusterfuck of a company, but Opie ain't helping. Just do the fucking normal unmasked and stop shitting it up. Always has to be fucking special and it bugs the piss out of a lot of people.


Opie always has to throw his two cents into everything and make it damn near impossible to organize anything for the show. He thinks he is so talented and brilliant when it comes to being a manager, and acts like every one of his hair brained ideas is something that's so obviously correct, that it makes him frustrated that it hasn't been done already.

God, he would be such a nightmare to work with and manage. Some one needs to sit him down and make him understand that he isn't even remotely as brilliant as he thinks he is. I just wish Anthony or Jim would just stop him in the middle of one of his bitch fits and tell him to shut the hell up and behave himself.

Greg "Axle Rose" Hughes

I think it's sudden realisation that not as many people give a fuck/even know about O&A as Opie thinks. Therefore, they cancel for some shitty reasons just so they don't get trashed for having such a pathetic occasion in comparison to the one Opies arch nemesis had.

An extended Unmasked with Ronnie B in the fishbowl or Carolines would be great. Let's not pretend like there needs to be a circus surrounding this.

When O&A did Letterman some years ago, they threw money in the air to attract a crowd as they went inside. Anyone who was there can confirm. If you've ever been to a live event you see the amount of people that show. Bar gigs with a 400 person capacity aren't too impressive for a show that has "Stern-esque" numbers. When Stern left CBS they had to shut a whole city block down for his party. When O&A did walk-overs, the same 12 people would show up everyday.

They sold out live shows in Cleveland and Chicago. You don't think it will be packed in NY?

What's the relevance? Dude, the morning mashup could pack a room in NY and they are fucking nobodies.

Opie feels they deserve more of a celebration, reality begs to differ.

If you're talking about their live shows in 2010 and 2012, those were free events.

So is this one

I was more pointing out that they didn't sell the tickets, so it's not right to say they were "sold out."

Ahh, I agree. "Full" would be a better term then.

I dunno about Chicago, but their "sold out" live show in cleveland was at the blind pig. Literally a bar. It's like saying they sold out a Buffalo Wild Wings. I'm sure Caroline's seats more people.

This is what I thought the reasoning for the cruise cancellation was. The cost ($300k or whatever) for a chartered cruise or group reservations was higher than what SXM would pay for them to host a free event and/or higher than they could get from ticket sales.

I think they should just conduct it like all the other Unmasked interviews and not try to complicate it. Ron Bennington mentioned how he really wants to do it and it's probably frustrating to have all this bullshit happen once everything was already scheduled and planned

Lets do an unmasked! Nah this venue isn't big enough for us and our fans, lets find a bigger place. Fuck it take it on the road to our famous cities.

Fuck you opie. just do it as planned and stop coddling your needs. Be the board op you are (and you're a good one) but fucking knock it off. HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON die.

Where is this hate coming from?

Nothing is ever good enough for him. Always gotta trump it up when really this is Rons deal.

I love the show. Been listening since new but fuck sometimes they're diva-in it up and fucking themselves. Or maybe take this shit offline. Leaves a bad taste.

Oh literal Century-3..... I'm aware that 60% of the threads are negative toward the Opester, but let's start another one. Just for the two of us

Opie really pissed me off today with his Diva attitude


cough Animation Festival 2 cough

GREGG HUGHES: Unmasked divaaaaaaa!!!

Due to Opie’s “cuntish” attitude, a dislike for the show is starting to creep into me. I skip through a majority of it after the first 90 mins.

Opies an asshole.

I honestly don't buy Opie's fake outrage, but if it's true it's a massive FU to Ron.

It's extremely disrespectful to Ron but it would be terrible if people interrupted the interview for a "Cupcake Ceremony."

It sounds like a massive FU to the audience to keep being interrupted by who-gives-a-fuck celebrities to deliver a fucking cupcake that they can eat on the air.

It would hurt Opie's feelings if Howard got a birthday bash and he only gets some hard hitting questions.

Unmasked DIVA.

I wish I could find it, but someone here just the other day mentioned that they wouldn't be surprised if Opie found a way to cancel it.

I'd give him gold, but I'm poor.

There's a gold bug exploit

He's playing a prima donna. He's acting like Howard.

They should honestly do a big city tour for the 20th. I'm in Boston and I NEED a live event to come here lol. Sometimes it seems like they're being bitchy when they talk about SXM not caring about the show, but then shit like this just proves their point. If you can have huge packed live events in multiple cities, just fucking do it. It's not like they won't have tons of people there, it's just a guarantee. Get real sponsors, it'll pay for itself. I mean you really have to go out of your way to miss these opportunities.

I agree. If SXM wanted to actually do this properly, they would have a long-form interview session (maybe around 2 hours). And have a few people that were integral or pivotal to O&A's career (that they haven't burnt any bridges with) come on for a few minutes and give us a story or memory from their tenure with the show. Instead they want some douchey celebrity walk-on appearances to give the boys cupcakes? What a joke.

I think it would be amazing if the show did some big fan event to celebrate the 20 year thing, a city tour or a meet and greet in a big place like Opie suggested. This isn't it. This is Ronnie B's Unmasked show in a different location. Trying to morph it into THE celebration is a little sad and I bet it's annoying to Ron, who's had much more famous people on the show without nearly this much headache.

I like Opie.


Where are all the Opie apologists?

Flinging poo at the bars of their cages