Jimmy's TV Show !?!

15  2014-04-01 by mr__hat

Amy Schumer mentioned it. (I think it's real, but who knows)


if true it will be cancelled in less than a season.

I'd be happy even if I only get to see a pilot of Your Baby's Dead.

I understand there's 1 or 2 cunts on here but how does a comment this fucked get up voted 19x. O&a truly have the worst fans ever

it's a show about shitting on everyone and everything. gee, i wonder what kind of people that will attract.

That's not what "fucked up" means. If I'm a fan of a shitty baseball team and I say "they probably aren't going to win the world series this year" is that fucked up? Does that make me the worst fan ever?

He's great on the show, but his stand up is worse then his contemporaries and there's no reason to believe that he can carry his own show based on what we've seen from his guest spots on other shows. Nobody is rooting against him, but it's not bad to be logical about things.

Using sports is a Terrible analogy. Not worth arguing. All you know is he has a show, you have no idea what it's about or going to look like. You're just being hating douchebags. The dude makes you laugh harder and more often then probably any other entertainer in the universe but he's incapable of making a funny show, right?

The dude makes you laugh harder and more often THAN probably any other entertainer but he's incapable of making a funny show, right?

no, i think bill burr is capable of that. also maynard is a faggot who can't sing live.

Nice you win the argument we were having cuz you pointed out a worthless spelling error I made, typing on my phone, not proof reading, or giving a fuck. Then you said another dumb thing that's not true or relevant.

i'm not arguing with you, i'm just calling your hero a flaming cocksucker.



Why would we support somebody that only seems to ever be concerned for himself. When his friends were successful getting shows and specials he wasn't happy for them ... he was jealous. So much so that it was evident on-air. Why would anybody want to reward that?

If he wasn't happy for his friends then his friends wouldn't be his friends anymore. But last time I checked him Louis, Colin, Amy are cool with each other. You're an idiot, just speculating nonsense. If he was truly a jealous dickhead then he wouldn't have successful *friends (edited for typo) you dummy


Let's take bets how many times Jimmy blinks an episode...

Maybe that's what the show is about

Where is he going to put his hands?

Use them to cover his eyes, of course.

Or hold them open and stop that blinking.

Ever see the Scrubs episode with Michael J Fox?

350 bpm

shots shots shots

Jimmy deserves is, he's a a sweet boy.

Sounds legit, Op and Ant obviously knew but it sounds like something of his finally got picked up.

Or piloted.

Something something picking up hookers. There's something there. Picking up an HIV test?

Sounded like he had a pilot either in production, or already filmed and currently under consideration. Comedy Central has done nothing but fuck Jimmy over because let's face it, he isn't marketable to their audience, so it'll probably be with FX which means delicious uncensored content.

Didn't Louie get to make a few shows? I'm guessing it's something with that

Could be, and he did say how grateful he was to Amy and Louie for putting him in their shows. Maybe he was just talking about Lucky Louie and the one or two episodes of Louie he was in, but it seemed fresher than that. Either way I do hope that Jimmy "makes it" and gets some cartoon voice work.

Or EPIX. He does have a history with them.

"He pushed 5 buttons"


"Jimmy Make a Funny"

i get on jim a lot but i would be happy for him if he had a show and i think i would enjoy it.

Me too. I was kind of imagining the standard comedians mirror of their life shows, which in this case could be very cool if they play on the radio job stuff . Kind of like what I expect the unmasked to be Except in TV form.

Unlikely but it would be. Cool

It's a new HBO drama: Grocery Man

Possibly by FX? Possibly explaining his steadfast defense of Louie? Possibly? It would be nice, I like Jimmy and I'd like to see him blow up.

Your wish comes true in this segment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEADcXf9GGY Possibly, Possibly, Possibly, Possibly, Possibly.

I dont think you're wrong about FX. When they signed Louie for a bunch more seasons part of the deal was Louie had all creative control and could make any pilots he wanted to, whether or not he was directly involved. To give Jim a chance at his interview show is definitely a possibility.

I doubt a show with Jimmy will work. He's an acquired taste and the gist of his humor will have to be toned down for Cable TV (unless it's HBO or something, which I doubt). He wants an interview show but I think he's overrated as an interviewer. He is usually knowledgeable about the interviewee but he rambles and stutters through questions. Something about a dress...a dress. When Jimmy asks questions I count how many times he answers his own question in the question then moves on to another question. I get dizzy when he rambles on.

I don't know if he is more knowledgeable about his interviewees than anyone else. For instance why has no-one asked Neil Tyson about being a champion ball room dancer, or a college level athlete or anything else in his past?

They should at least read the whole Wikipedia page about guests on the show.

I do think he does do a better job than Ant and Op. At least it seems like he prepares somewhat.

He is too disgustingly star struck to ever be a good interviewer. Ronnie B could interview The Pope and seem as chill and as laid back as chatting up a friend. Jimmy just stammers and asks for a picture. Yyyuuucckkk!

i remember colin, on a show a few years ago said that Jimmy had Col read his pilot script and Colin thought it was the funniest pilot he's ever read/seen. With that, I hope Jim gets his interview show going that also includes sketches and funny bits. (He mentioned this in that Tastemakers vid). It could be a lot like the Pete Holmes show, some interview, some bits, some sketch and opening w a solid monologue every night.

I wish Jimmy nothing but success.

I'm hoping it's a tv show based on Regular Joe.

It's a show about a nothing.

Bob Kelly called Jimmy to announce something on the latest episode of his podcast, but nothing came out of it. Maybe that has something to do with it.

That was Norton? I though it was some guy (his agent?) named Jim. I feel like such a fool.

It's OK, once Louis CK called Jim's advice show and riffed for a couple of minutes with Jim thinking the whole time it was just some caller named Louie. He finally had to say "it's me...your friend...Louis CK."

That was hilarious. Jimmy talked to him like any other caller for like 2 whole minutes before Louis was like "Jim, it's me your friend Louis"

If it's a half hour of this and that, I ain't got no complaints.

What will he do with his hands?

Whatever happened to Bawby Kelly's Cop show? I thought that got picked up?



Poor guy. Did he ever acknowledge this?

He talked about it on his podcast a few times.

Jimmy should do animation. He already has this cast of strange characters, and television networks have always let cartoons get away with things that comedians can't. Remember when South Park did a bit about cannibalism?

It's probably a post show of Louie like Chris Hardwick does with The Walking Dead. Jimmy will then continue to live in the shadows of his friend's success.

fuck if hes a diva as a radio personality now imagine how cunty hes gonna become if he has a tv gig.

i laughed at this but honestly i think he's been getting more and more cunty lately because he's still just a radio personality. most of his frustration seems to come from what he perceives as a stalled career.

don giv a fuuuuuuuuuk